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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [QBDak ... Great results considering the tools you're using. WOW! Dude, your voice is so soulful, it almost brought a tear to my eye(It didn't only because I'm a cold hearted bastard). This is a very somple, but heart felt tune ... I like it! Jack[/b][/quote]Thanks for the kudu's Jack. As I get more into this recording stuff I'll pickup better equipment & maybe that'll help a bit. In the meantime, I'll struggle along. I'm better at doing the live stuff & that's usually a lot of fun. The recording is WORK![/QB][/quote]Well, it sounded pretty good to me. THat was actually a comment on your productions skills rather than your equipment. I've heard people with much better equipment get far less impressive results. Jack
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Ok, I guess I'm ready to throw myself to the wolves. I guess I'm looking for feedback on everything; performences, production, songwriting, everything. This stuff is all between 6 months and a year old, I've been really woodshedding on guitar recently. I guess I'll start recording again soon and would like some critiques to help me focus. It's so hard to get honest critisim from my friends and family, I'd like some gut reactions from fellow musicians. Jack [url=http://www.mp3.com/jack_mathers]www.mp3.com/jack_mathers[/url] Got, I just listened to this stuff on my computer monitors, and it sounds so damn muddy. WTF? It sounds fine on my Studio monitors.
I really don't know what to put here.
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Hello all, I invite you to visit my web site: http://nvintejoux.online.fr It has soundclips of my upcoming CD and more. Check it out and let me know what you think about my guitar playing or anything. It will contain soon, lessons and licks created for Chops from Hell (http://www.chopsfromhell.com/). And you'll enjoy soon a soundclips of "In Control" (Vinnie Moore) I recorded for Progressive Arts Music (http://www.progressiveartsmusic.com/), for the upcoming Shrapnel Tribute CD. Many thanks, later.
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[quote]Well, I like the fantastic part. But the nothing holding the track together part kind of hurts... Ouch!!! At this point all I can say is, if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. I know -- my profundity is awe inspiring. Maybe I'll get you with the next one. I appreciate you giving me your opinion, Steve. Thank you.[/quote]HAHA...well I didn't mean to come across so negative...I was nitpicking...overall I really dig the track...just telling you what I heard...my ears were longing for an instrument with a lot of sustain...at least in some sections. You've got a great track regardless.
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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]Cool Kyle...BTW, I have a short tune on my solo page that is almost a Christian tune...I think you might enjoy it: [b]"My Friend"[/b] http://www.artistlaunch.com/sleblanc It's just me and a guitar recorded live to DAT[/b][/quote]Steve, You Never Know: Nice harmonies. That little break hit the spot at just the right time. I really like the funkyness in the middle of the pop song. Very cool. It has a bit of a Grateful Dead vibe going on. Notes: Really, you're Chick Corea aren't you? Wait, check that, you're really all of Return to Forever in disguise! I knew that Jaco wasn't dead! Great musicianship. You are a monster player. Runaway: This reminds me of early Billy Joel. Somber-sweet. As with the other two, great production in general, but it feels like the guitar is ver thin at times, and WAY in the background. I almost feel like I'm working to hear it. I'll chaeck out more later ... Jack[/b][/quote]Thanks a lot for checking it out Jack...nice comments.
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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [b]Ok, I guess I'm ready to throw myself to the wolves. I guess I'm looking for feedback on everything; performences, production, songwriting, everything. This stuff is all between 6 months and a year old, I've been really woodshedding on guitar recently. I guess I'll start recording again soon and would like some critiques to help me focus. It's so hard to get honest critisim from my friends and family, I'd like some gut reactions from fellow musicians. Jack [url=http://www.mp3.com/jack_mathers]www.mp3.com/jack_mathers[/url] Got, I just listened to this stuff on my computer monitors, and it sounds so damn muddy. WTF? It sounds fine on my Studio monitors.[/b][/quote]Hey Jack. Solace, The delay on the vocal is a bit too much doubled for my taste, I dig your vocal though. The guitar is ripping throughout. The rhythm guitars could come up in the mix. Did you program or play the drums? I keep wanting to hear some straight 8ths on either the hihat/ride or some sort of percussion. I like the drum beat but I think maybe it needs something more steady to drive the groove. Overall...it's really cool, I enjoyed listening to it a lot which null and voids and criticisms above :) The Original Sin, Deep...I was really hoping this tune would break into a heavy funk groove at some point, it's a really heavy tune, almost too heavy, a break from that heaviness with either in your face jamming or funky jamming can be a nice contrast...just maybe keep that in mind when doing tunes like this in the future. I liked this song a lot but it didn't go anywhere if you know what I mean. You've got some cool music...take my comments with a grain of salt...I hate being a critic...it's not in my nature really, I wanted to just say "Hey I really dig this...great job" but you specifically asked for feedback so I did my best. Keep jamming bro.
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[quote]Originally posted by Lefthanded: [b]What the HELL...??? Anyone to review my music? hum...hoping it's not 'cause I'm French![/b][/quote]Dude...you just posted it this morning...give us a minute eh? You can spend that time going back through this monstrous thread and finding someone who never got any comments (there are quite a few actually)...listen to their music and tell what you think.
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b][QUOTE]Solace, The delay on the vocal is a bit too much doubled for my taste, I dig your vocal though. The guitar is ripping throughout. The rhythm guitars could come up in the mix. Did you program or play the drums? I keep wanting to hear some straight 8ths on either the hihat/ride or some sort of percussion. I like the drum beat but I think maybe it needs something more steady to drive the groove. Overall...it's really cool, I enjoyed listening to it a lot which null and voids and criticisms above :) [/b][/quote]Listening to it now, I guess I was a little heavy handed on the vocal effect(heavy chorus if I recall). I'm still getting used to hearing my voice, so I guess I was over-compensating. I looped the Drums, I couldn't play drums if my life depended on it ... lol. I definately agree that the drums need something ... I'll give some thought to your suggestions about the drum part ... they might fit the overall intent of the tune if I programmed them instead. Thanks for the cudos on the guitars, I'm looking forward to recutting the guitar tracks now that I'm a bit more proficient. I'm kinda new to the whole studio/recording thing, so I guess I was a little timid with bringing them up too much. [b] [quote] The Original Sin, Deep...I was really hoping this tune would break into a heavy funk groove at some point, it's a really heavy tune, almost too heavy, a break from that heaviness with either in your face jamming or funky jamming can be a nice contrast...just maybe keep that in mind when doing tunes like this in the future. I liked this song a lot but it didn't go anywhere if you know what I mean.[/b][/quote]I've gotton that comment from another person that it needs "a jam or something" to break it up. I like the idea of a funky break too. Well, everything is always a work in progress, so maybe I'll rework it if I come up with another idea that fits. [b] [quote] You've got some cool music...take my comments with a grain of salt...I hate being a critic...it's not in my nature really, I wanted to just say "Hey I really dig this...great job" but you specifically asked for feedback so I did my best. Keep jamming bro.[/b][/quote]I really appriciate the feedback Steve, you gave me some things to think about. I like hearing my songs through other peoples ears, it can really help me focus. Thanks again, Jack
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b][QUOTE]Originally posted by Dan South: [qb]Catching up: [b]Dan Worley[/b] - Excellent tune (Don't You Ever Give Up). I don't know who mixes your stuff, but you're not paying them enough. Great sound. I'm insanely jealous. :D [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Hey Dan, I just finished listening to the newest remake of "Don't You Ever Give Up". I think you got it now. My old ears like the outcome & it's one hell of a nice tune. I don't know if there's something needed in that freq range I lost but probably not, the song sound too full & complete to me to really need anything. :thu:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by Lefthanded: [b]Hello all, I invite you to visit my web site: http://nvintejoux.online.fr It has soundclips of my upcoming CD and more. Check it out and let me know what you think about my guitar playing or anything. It will contain soon, lessons and licks created for Chops from Hell (http://www.chopsfromhell.com/). And you'll enjoy soon a soundclips of "In Control" (Vinnie Moore) I recorded for Progressive Arts Music (http://www.progressiveartsmusic.com/), for the upcoming Shrapnel Tribute CD. Many thanks, later.[/b][/quote]Show off! Seriously, you can totally shred on guitar. Steve is right, the drums are a little lacking especially for some of the intersting rythmic figures that the guitar and bass are doing. Now, my real problem ... your guitar parts sound so much like Steve Vai's that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I think that's bad in a way, because if I heard your stuff playing somewhere, and didn't know it was you, I would think that it was Steve Vai. As in "Gee, Vai must have a new album out." I love to hear you with a unique tone that didn't remind me of someone else. Please don't think that I'm being unkind, because your playing just kills! But I would love to hear your stuff and think "Hey, Nicolas Vintajoux has a new album out!"
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [b]Ok, I guess I'm ready to throw myself to the wolves. I guess I'm looking for feedback on everything; performences, production, songwriting, everything. [url=http://www.mp3.com/jack_mathers]www.mp3.com/jack_mathers[/url] Got, I just listened to this stuff on my computer monitors, and it sounds so damn muddy. WTF? It sounds fine on my Studio monitors.[/b][/quote]On "Solace", a touch up in the mix on the guitars probably will help. On "The Original Sin", maybe the bass a bit too much in front? Does seem to need a break... On "I Want It", vocals too far out front? On all, with your strong vocals, less is more as far as any effects go. I'd like to hear more hat & cymbals. Those sounded a bit flat, no shimmer that I could pickup. Keep tweaking, they're all good starts.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Sylver (Jack), oki thanks. Are you a guitar player? Well, I don't care about my playing, some guitarist told that I should play more technical parts (more shred...) but my goal is not to be the faster one. Music is more important and tech support music, not music support tech. Some told me I sound like Satriani, Firkins, etc.. I don't know, maybe I have to change some stuff... but I never heard Vaï playing some Jazz Metal, oops :D
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[quote]Originally posted by Lefthanded: [b]Hello all, I invite you to visit my web site: http://nvintejoux.online.fr Many thanks, later.[/b][/quote]Man, I stopped by. You can sure play but it's not my kinda stuff. Instant headache for me. I flashed through all the tunes in the upper section & couldn't hang... Sorry...


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by junior4242: [b]FINALLY got some new music up at mp3.com "Maddog part II" has some great wah guitar and slap bass. FINALLY! http://www.mp3.com/TheSolarChurch [/b][/quote]No problems I could hear in playing. It's all good. Seems like the mixes are all fine. "The Dream We Walked In" is my favorite. Interesting stuff initially but after a while, I felt like it was the same as I heard before. The underlying groove seemed to be somewhat repetitious. I mean I could have the music on in the background at a low level & it would be nice but it's not something I'd want to play loud in the truck, spittin' gravel from the beneath the wheels & headin' out to somewhere...


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote][b]Originally posted by daklander: On "Solace", a touch up in the mix on the guitars probably will help. On "The Original Sin", maybe the bass a bit too much in front? Does seem to need a break... On "I Want It", vocals too far out front? On all, with your strong vocals, less is more as far as any effects go. I'd like to hear more hat & cymbals. Those sounded a bit flat, no shimmer that I could pickup. Keep tweaking, they're all good starts.[/b][/quote]I followed some bad advice when I mixed the guitars. I was told there was too much mid in the guitars, after listening to them again, I have to say, that I think I scooped all the best tone out of the guitar, which may be why they seem a little weak. And I definatelty think I went a little nuts with the effect on the vox parts. I guess I have to be comfortable with my vocals, I'm so critical of them. Yeah, I guess Original Sin does need something else. I was going foor minimalist, but I keep on hearing that it needs a break or jam or something in it. I'll keep the vocal levels in mind next time I listen to I want it. I think I need to re-level the whole thing. BTW, that guitarss on both Solice and I want it were both track with a processor, before I got my tube amp, so I'll probably re-cut them. Hmmmmm, I'll have to listen to the cybols again too. It all sounds flat to me now. I think I have to re-think my eq technique in general. Thanks for the tips, they've all been great so far! Jack
I really don't know what to put here.
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%?2?ally posted by daklander: [b]Hey Dan, I just finished listening to the newest remake of "Don't You Ever Give Up". I think you got it now. My old ears like the outcome & it's one hell of a nice tune. I don't know if there's something needed in that freq range I lost but probably not, the song sound too full & complete to me to really need anything. :thu: [/b][/QUOTE] Many thanks, daklander. I'm glad you found it to your liking. I appreciate the kind words -- it's very encouraging. Yeah, I re-shaped the low end because the bass guitar was lacking bottom and roundness (it didn't want to cooperate). I took care of the high freq sizzle that was there as the result of my screwing around with the high-band gain on my multiband compressor (that was stupid), and I adjusted the lead vox levels and took out some of the 4k so it would sit better in the mix. That's if for me. My mastering engineer will have to take care of the rest of it. I'm moving on. :) I'm hoping to have some time to give my comments on other's music. I've really appreciated everyone's help and I would like to reciprocate. Thank you! Regards, Dan Worley
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well, Steve..i listened to the changling and though technically i could never fault you (your way too much better than me!) i just thought it sounded too empty.i felt there wasn't enoght instruments (sorry, i prefer your Rhodes stuff!)...i'll have a check of the other stuff tommorrow- its about 4am and i'm just too tired. Sylver , i love the bass playing in the first two songs (again i'm too tired to listen to the last one) i'm not at all mad about the singing or the mixing, again it sounds a little empty, especially 'the original sin'...the drum, bass and vocals just dont fill it up for me. I'm in an awful critical mood! jeez, i wish someone would pull the shit out of my stuff so i know where to cop on to myself! -starfucker
Visit my band : www.neonfleacircus.net or www.myspace.com/neonfleacircus
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[quote]well, Steve..i listened to the changling and though technically i could never fault you (your way too much better than me!) i just thought it sounded too empty.i felt there wasn't enoght instruments (sorry, i prefer your Rhodes stuff!)...i'll have a check of the other stuff tommorrow- its about 4am and i'm just too tired.[/quote]heh, I agree with you 100% (not the part about being better than you, we're just different:))...it was just a quick jam...my brother and I fooling around...just a jam on my new organ. Don't worry...we'll be doing a lot of new tracks soon and believe it or not our engineering skills are actually getting pretty good. There's a lot of music I don't share with you all...all in time. :D
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[quote]Originally posted by Lefthanded: [b]What the HELL...??? Anyone to review my music? hum...hoping it's not 'cause I'm French![/b][/quote]"The Black Sun" - reminds me of Joey Taffola a bit... Sounds like a Marshall JMP preamp? Like the inverted rhythm track.... Schenker-type tone... Ahh, the bit that starts at 2:05 is very cool, I like the openness of it.. cool change, "curious" vibe. Production wise, I think the hat is too loud and the rhythm tracks could come up a smidge - good sound overall.... "Ground Zero" - loud high hat... I like the arpeggio sequence on the intro.. I also like the change at the end of it.. man, the hat is LOUD, like Santa Claus is coming or something! Has a cool "laid back nu-metal" vibe... Cool use of harmonizer effects at the end, gives it a modern element... I like the choir section in the middle, I think it would be more effective if you saved that for JUST the middle section, and not telegraph it at the beginning. "Sublime" - like the pads.... moody, big vibe, theme has a cool thematic feel, sort of like.. hmm... reminds of I think either a Seal tune, or maybe.. hmm. I dunno, tip of my mind, can't think of it now.... NO, wait, I know, it's like a tune by Tangerine Dream from the the cd for the music to that tv show they did music for, I can't remember the title of it now - actually, your guitar sound reminds me a lot of their sound now as well... Cool stuff, I used to do sort of a similar thing, but I don't have anything on the net at the moment. What games have you done music for? How'd you get into that if you don't mind me asking? Your turn: "Provoked Food Response" http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/193/chip_mcdonald_guitar_music.html (mind you the above is a joke...)

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b] I get the Wallflower comment a lot on this song. I don't know if that's good or bad.... [/b][/quote]Hey Dan, I meant that as a good thing!! [quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]I didn't hear Wallflowers as much as a Tom Petty influence....[/b][/quote]Hey Steve, I'd say The Wallflowers are pretty much Tom Petty, except with Dylanesque vocals. :) Funnily enough, on the RockNRoll Hall Of Fame thing that just happened, Jacob Dylan inducted Tom Petty, so there you go! Macle
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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b] I get the Wallflower comment a lot on this song. I don't know if that's good or bad.... [/b][/quote]Hey Dan, I meant that as a good thing!! [/b][/quote]Oh, good!!! For all I knew you might absolutely hate the Wallflowers. :) To be honest, I'm only familiar with one of their songs, something about driving home with a busted headlight...or something like that. I did like the feel of that tune, though. I understand now that their lead singer is Bob Dylan's son. Hey, I'm old, I don't keep up with this stuff. I don't watch TV or listen to the radio hardly at all. If I listen to too much of other people's music, then I start writing like they do. Let me put that another way; I start wishing I could write like they do, and then I get discouraged and don't write. I have to carefully monitor what I listen to -- sounds weird, but it's true. I won't write for a week if I listen to an old Bruce Springsteen album. BTW. For anyone else who's reading this. Macle's songs were the first things I heard when I started exploring this thread a couple of weeks ago. Oh, man, was I impressed -- and intimidated. I contacting him privately to tell him how much I enjoyed his music and how talented I thought he and his girlfriend (I found out later. I love her voice) were. I just want to go on record publicly that I (along with a lot of other people, I'm sure) am blown away by what they come out with. If I ran a label, I would sign the two of them in a heartbeat. Not only as talent, but I would also sign Macle as a producer. Regards, Dan Worley
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Asking for a little help here as well. Anyone who has time or inclination I would ask to download an mp3 from here and let me know what you think of the guitar sound on this. I am sure I could have probably done a better job with the recording as really I am just starting to learn recording. I used my Dual Rectifier and a Recto cab. Mic'ed with an sm57 close mic'ed to the center of the cone. The only mic-pre I have at present is an ART. I need to get a better one of those I know as I am going direct to my sound card which is the standard one on the pc... Not even SoundBlaster Live quality... That is my very next purchase, a quality sound card... Thanks in advance guys! Song is called "Coming To Get You" Ps. The playing I know is not the best so kinda overlook it...lol riffy http://artists3.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Lone/
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[quote]Originally posted by riffy: [b]Asking for a little help here as well. Anyone who has time or inclination I would ask to download an mp3 from here and let me know what you think of the guitar sound on this. I am sure I could have probably done a better job with the recording as really I am just starting to learn recording. I used my Dual Rectifier and a Recto cab. Mic'ed with an sm57 close mic'ed to the center of the cone. The only mic-pre I have at present is an ART. I need to get a better one of those I know as I am going direct to my sound card which is the standard one on the pc... Not even SoundBlaster Live quality... That is my very next purchase, a quality sound card... Thanks in advance guys! Song is called "Coming To Get You" Ps. The playing I know is not the best so kinda overlook it...lol riffy http://artists3.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Lone/ [/b][/quote]I don't know why you're apologizing for the sound or the playing. Man! You're a player!!! The name riffy fits you. As far as the guitar sound goes-- I think it sounds good, but I would change it up more often. Add a little more mid-range bite, and go after some low heavy growlers from time to time. Also, there's too much reverb for me. I'm one who believes reverb is waaaaay over-used and is the cause of a lot of poor mixes. Turn your reverb down, or off, and listen how the guitar is suddenly more pronounced and interesting--of course playing without a lot of reverb is more difficult, but that will make you a better player. Your riffs are even more impressive if you use less reverb because the notes won't run into one another as much. I listened to quite a few of your songs and I was very impressed with your playing ability. I like that you try to keep it melodic and don't just show off the speed. Regards, Dan Worley
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What Dan said...I got tired of the repetitious nature of "Coming To Get You". I liked the overall thing, your playing is very good & actually, for what you say you're going into, the quality is fine. I just needed it to change a bit more. I felt like I was listening to the same thing over and over. I haven't had time to check out your other stuff but will. Overall, it's a good start. Keep a workin' it.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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