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Seeing as this thread is back at the top I may aswell put up a link for another friends band. My friends back home see me as their way of getting them heard in America! :confused: ;) Ah well, every bit I can do to help. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/209/driverdown.html They are another band from Glasgow. They say their music is: [quote] "an atmospheric kind of rock, kinda trip-rok, an uber-tense ball of music" [/quote]:freak: So please check 'em out if you feel like it. Thanks, John Scotsman
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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Dak Lander: [b] [url=http://www.dakotanight.com/sound/stayinsong.mp3]Stayin\' Song[/url] [/b][/quote]Hey Dak. I can't really comment on the final deal cause i just got phones right now. But Damn, i love your voice! really nice to hear you with a band for the first time too. Thanks for sharing that one.[/b][/quote]Jeez Hall, I'm humbled & I appreciate it. For too many years I was concerned about singing because the voice is unique. What hindered me for years I'm coming to terms with and understand that it's MINE & no one elses. Thanks mang...


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by F_Fog: [b]Hello everybody! We are a five-piece finnish rock band called Fairytale's Fog and we would like you to listen our song "Wheel of time" and review it. http://www.soundmen.net/bands/Fairytale_s_Fog/Wheel_of_time.mp3 Here's also link to our mp3.com page: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/460/fairytales_fog.html Thank you already! :) [/b][/quote]Kinda reminiscent of some of the 70's stuff... There were some places I found hard to listen to. Like it went away from the idea. Overall pretty good stuff.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by Themuzic: [b]Please review a couple songs from colaboration project that started out as just a customer doing work at my studio Thanx in advance. [url=http://www.mp3.com/guntergeib]www.mp3.com/guntergeib[/url] [/b][/quote]I tried to play all & the thing stopped about 12 seconds in. I was able to do an individual check on some of the tunes. I kinda like that Dark Angel but there's some some of the vocal that's out of context & the drum loop??? Just ehh... I'll relisten to the others when I have more time but the basics are there. Some of the lyrics are kick. I'm thinking that when I have more time, this will be something good to listen to. There is some help needed in places in what I heard. I'll dig deeper when I have a chance.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Flyscots, [url=http://www.geocities.com/invainweb/noiseannoys.html]www.geocities.com/invainweb/noiseannoys.html[/url] was exactly that. Annoyed the hell out of me. Driverdown was much easier for me to listen to. There's some good stuff there. Neither is what I would normally listen to but driverdown blows the doors off invain. The overall production and, to me, talent is much better.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Been awhile since I checked this thread.But thanks Alan Dalton for the nice words.And Dak I really love Stayin Song.That has been one of my favorites of yours.I think you can really market your stuff.Bluegrass is white hot.I really like your slant on it.Bluegrass with the California harmonies. :thu:
jgc2002 is not responsible for damages ,injuries and or death as result of above post.Side effects include nasuea,dizziness,dry mouth,vomiting,blurred vision,nervousness,loss of memory and in extreme cases sexual side effects. www.mp3.com/salt_creek
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Kendrix come out - no Im not gay but I point you here http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/The_Grand_Slammers/index-1.html press the album button to see the songs Not drivin no cadillac and Home to me are on my newer 24 bit system and the rest are a few legacy tunes. No need to be kind - constructive crticism is more valuable to me than polite chatter.

Check out some tunes here:


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[quote]Originally posted by F_Fog: [b]Hello everybody! We are a five-piece finnish rock band called Fairytale's Fog and we would like you to listen our song "Wheel of time" and review it. http://www.soundmen.net/bands/Fairytale_s_Fog/Wheel_of_time.mp3 Here's also link to our mp3.com page: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/460/fairytales_fog.html Thank you already! :) [/b][/quote]I don't know how needed the funny into was, but it sure kiks in nice at section 2. Great sounding band. I especially dig the bass playing!
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[quote]Originally posted by CDave: [b]Here's some demos I've recently cut... all varied instrumentation, etc. I think my influences on the page should speak for themselves, let me know if you like/dislike/can critique. Thanks. -Chris [url=http://www.mp3.com/subparchoir]www.mp3.com/subparchoir[/url] [/b][/quote]It's hard to critique them but i thought the tunes were fun. The first one was a little too, i dunno, less fun? Barnabus jones is great.
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[quote]Originally posted by flyscots: [b]Seeing as this thread is back at the top I may aswell put up a link for another friends band. My friends back home see me as their way of getting them heard in America! :confused: ;) Ah well, every bit I can do to help. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/209/driverdown.html They are another band from Glasgow. They say their music is: [quote] "an atmospheric kind of rock, kinda trip-rok, an uber-tense ball of music" [/quote]:freak: So please check 'em out if you feel like it. Thanks, John Scotsman[/b][/quote]Tell them at least one guy really likes it. Neat vocal approach and i thought the tune was nicely balanced. Some of the sounds are a little too fakeish/demo-y but the Europeans like that don't they?
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[quote]Originally posted by Kendrix: [b]Kendrix come out - no Im not gay but I point you here http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/The_Grand_Slammers/index-1.html press the album button to see the songs Not drivin no cadillac and Home to me are on my newer 24 bit system and the rest are a few legacy tunes. No need to be kind - constructive crticism is more valuable to me than polite chatter.[/b][/quote]I'd like you to take this test........ This is a genuine psychological test. It is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be, that she fell in love with him there and then. A few days later the girl killed her own sister. Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? LOL. This stuff is really nicely recorded and performed. I just can't help but be freaked out by it though. It's fucking crazy shit. It fucks me up. I don't know what the hell is going on with it. It's plain crazy. That's all i have to say. ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b]Hey all. i know i haven't done any listening in a while and it seems to work real nice here in that people who post stuff to listen to, make a point of hanging around and listening and being constructive. So i'll go back to doin that some. My friend Brian Foulds and I are experimenting with some things and these two 30 sec commercial beds are an example So you know you may find yourself with a beautiful house, and a beautiful wife and you may ask yourself; how did i get here? and the days go by. and you still haven't listened to our songs yet. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Listen today friends. Yes, there is a free car . :) [url=http://www.seaweedmusic.com/privatedownloads/commercial%20beds/]2[/url] littlemigiggys[/b][/quote]Halljams , I liked new car better than edgy but both sounded very good on my small computer speakers at work. I loved the cymbal pitch change thing at the beginnning of new car. I dont dabble in jingles/commercials. Id see both these bits as great intros to a song.

Check out some tunes here:


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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Kendrix: [b]Kendrix come out - no Im not gay but I point you here http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/The_Grand_Slammers/index-1.html press the album button to see the songs Not drivin no cadillac and Home to me are on my newer 24 bit system and the rest are a few legacy tunes. No need to be kind - constructive crticism is more valuable to me than polite chatter.[/b][/quote]I'd like you to take this test........ This is a genuine psychological test. It is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be, that she fell in love with him there and then. A few days later the girl killed her own sister. Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? LOL. This stuff is really nicely recorded and performed. I just can't help but be freaked out by it though. It's fucking crazy shit. It fucks me up. I don't know what the hell is going on with it. It's plain crazy. That's all i have to say. ;) [/b][/quote]Well at least I got a response -even if it is that you seem to think I need psycological help. :D . It freaks you out. I dont get it. Anyway- bout the girl. I see a few possibilites 1) She had good luck meeting men at the first funeral and wanted to get to another one 2) Didnt want to risk the competition of the sister for the man of her dreams 3) Shes just plain crazy and there is no rationale that applies. Did I pass the test? Do I get a grade?

Check out some tunes here:


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Not too long ago, my band and I recorded a CD's worth of material in a marathon weekend at my home studio. I'm pretty new at the production side of live recording and would appreciate any objective input I can get. So what better audience than here? Please be honest; I can take it. One of the tunes is the link here: http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/youdid~1.mp3 I'll add some more when I have time. Let me add that this has not been mastered in fact it is in the rough stage so I can make changes. Thanks in advance. Paul
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[quote]Originally posted by Dak Lander: [b]Ani'Fa, a valued, insightful, member of these forums wrote a song called "Safe and Sound". I ran across the words and worked up a melody for the tune without hearing Ani's original. I sent it to her, she liked it, but we're both of the opinion that it would be nice to hear comments on my version versus hers. They are quite far apart as to genre & style. Do us a favor and give us honest, valued input. My version is, as all my solo stuff is, rough and stark. There is no processing of any kind. Recorded through an MXL1006 mic into a Phonic 1202 mixer, a Soundblaster Live card & into n-Track Studio. Ani's original, on the other hand, is much more polished sounding. We're not looking for critique in regards the above, nor is this a what's better thing. It's all about the song & genre & style differences. Here we go: [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/safe_sound.mp3]MY VERSION[/url] of Safe and Sound. [url=http://www.musicbizbuzz.net/mbb/whispers/safeandsound.htm]THE ORIGINAL[/url] version of Safe and Sound. Thanks in advance for taking the time.[/b][/quote]Hmm this is a bit too much of a win /lose situation as you set it up. But here goes. I found Anifa's melody to be more engaging and yours a bit more generic/predictable. Given your request that we ignore the arrangement and production thats the main observation I'd make. Anifa- you need to not hold back on the vocals. Let it rip and open it up. My feeling is that you can improve on this take if you do that. I liked the melody. Keep em comin.

Check out some tunes here:


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Hey thanks Kendrix. I believe both AniFa and I think it's a win/win situation. We agreed that it would be interesting to get responses because the versions are so different. The melody I put up, I did without hearing her version. She wrote one hell of a good song lyrics wise. When I heard her original version I though it was kick ass too. I listen to her version alot & agree that she just needs to let it go a bit more with her vocals. I have the song in my play list and perform it regularly so there are some people who now know that AniFa is a great writer. I always credit those "unknown artist/writer" songs when I do them live.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Kendrix: Oh shit you caught me. BTW - whats your address. :p [/b][/quote]Just on the left there [img]http://seaweedmusic.com/picsfornet/yard.bmp[/img] watch for traps. :p [/QB][/quote]OK but how can you live like that? I mean where's the nearest subway station. I bet its really hard to flag a taxi. And no Dunkin Donuts. Good luck. ;)

Check out some tunes here:


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Okay, so this is an old thread, with insane amounts of replies, so no one will probably check out my four zillionth post here, but my music, to see if it's any good, is accessible through the link in my signature. Warning: techno ahead

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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[quote]Originally posted by Veracohr: [b]Okay, so this is an old thread, with insane amounts of replies, so no one will probably check out my four zillionth post here, but my music, to see if it's any good, is accessible through the link in my signature. Warning: techno ahead[/b][/quote]In visions of divinity, i found the synth bass sound(G/Bb/G) thing Way relentless and too much a focus. That 4onthefloor kik thing needs to be used with some restraint too. The stuff/sounds you put on top are neat but there is a space that sounds un filled to me in the middle somewhere. I'm really not too hip to this kind of music but it sounds a little unfinished somehow. Some breaks would really be nice. Drum fills or an ambient no drum section or something. How bout a chord change? Is that allowed in this stuff? As for the other ones i found i had a similar problem with them feeling a bit unfinished. That's just how i hear them. Perhaps that is what you were going for. :)
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[quote]quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Veracohr: Okay, so this is an old thread, with insane amounts of replies, so no one will probably check out my four zillionth post here, but my music, to see if it's any good, is accessible through the link in my signature. Warning: techno ahead -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In visions of divinity, i found the synth bass sound(G/Bb/G) thing Way relentless and too much a focus. That 4onthefloor kik thing needs to be used with some restraint too. The stuff/sounds you put on top are neat but there is a space that sounds un filled to me in the middle somewhere. I'm really not too hip to this kind of music but it sounds a little unfinished somehow. Some breaks would really be nice. Drum fills or an ambient no drum section or something. How bout a chord change? Is that allowed in this stuff? As for the other ones i found i had a similar problem with them feeling a bit unfinished. That's just how i hear them. Perhaps that is what you were going for.[/quote]By "4 on the floor kik thing" do you mean the steady 1/4 note kick? If so, that's the hallmark of trance, definitely done on purpose. As for the chord changes, that was intentional to leave them out. I can see how if you're not into that kind of music, it may be a lesser quality, but it's common, and I usually prefer it that way in trance songs. You're probably somewhat right about them sounding unfinished. I've only been making this kind of music for a year or so, so I'm trying to find a "sound" I guess. However, I've been working on these songs, writing and recording and mixing and remixing, for so long I'm sick of them. Perhaps in the future I'll make some changes and make a "remixed" version of a couple songs. I agree about the need for a break of some sort. When I'm writing, I get carried away, lost in a "trance" (yuk yuk yuk!), and by the time I can step back from the song, I don't want to change it. I appreciate the comments, thanks!

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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