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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Senior South, I finally got the chance & time to just load up your playlist & let'er rip. Pretty darned impressive in my book. Run that whole list cranked up through that Utah Salt Flats run & you'd be in SLC in no time. :thu:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]OK Y'all, Kick my butt... [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/neverdonethatbefore.mp3]Never Done That Before[/url] The original stuff was run through a Realistic mixer, a track at a time, direct into a Soundblaster Live card. I redid the Vocal through a Phonic mixer. All was recorded through nTrack Studio. No Pro Tools & etc. I know it still needs work...Where do I go from here??? Other than learning to sing & play...[/b][/quote]Beautiful song...you know what's lacking production wise so I won't critique that...the vocal is definitly sung from the heart...I can feel you. Thanks for sharing this.
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[quote]Monsieur LeBlanc - I got through about 1.5 minutes of the Changeling before some network glitch stopped the stream. Beautiful Hammond/Leslie sound on the part that I did hear...[/quote]Hey Dan, I'm glad you enjoyed what you heard...it's just an improv jam my brother and I recorded at about 5AM last Friday after jamming all night (it's a very rough live mix). Still finding out what sounds I can get out of my new toys (Hammond Organ and Leslie)...having a ball so far. Artistlaunch is very close to moving their whole operation to new faster servers...sorry your stream got cut off yesterday.
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [QBBeautiful song...you know what's lacking production wise so I won't critique that...the vocal is definitly sung from the heart...I can feel you. Thanks for sharing this.[/QB][/quote]Thank you Steve, that's really appreciated. I guess it's pretty obvious I kinda like the hotty I'm married to now. In fact I married her twice. :D


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by Themuzic: [b]Check out my CD. It's got a pretty good varity on it. [url=http://www.mp3.com/johnny_geib]My Muzic[/url] [/b][/quote]Great vocals. I can listen to this.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Hey Kyle...great sounding track...really present and fat. The vocalist is good...he could stretch out a bit more though...he just seems a bit too careful. Good stuff...I liked it a lot and I'm an atheist ;) [/QB][/quote]Thanks for listening Steve! I appreciate your comments.. KYle http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]My brother and I recorded this Live Friday night: [b]"Changeling"[/b] http://www.artistlaunch.com/jamfree [/b][/quote]Ya know Steve, if you keep this up, I'll start to like the Rhodes sound. I do like the tunes [url=http://artistlaunch.com/artist.asp?artistid=1519]HERE[/url] more though. A better fit to my tastes.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]I do like the tunes HERE more though. A better fit to my tastes.[/quote]heh, yeah I figured that much...I have over 60 'tunes and jams' uploaded to the internet...I try to touch on at least a little of every style. Here's a few more pages in case anyone's interested: http://www.artistlaunch.com/leblanc (Funk band with my two brothers and my Dad) http://www.artistlaunch.com/cassettes (demos recorded when I was a teen) http://www.besonic.com/rbc (R&B/Pop stuff)
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]Cool Kyle...BTW, I have a short tune on my solo page that is almost a Christian tune...I think you might enjoy it: [b]"My Friend"[/b] http://www.artistlaunch.com/sleblanc It's just me and a guitar recorded live to DAT[/b][/quote]Man, what can I say...I'M TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!!!! Dude, if you had a record out I would buy it right now! I listened to all of your tracks from beginning to end and all I can say is, wow. You need to stop whatever you're doing and cut a serious record. You have great style, vocals, music, and your songs aren' predictable (great movement). Steve, do you ever go back and listen to the stuff you wrote back in high-school and go "Man! I wish I could spend the time on music I did back then!"? I listen to stuff I created in high school and I'm usually blown away. I get bummed and think I've lost the creativity I had back then. I used to have an EPS in high school myself. I was in sequencing heaven!!! It also sounds like you had some Kansas, King Crimson, and Toto influencing you. Kansas was my fav. band. You must be around 30-34 yrs old to have an EPS in high school. I'm 33. You're a great drummer as well. Dude, "My Friend" is a very well written and performed song. There is hope for you yet man...HeHe.. I loved the movement in the song and you did a great job on the vocals. Do you have anything recorded recently I could listen to? Thanks for letting me enjoy your creations.. Kyle
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[quote]Man, what can I say...I'M TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!!!! Dude, if you had a record out I would buy it right now! I listened to all of your tracks from beginning to end and all I can say is, wow. You need to stop whatever you’re doing and cut a serious record. You have great style, vocals, music, and your songs aren' predictable (great movement). Steve, do you ever go back and listen to the stuff you wrote back in high-school and go "Man! I wish I could spend the time on music I did back then!"? I listen to stuff I created in high school and I’m usually blown away. I get bummed and think I've lost the creativity I had back then. I used to have an EPS in high school myself. I was in sequencing heaven!!! It also sounds like you had some Kansas, King Crimson, and Toto influencing you. Kansas was my fav. band. You must be around 30-34 yrs old to have an EPS in high school. I'm 33. You’re a great drummer as well. Dude, "My Friend" is a very well written and performed song. There is hope for you yet man...HeHe.. I loved the movement in the song and you did a great job on the vocals.[/quote]Wow, thanks for the kind words Kyle...It's really cool you "get" what I'm doing musically...my ego has been highly bruised lately...I needed that. :) I'm turning 30 this year, I used that EPS a lot up until I was 23 or so...I still use it sometimes but much prefer 'real' sounds these days (Rhodes/Acoustic Piano/Hammond Organ/Guitar). I always wish I had more time to finish old music properly, work on new stuff, etc. etc. I have a wife and son to support both monetarily and emotionally. If I could afford to lock myself in a studio for a month or two, who knows what I'd come up with...as it is now (and has been for the last 7+ years), I do kinda rushed sessions, just trying to get the music out of me. Do you know a Millionaire that would like to pay me to record? :D If any of my current music can generate real income, I might be able to find the time required to record most of this music properly. I really dig Kansas and listened to all of their albums when I was a kid...but it wouldn't be fair to list them as a main influence...my brother and I have literally HUNDREDS of records the number of influences is huge. The latest stuff I've recorded is located here: http://www.artistlaunch.com/jamfree Some of it's experimental/improv (mostly the live stuff)...the rest is everything from Rock, Country, Soul, Funk, Jazz. I'm recording a full-band version of "My Friend" this month...I'm spending more time on it than usual so it should sound pretty pro, the music will be tight anyway. Thanks again for listening and the enthusiasm...you've made my day! P.S. Just so you know...I have a ton of music I haven't put on the internet for free yet...some of it is (IMO) much better than what I have up now.
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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [QBMan, what can I say...I'M TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!!!! Dude, if you had a record out I would buy it right now! I listened to all of your tracks from beginning to end and all I can say is, wow. You need to stop whatever you're doing and cut a serious record. You have great style, vocals, music, and your songs aren' predictable (great movement). Steve, do you ever go back and listen to the stuff you wrote back in high-school and go "Man! I wish I could spend the time on music I did back then!"? I listen to stuff I created in high school and I'm usually blown away. I get bummed and think I've lost the creativity I had back then. I used to have an EPS in high school myself. I was in sequencing heaven!!! It also sounds like you had some Kansas, King Crimson, and Toto influencing you. Kansas was my fav. band. You must be around 30-34 yrs old to have an EPS in high school. I'm 33. You're a great drummer as well. Dude, "My Friend" is a very well written and performed song. There is hope for you yet man...HeHe.. I loved the movement in the song and you did a great job on the vocals. Do you have anything recorded recently I could listen to? Thanks for letting me enjoy your creations.. Kyle[/QB][/quote]Damn it! i have been listening to Steve's music all morning and was just about to write that exact post! :cry: Steve, i never know what to say after i hear a new peice from you. Your musicianship is outstanding an your fearless attitude is beautiful. There is nothing i can think of suggesting as a listener in terms of constructive criticism even. You do what you do with great conviction and it stands up strong. So as far as feedback on your music, the best i can do is let you know i always check it out and always enjoy it. I think your singing voice is something i'd like to hear ALOT more. It's really really great man. Thanks for sharing :thu:
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[quote]There is nothing i can think of suggesting as a listener in terms of constructive criticism even.[/quote]Well...I think that depends on which mix you encountered that day :D But actually you're right...I generally know what's technically wrong with my stuff, fortunately I had a wonderful Dad who taught me not to dwell on that aspect of music...oh and he taught me how to be a really good Christian too...so I'm a pretty good Christian...for an Atheist. :confused: :thu: hahaha Thanks for listening... Live for Peace.
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Steve, I'm sure people have already said this to you but, at times I think I'm listening to Phil Keaggy. Your creativity and vocals sound similar to his. Were you ever a Keaggy fan? http://www.philkeaggy.com/ Kyle
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Kyle, Thanks for the tips. I'll probably remix all of this material at some point, because I have yet to do a mix that doesn't annoy me in one way or another. I just don't know what I need to do to fix them. :D The exception is the concerto, which is meant to be a demo. I hope to have it recorded by a live ensemble sometime, hopefully engineered by someone who knows what they're doing, i.e. not me. ;) Daklander, Glad to hear that you're on the upswing. Thanks for your comments. Music and automobiles, what a beautiful combination! If a tune makes you drive faster, it can't be all bad. :)

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [b]Dan Worley[/b] - Excellent tune (Don't You Ever Give Up). I don't know who mixes your stuff, but you're not paying them enough. Great sound. I'm insanely jealous. :D [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Thank you very much for the compliment, Dan. You're too kind. I do my own mixing, and all I can say is thank God for automation. :) I received a lot of help on this one from members of these forums--specifically Lee and Sign. They helped make the mix much better than it would of been. It's been a fun process, but I'm tired of this song now, so it's time to move on. Thanks again. I'll have to check out the tunes on your website. I'm looking forward to that. Thanks again. Regards, Dan Worley
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b]This is a re-mix of a song I did after getting help from the kind folks on Roger Nichols' forum [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url] [/b][/quote] [quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:[b] The mix is fantastic. I didn't hear Wallflowers as much as a Tom Petty influence...in my opinion this song would be helped greatly by a good slide player with a fuzz tone...Pedal Steel even...just my 2 cents. I just feel like the glue to hold the track together is missing...maybe just mixing the organ a bit louder would help.[/b][/quote]Well, I like the fantastic part. :) But the nothing holding the track together part kind of hurts... Ouch!!! :cry: At this point all I can say is, if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. I know -- my profundity is awe inspiring. Maybe I'll get you with the next one. I appreciate you giving me your opinion, Steve. Thank you. Regards, Dan Worley The song we're talking about: [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url]
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[quote]Originally posted by junior4242: [b]"He's Gone" is a tune we wrote for our good friend who is currently in training for the U.S. Army Rangers. It's like a tribute, I guess. He actually had a Japanese Television Station interview him and his family right before he left for training. http://www.mp3.com/TheSolarChurch [/b][/quote]Nice exersise in New Age. I listened to this on two different sets of speakers, the kick sounded a bit clicky on my more demanding studio speakers. There are a few spots where the fretless is a touch out of intonation, nothing overwhelming but out just the same. I feel like by about middle of the song, the main theme has repeated a bit too much without a change, but this tune is pleasant over all.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b]This is a re-mix of a song I did after getting help from the kind folks on Roger Nichols' forum, the d8b forum and the d8b list. Let me know what you think before I do the final, final, final mix before mastering. The old mix is still there, too, so you can compare. [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url] Thanks and regards, Dan Worley[/b][/quote]Good tune. Very tight rhthymically. It reminds me a lot of Tom Petty's earlier stuff. The vocal is different enough, though. Good Rock and roll. I'd like to hear just a hair more of that lead guitar poking through the mix.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [b]Well, here's another installment from my band. It was actually mixed in Sonar at my house computer and the song was recorded in one evening. Tell me what you think of the production and mix. Also, tell me the truth, do you think our lead singer is good enough to do this on the national level? I'd like your opinions. Thanks! http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3 Thanks for listening!! Kyle[/b][/quote]Good pop/rock song. Taken in parts, I like them all, but together, I feel like the whole song isn't challanging enough for my taste. It feels like it needs some kind of bridge/break that is different from the rest of the song. The singing does sound a bit flat and emotionless. He needs to pick it up a notch, I think.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]My brother and I recorded this Live Friday night: [b]"Changeling"[/b] http://www.artistlaunch.com/jamfree [/b][/quote]Steve, I really wanted to listen to your stuff, but Artist launch was really fighting me. Do a lot of people have problems, or did I try on the wrong day?
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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]OK Y'all, Kick my butt... [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/neverdonethatbefore.mp3]Never Done That Before[/url] The original stuff was run through a Realistic mixer, a track at a time, direct into a Soundblaster Live card. I redid the Vocal through a Phonic mixer. All was recorded through nTrack Studio. No Pro Tools & etc. I know it still needs work...Where do I go from here??? Other than learning to sing & play...[/b][/quote]Dak ... Great results considering the tools you're using. WOW! Dude, your voice is so soulful, it almost brought a tear to my eye(It didn't only because I'm a cold hearted bastard). This is a very somple, but heart felt tune ... I like it! Jack
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [b]Well, here's another installment from my band. It was actually mixed in Sonar at my house computer and the song was recorded in one evening. Tell me what you think of the production and mix. Also, tell me the truth, do you think our lead singer is good enough to do this on the national level? I'd like your opinions. Thanks! http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3 Thanks for listening!! Kyle[/b][/quote]Good stuff. I can't believe you voice considering your age. Keep it up! Production sounds very good too.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [QBDak ... Great results considering the tools you're using. WOW! Dude, your voice is so soulful, it almost brought a tear to my eye(It didn't only because I'm a cold hearted bastard). This is a very somple, but heart felt tune ... I like it! Jack[/QB][/quote]Thanks for the kudu's Jack. As I get more into this recording stuff I'll pickup better equipment & maybe that'll help a bit. In the meantime, I'll struggle along. I'm better at doing the live stuff & that's usually a lot of fun. The recording is WORK!


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Night Drive Through Vegas: Killer lead synth sound! Kinda trance-like. I felt like this kinda needs something ... not sure what ... maybe a distorted Guitar acting a pad. Three: Nice textures. It's very impressionistic. Would be good incedental track stuff. Rain Dance: Pretty cool house/techno vibe. I could see the strobes and feel the X kicking in and the sweaty bodies bumping into me. Nice bass groove, I like the way it builds. Hsve you considered putting some spoken work stuff in the backround. It could be really neat, IMO. I'll listen to more later ... Jack
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]Cool Kyle...BTW, I have a short tune on my solo page that is almost a Christian tune...I think you might enjoy it: [b]"My Friend"[/b] http://www.artistlaunch.com/sleblanc It's just me and a guitar recorded live to DAT[/b][/quote]Steve, You Never Know: Nice harmonies. That little break hit the spot at just the right time. I really like the funkyness in the middle of the pop song. Very cool. It has a bit of a Grateful Dead vibe going on. Notes: Really, you're Chick Corea aren't you? Wait, check that, you're really all of Return to Forever in disguise! I knew that Jaco wasn't dead! Great musicianship. You are a monster player. Runaway: This reminds me of early Billy Joel. Somber-sweet. As with the other two, great production in general, but it feels like the guitar is ver thin at times, and WAY in the background. I almost feel like I'm working to hear it. I'll chaeck out more later ... Jack
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