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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [QBBand in a Box is a good tool for practicing and songwriting, but keep in mind that it's autoaccompaniment software, i.e. the computer decides what notes to play. This is far different than a musician automating his or her own ideas with a sequencer. [/QB][/quote]Yeah, I'm aware of that & have used it for the reasons you stated. I still don't like the sound. There was a post on another thread about no midi in Bluegrass. Well, my friend did some bluegrass stuff & the banjo's not even close. That's the kind of stuff I don't like. It's ok for learning & writing &. to me, that's it. William's song is worth listening to. Overall I like it, and the hook. I just would like to hear it with the real stuff but understand why W.F. did it that way.


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"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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I hope this post gets to where it's supposed to be! Hi,My name is Bluesbone and I have a song I'd like to have reviewed by my peers.To listen,go to [url=http://www.mp3.com\Bluesbone]www.mp3.com\Bluesbone[/url] Any feedback good or bad is welcome! Sorry, I do not know how to post a link.
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[quote]Originally posted by Rader Ranch: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] [url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQv2jIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABDL7ZuPKX5ExiD95V5DXBWti6.yZs-/Immortal.m3u]Immortal[/url] Is a love song I've written to my wife - recorded with quartet of strings and a live Harp... Danny[/b][/quote]cool tune Danny. this may sound weird, but i think it sounds like something for Sting...[/b][/quote]Well if Sting will ask real nice I'm sure we can arrange something... :D Thanks Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

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Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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"He's Gone" is a tune we wrote for our good friend who is currently in training for the U.S. Army Rangers. It's like a tribute, I guess. He actually had a Japanese Television Station interview him and his family right before he left for training. http://www.mp3.com/TheSolarChurch
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This is a re-mix of a song I did after getting help from the kind folks on Roger Nichols' forum, the d8b forum and the d8b list. Let me know what you think before I do the final, final, final mix before mastering. The old mix is still there, too, so you can compare. [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url] Thanks and regards, Dan Worley
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b]This is a re-mix of a song I did after getting help from the kind folks on Roger Nichols' forum, the d8b forum and the d8b list. Let me know what you think before I do the final, final, final mix before mastering. The old mix is still there, too, so you can compare. [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url] Thanks and regards, Dan Worley[/b][/quote]Nice tune. I especially like the vox and big electric guitar sound. I found the vocal was a better volume in the old mix, it's too loud at times(second verse) for me in the new mix, maby in between somewhere would work. It's a real individual thing i guess. Also, it sounds like you've added some top end in the acoustic and cymbal area in the new version and it sounds like cheap EQ. I'd hold off on that move and if your getting it mastered anyway, let them add it. Other than that the second mix kiks, sounds really really good man. :)
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What Hall said except my old ears didn't hear the eq problem. It might be in the range of hearing loss I have. If the vocal is moved back in the mix just a bit... Very nice tune.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Well...your either gonna like this song, or hate it. Last month I was messing around, and came up with this funny song that I used samples from an old nursery song lp, and old Jane Fonda work out lp. I just did this for fun. Some may feel this song is kidish, but I wasnt trying to get a grammy with this song...so who cares. I used samples and programmed some stuff. If you have time and can listen, I would appreciate it. Its a pretty short song, so it wont take much time. Hope a few of you like it. Take Care!

"Without music, life would be a journey through a desert"


I'm just a low frequency 2nd harmonic kind of guy :P


"He's not afraid of your judgements he knows of horrors worse than your hell, he's a little bit afraid of dying but he's alot more afraid of your lying"

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Oh my...heres the link sorry http://www.mp3.com/Alpha_Peak

"Without music, life would be a journey through a desert"


I'm just a low frequency 2nd harmonic kind of guy :P


"He's not afraid of your judgements he knows of horrors worse than your hell, he's a little bit afraid of dying but he's alot more afraid of your lying"

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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b] Nice tune. I especially like the vox and big electric guitar sound. I found the vocal was a better volume in the old mix, it's too loud at times(second verse) for me in the new mix, maby in between somewhere would work. It's a real individual thing i guess.[/b][/quote]I'm not quite happy with how the lead vox sits in the mix either. It's real close, though. I added a bit of gain around 4k, and I think I over did it. The old mix has no EQ on the vox at all. I got a lot of requests to bring the vocal up more in the old mix. I think you're right, somewhere in between will be the answer. Because it's my voice, I tend to want to hide it. [quote][b]Also, it sounds like you've added some top end in the acoustic and cymbal area in the new version and it sounds like cheap EQ. I'd hold off on that move and if your getting it mastered anyway, let them add it.[/b][/quote]Boy, you people have good ears around here. :) Lee Flier picked up on the same thing (she's terrific, btw). I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to paste in my reply to her from Roger's forum: "I think I screwed that up when I was getting the 2-mix ready for MP3 conversion. The raw 2-mix isn't like that. I don't ever do any processing to the raw 2-mix because mastering takes care of that. I usually leave about two-three dbs' worth of headroom on all my mixes just so the mastering engineer has some headroom to work with. However, if I convert to MP3 with those lower levels, the resulting MP3 tends to sound a bit puny and people complain that they have to turn their volume up. So, I run the 2-mix through a multiband comp. and then a limiter on my DAW and lightly apply those and bounce to disk. I then convert that bounced file to MP3. Well, when my ears were tired I started messing around with the high-band gain on the compressor, and I went, "Hey, what nice brilliant, sizzling cymbal and bell shots." Ugghhh! I should never screw around with that stuff because I have some hearing loss in the high freqs, and when my ears are compressed it makes it worse, of course. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I won't do that anymore." [quote][b] Other than that the second mix kiks, sounds really really good man. :) [/b][/quote]Thank you. That's very nice to hear. I really appreciate you taking the time in listening and giving me your opinion and advice -- it really helps me out. Regards, Dan Worley The song: [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url]
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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]What Hall said except my old ears didn't hear the eq problem. It might be in the range of hearing loss I have. If the vocal is moved back in the mix just a bit... Very nice tune.[/b][/quote]Thanks, daklander. I have hearing loss in the high freqs., too. What a bummer. I'm moving the vocals back a touch and making some other changes that Lee suggested. Then it's in the can... I hope. Regards, Dan Worley
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Well, here's another installment from my band. It was actually mixed in Sonar at my house computer and the song was recorded in one evening. Tell me what you think of the production and mix. Also, tell me the truth, do you think our lead singer is good enough to do this on the national level? I'd like your opinions. Thanks! http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3 Thanks for listening!! Kyle
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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [b]Well, here's another installment from my band. It was actually mixed in Sonar at my house computer and the song was recorded in one evening. Tell me what you think of the production and mix. Also, tell me the truth, do you think our lead singer is good enough to do this on the national level? I'd like your opinions. Thanks! http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3 Thanks for listening!! Kyle[/b][/quote]While he's not stunning or anything, he sounds pretty good to me. I'd like to hear him stretch a bit. The mix sounds overly and artificially bright to me. It's a nice mix but it's too bright. You guys are good! :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan Worley: [b]This is a re-mix of a song I did after getting help from the kind folks on Roger Nichols' forum, the d8b forum and the d8b list. Let me know what you think before I do the final, final, final mix before mastering. The old mix is still there, too, so you can compare. [url=http://www.earthenbooks.com/music.html]Don\'t You Ever Give Up[/url] Thanks and regards, Dan Worley[/b][/quote]Hi Dan, cool track! I thought the guitars and organ are really great. The song/sound/vocal puts me in the mind of The Wallflowers. Not really into the sound of the drum machine, though. I saw in your other thread you might record real drums, which would be great/best. But if you don't, maybe do something to the drum machine like a little distortion or something, or maybe mix it with a loop. I think they do stuff like that on Sheryl Crow's stuff, for example (a Sansamp?). Gives the drum machine a little more character perhaps. (I don't really know what they do, but they do [i]something[/i].) Other than that, though, sounds good!! Macle
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Kyle[/qb][/QUOTE]While he's not stunning or anything, he sounds pretty good to me. I'd like to hear him stretch a bit. The mix sounds overly and artificially bright to me. It's a nice mix but it's too bright. You guys are good! :thu: [/QB][/QUOTE] Thanks so much for the review, it was encouraging. Yeah, our lead singer definitely needs to add a spin of some kind to his vocal. We would love to see him work out in the long run and improve. Some of us in the band have our own opinion about his vocal, but it sure helps to hear other professional opinions. We've been struggling a bit with all of the "what ifs" and the lead vocals have been our main concern. Yeah, I kind of went for the 3rd Eye Blind/Toto Mindfields reference on this tune. A real good mastering engineer could do it better justice. I was A/B'ing the new 3rdEB record and I was wowed by the amount of top-end on that record, but it sounds very edgy to me. I actually didn't even come close to the top-end on that record. OF course placement os the top-end has a lot to do with it. The Toto Mindfields record is a fav of mine. I think it's cutting edge, pure genius, on the mixing/production . I tried to achieve the bottom-end and low-end curve to drive the sub like that record. Man, it's hard. I never got there obviously but I got the bass/kick to hit the sub with more attitude than I usually do by A/B'ing that record. Thanks so much for the input. Kyle
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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b]Hi Dan, cool track! I thought the guitars and organ are really great. The song/sound/vocal puts me in the mind of The Wallflowers. Not really into the sound of the drum machine, though. I saw in your other thread you might record real drums, which would be great/best. But if you don't, maybe do something to the drum machine like a little distortion or something, or maybe mix it with a loop. I think they do stuff like that on Sheryl Crow's stuff, for example (a Sansamp?). Gives the drum machine a little more character perhaps. (I don't really know what they do, but they do [i]something[/i].) Other than that, though, sounds good!! Macle[/b][/quote]Hi Macle, Thanks for listening. I'm glad you liked the guitar and B3. I get the Wallflower comment a lot on this song. I don't know if that's good or bad. I don't know what to do about the drums. I can't find a drummer around here who takes things seriously. My drummer moved away to Texas (I'm in California) and he's technically challenged so I can't work with him by sending audio files back and forth. So, for now, it's just going to stay the way it is because I need to keep moving forward with this album project, or by the time it's done, I'll be too old to walk up the isle and collect my Grammy Award. :) I might try processing the drum tracks as you suggested, but stuff like that doesn't usually work for me. It may end up that the drums stay the way they are. They really don't bother me, and they're sure a whole lot better than what I had. If this were a more intricate song I would feel different, I suppose. Anyway, thanks for your positive feedback and for your suggestions. It is very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to your next release. :) Regards, Dan Worley
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OK Y'all, Kick my butt... [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/neverdonethatbefore.mp3]Never Done That Before[/url] The original stuff was run through a Realistic mixer, a track at a time, direct into a Soundblaster Live card. I redid the Vocal through a Phonic mixer. All was recorded through nTrack Studio. No Pro Tools & etc. I know it still needs work...Where do I go from here??? Other than learning to sing & play...


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Catching up: [b]Monsieur LeBlanc[/b] - I got through about 1.5 minutes of the Changeling before some network glitch stopped the stream. Beautiful Hammond/Leslie sound on the part that I did hear... [b]RJX[/b] - Interesting mix. Sort of a conglomeration of sounds. Did you use Acid to build this. I FELT like I'd done Acid after I listened to it. ;) [b]Dan Worley[/b] - Excellent tune (Don't You Ever Give Up). I don't know who mixes your stuff, but you're not paying them enough. Great sound. I'm insanely jealous. :D [b]The Muzik[/b] - I liked your site's graphics. I've listened to some of your stuff in the past. The quality has always impressed me. This time I tried Heaven. Top notch mixing and performance! [b]Daklander[/b] - Hmm, I could swear that I've heard this tune before. Maybe it just has a classic sound, or have you posted it previously? Very heartfelt. I'm not sure you needed to double the vocal. Your voice has a nice quality. I think I'd prefer to hear it direct and "in your face." By the way, what's up with you? Are you doin' okay? We're all behind you, ya know? More reviews to follow... [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url]

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]OK Y'all, Kick my butt... [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/neverdonethatbefore.mp3]Never Done That Before[/url] The original stuff was run through a Realistic mixer, a track at a time, direct into a Soundblaster Live card. I redid the Vocal through a Phonic mixer. All was recorded through nTrack Studio. No Pro Tools & etc. I know it still needs work...Where do I go from here??? Other than learning to sing & play...[/b][/quote]Brutha.... I liked the version you first posted much more. it sounded more natural and the vocal was excellent imo. This one sounds much more demoish. The cassette recording kiked. You have a great voice and if that is you playing guitar on the cassette version, you play well too. Move on from this one and write some more. Creation is healing stuff man. Write write write! You are good at it. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]OK Y'all, Kick my butt... [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/neverdonethatbefore.mp3]Never Done That Before[/url] The original stuff was run through a Realistic mixer, a track at a time, direct into a Soundblaster Live card. I redid the Vocal through a Phonic mixer. All was recorded through nTrack Studio. No Pro Tools & etc. I know it still needs work...Where do I go from here??? Other than learning to sing & play...[/b][/quote]I'm with Dan on this one. I thought the song was very heart felt and also unique. I really enjoyed the song because I can identify with you on a few of those "Never Done that before's". Instead of doubling the lead I would have a harmony part in there somewhere on the chorus. Also, I would stray away from panning doubled parts unless your going for a special effect. Another real import thing is to make sure all of your guitar tracks are in tune. Always double check tuning before hit the record button. I thought you had a great vocal sound. I enjoyed listening to you sing. Also, think about a bridge you could throw in there to bring your tune up to another level. I think you have a great start. Kyle
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[quote]Originally posted by Themuzic: [b]Check out my CD. It's got a pretty good varity on it. [url=http://www.mp3.com/johnny_geib]My Muzic[/url] [/b][/quote]Dude, you're very talented. You have some good tunes there. You have some nice mixes and tones. One thing that might help bring your tunes to the next level would be "the build factor". Try to introduce some different voicings and parts, possibly more instrumentation toward the middle to end of the song. Some of the songs seem to kind of ride along at the same dynamic throughout. You did a good job with your drum programming. However, I might try and stay away from doing as many 16th note rolls. It seems to give it an 80's feel (you may want the 80's feel). Some of the auxillary guitar parts you are adding need to come up in the mix a little IMO. These are just opinions/suggestions. You're really talented. Keep up the good work! Kyle
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Hi Dan, I checked out the first 3 tunes on mp3.com . You have some real good ideas and some nice mixes. I've always loved to write electronic music but haven't had the time to do it in the last 5 years. There are some really cool things happening in those tunes, but IMO you could take them up another notch or two. I know it's hard to go back and re-think some things to make it even better. I always want to move on to the next tune and some of my songs never get finished. One thing I have learned over the long haul is that if a song is going to stand the test of time it has to impact you in a different way of some kind every time you listen to it. I'm really having to dig deep to find anything wrong at all with your stuff. I think your tunes need to change gears somewhere along the way. What I found listening to Rain Dance was this; I was really digging the arpegiated panned keyboards, but about mid-way I was wanting something else. If you could give the listener a break with a different voicing or transition into a different feel, that would leave the listener wanting to come back for more. I always had the habit of RIDING a cool groove so long that I was afraid to deviate from it. Make the lister come back for more. That's the key that we all try to find. From a mixing standpoint Rain Dance sounds good. Since you had so much going on left & right, for example I might have tried to throw some mono verbs or delays in there stategically placed in different places in the stereo field. I felt the background pad sound could have been a 3:00 - 9:00 panning instead of full out left/right. The lead monotone sound could use a little verb or delay possibly. BTW, the groove that you started at the end could have been a good break from the original groove. I found myself wanting more from the outro section. When you changed the drums up a little, I went YEAH that's IT, then the song was over. I really haven't taken the time to review your stuff because it always sounds good. This time it's no exception. You do a great job. Kyle
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [b]Daklander[/b] - Hmm, I could swear that I've heard this tune before. Maybe it just has a classic sound, or have you posted it previously? Very heartfelt. I'm not sure you needed to double the vocal. Your voice has a nice quality. I think I'd prefer to hear it direct and "in your face." By the way, what's up with you? Are you doin' okay? We're all behind you, ya know? [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Thanks Dan, I did have the song posted before, in a raw direct to cassette live recording. I wanted to see what everyone thought of the mix. I'm just learning the mixing stuff & it seems like the live direct to tape stuff always comes out better. So darn much to learn. As to the how I'm doing? Pretty dang good right now. I'm still in remission as of my 1st annual biopsy so needless to say, that jacks me up & I've started to finally get some interviews so that's looking better. :wave:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [QBBrutha.... I liked the version you first posted much more. it sounded more natural and the vocal was excellent imo. This one sounds much more demoish. The cassette recording kiked. You have a great voice and if that is you playing guitar on the cassette version, you play well too. Move on from this one and write some more. Creation is healing stuff man. Write write write! You are good at it. :thu: [/QB][/quote]I appreciate that Halljams...It's all me. It just seems more natural in the live sets. Yeah, I agree about the demoish thing. I'm still looking for the right studio procedures. Maybe trying too hard. I do have a couple of others I'm working on, some co-written, & I'll get 'em out soon. :D


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [QBI'm with Dan on this one. I thought the song was very heart felt and also unique. I really enjoyed the song because I can identify with you on a few of those "Never Done that before's". Instead of doubling the lead I would have a harmony part in there somewhere on the chorus. Also, I would stray away from panning doubled parts unless your going for a special effect. Another real import thing is to make sure all of your guitar tracks are in tune. Always double check tuning before hit the record button. I thought you had a great vocal sound. I enjoyed listening to you sing. Also, think about a bridge you could throw in there to bring your tune up to another level. I think you have a great start. Kyle[/QB][/quote]Thanks for the inpuit Kyle, It's all good advise. I'm trying to come up with a bridge or a turnaround that will work. So far, no luck. I haven't liked what's come out yet. I guess it's time to put it in the hold basket for a while & pick it up again later. Something might break loose during work on one of the others. :idea: ???Maybe???


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [b]Well, here's another installment from my band. It was actually mixed in Sonar at my house computer and the song was recorded in one evening. Tell me what you think of the production and mix. Also, tell me the truth, do you think our lead singer is good enough to do this on the national level? I'd like your opinions. Thanks! http://freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/youalone.mp3 Thanks for listening!! Kyle[/b][/quote]Hey Kyle...great sounding track...really present and fat. The vocalist is good...he could stretch out a bit more though...he just seems a bit too careful. Good stuff...I liked it a lot and I'm an atheist ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Catching up: [url=http://www.mp3.com/DanSouth]New stuff coming soon...[/url] [/b][/quote]Senior South, I finally got the chance & time to just load up your playlist & let'er rip. Pretty darned impressive in my book. Run that whole list cranked up through that Utah Salt Flats run & you'd be in SLC in no time. :thu:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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