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Hi Eric, I'm glad you liked it! This film was shot in Ankara, Turkey. I composed, recorded and edited the whole music on my iBook! (Except for the song that plays on closing credits, that's from our album 8800 http://www.HazyHill.com For the guitars I miked my Crate amp with Shure SM57. The mic went into my iBook via iMic. I did the recording in ProTools Free, then edited, compressed etc them all in ProTools Free again. Next, I flied the tracks to Cubase where I did sequencing, fx and mix. All the instruments other than the guitar were Virtual Instruments. No hardware samplers or sound modules were used. It was real cool and fun to participate in this project. :cool: I finished composing music for another short film. It is titled "Loadrunners". This time the director is from Australia, so it's an online collaboration. By the way, mixing in Cubase is a pain in the ass! :mad: [ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: Hazy Hill ]

Ufuk Onen


Ankara, Turkey

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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b] [url=http://www.artistlaunch.com/jamfree]Find Your Way Back Home[/url] This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 09-15-2001 at 12:23 PM [/b][/quote] I finally got around to listening to the song. I like it but I've never been a Rhodes fan so, to me, that degrades the quality of the production. I'd like to hear that part with a piano. Just my quirk...


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by radiant: [b]Hi all, Just curious, anybody have a chance to listen to my offering? I definitely would like to get your takes on it. I posted it a few weeks ago but had no responses. Thanks! http://www.freeweb.pdq.net/radiant/music/skyboxroughtrack.mp3 [/b][/quote] Hey Kyle, Have you edged up the drums yet? It'd be interesting to hear it. I agree with Frank on needing that bit of edge to the mix.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by 'rold: [QB] http://artists2.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Captain_Rold/ 'Rold, 15 minutes my ass. More like 15 days... Great Job. I love the percussion.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b] I finally got around to listening to the song. I like it but I've never been a Rhodes fan so, to me, that degrades the quality of the production. I'd like to hear that part with a piano. Just my quirk...[/b][/quote] heh, yeah well to my ears a Rhodes is infinitely better than a synthesizer reproduction of a Piano so I chose the Rhodes. We don't have an Acoustic Piano in our studio yet...won't be too long, we're shopping. The joy of DIY...patience is important but also just continuing to record with whatever tools we have at the moment has it's merits. I've actually been [b]very[/b] surprised that more people haven't commented on the lack of piano on our record. Hmmmm, regardless, we are happy with it. :D Thanks for checking it out and for your comments. I'll check out your tune later this weekend...I have shitty speakers here at work and I'm leaving work now anyway. [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: Steve LeBlanc ]
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Well, I'm still tweaking this mix a little, but have a listen and see what ya think. WARNING: this is a rock song. If you don't like real drums and guitars, don't bother. :D http://lflier.home.mindspring.com/Backtrack.mp3 --Lee[/b][/quote] Well Lee, I agree with Halljams in the need for more bass but along with that, a bit more of the kickdrum is in order to my way of thinking. That's an outstanding, hard driving rocker but needs that THUMP! I'd like to hear the crash & hat brought up a bit in spots too. Overall, Great job.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by popmusic: [b]Howdy everybody -- I've got a new song online called [url=http://www.waterslideisland.com/music/full_mp3.htm]The Real You[/url] . I played all the instruments on it and, if you listen carefully to the middle section, you'll hear my very first multitracked violin part... :eek: :D [/b][/quote] Good Stuff Pop! North Star...Yeah!


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Some time ago, a lady, Sherrie Davis, in Dallas contacted me about putting music to lyrics she had done. This, [url=http://www.daklandermusic.com/songs/pity.mp3] Is It Just Pity [/url] , is one that came out. I tried to do a kind of rock a billy thing. My good buddy Tom West, who is in "Dakota Night" with me, did the banjo, bass & backup vocals. I punked in the rest of the instruments. This originated on a living room cassette recording with an overdub & was moved to the computer & we went from there... I'm gonna post my son's music [url=http://www.deadzero.net/id25.htm] HERE [/url] too. [b]Dead Zero[/b] It's a whole different thing than what I do. [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: daklander ]


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQv2jIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABDL7ZuPKX5ExiD95V5DXBWti6.yZs-/Immortal.m3u]Immortal[/url] Is a love song I've written to my wife - recorded with quartet of strings and a live Harp... [url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQvejIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABD3rZuPFvbWB9YV_mqqQOfTXekKHo-/Lovers_in_the_City.m3u]Lovers in the City[/url] Is our latest and was available for a short time as an MP3. This one is a Bossa nove with a Jazzy twist. Using Acoustic Guitar and live percussions. Was recorded for a Belgian movie "De Alias" Enjoy and thanks for listening Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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[quote]Originally posted by Hazy Hill: [b]Recently I composed music for a short film titled "TripOut" directed by Cem Gul. The film is online now at Cem's web site. Cheers![/b][/quote] Nice job - espcially consider it was all done in an Imac using the imac audio input etc... I'm sure you guys had loads of fun doing this. So did you write the music after the editing of the movie was done or was it the other way around or a little of both. We always wanted to write music for film - and maybe that's a good start.. :D if I may be blunt though... sometimes the difference between music segmebts was to rough for me. But that just a tase thingy - good job !! Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b] heh, yeah well to my ears a Rhodes is infinitely better than a synthesizer reproduction of a Piano [/b][/quote] I agree with that completely Steve, a Rhodes absolutely blows away a synthesizer to my way of thinking too. It's just that, as good as the song is, I just thought the piano would have enhanced the sound. There's just something about the sound of the Rhodes that's unmistakeable & to my way of thinking, nothing can compare to a real acoustic piano. If you ever get it redone that way, let me know so I can hear it that way. By the way, I love the stuff you posted with Elly singing. What a voice. She can sing to me anytime.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Hi, would love some feedback on a new song. Actually, I'm not sure if I like it :( , or, I don't know, this is the third version I've done of this song!!, trying to make it somehow better (to me). The first version was sort of a cheesy demo (done quickly, just to send to publishers or whatever to maybe get it covered or something), with synth bass and fake drums, which I don't really like, and it made it sound too teenybopperish, so I'm trying to make the song a little more mature sounding, but I don't know if that's possible... Ummm, anyway, this is recorded at home, I did all the instruments and backing vocals, and my girlfriend sings the lead. Feedback on the mix/recording would be great, plus I'd be interested to hear how this song comes off, I sort of feel it doesn't fit with the others (for those who may have heard those). Honest opinions greatly appreciated!! http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs Thanks a lot, Macle
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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b] Well Lee, I agree with Halljams in the need for more bass but along with that, a bit more of the kickdrum is in order to my way of thinking. That's an outstanding, hard driving rocker but needs that THUMP! I'd like to hear the crash & hat brought up a bit in spots too. Overall, Great job.[/b][/quote] Actually daklander that's an old mix on that site. Current mix is at http://www.what-the.com/Backtrack.mp3 . --Lee
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Macle, I agree with popmusic, the production on your new song is awesome! As for the song itself, I really like the chorus, think it's really catchy, but the verses maybe seem to meander a bit, is that what you don't like? Hmm... I dunno, I'll have to listen again and give it some thought, I think the song is too good to just ditch but maybe we can help give you some ideas that would make you happier with it? --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b] Actually daklander that's an old mix on that site. Current mix is at http://www.what-the.com/Backtrack.mp3 . --Lee[/b][/quote] Yeah! That's it! I added it to one of my playlists.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Hey Macle, i think that song is very well done. As usual, great job on the production and writing. I don't think you should worry about it fitting with the rest of your tunes, you have a pretty distinct style, it's good to stretch it in different directions, it's pretty obvious who it is (to me anyway)(and i mean that as a compliment too). This tune flows nicely, very easy to digest, good pop. Love the chorused guitar and the little harmonica notes. Really nice sound on the acoustic too. I'm still not convinced that isn't you singing the lead! Thanks for sharing Macle,I'll be first in line to buy your CD. JH
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[quote]Originally posted by popmusic: [b] My only minor quibble is with the "let it go" part -- Although it certainly works with her voice sounding as gravel-y as it does it in that section, the vocal seems a bit more aggressive than the music behind it. [/b][/quote] I personally think the vocal is Spot On! Overall really nice production. Wish I could do as well.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by jd@pobox.com: [b]Go give a listen...American/country [url=http://www.mp3.com/jeremydavid]Jeremy David[/url] Thanks, Jeremy David[/b][/quote] Hi Jeremy, I have a few comments, mostly about vocals. First, your voice is nice, but it doesn't sound particularly "country" to me. More like a Jackson Brown style. Nice voice, though. I think you could boost the lead vocal and make it more "in your face" with some compression and doubling. I'm sorry, but I didn't care for the background vocals. I'm not sure why, but they sounded out of place. The song would have been better without them. I think that a woman's voice would blend well with yours. Just a suggestion for future mixes. Nice sounding flanged guitar. Could have been balanced by another guitar sound with different effects, but it's nice and soothing as it is. I'll check more of your stuff out when I get a chance.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Thanks Dan for the input...I'm curious about which song in particular your comments are directed at as I have quite a few on the site. I struggle with the whole "labeling" my music thing as I don't really like to be defined by such rigid rules...My influences are Robert Earl Keen, Bruce and Charlie Robison, Pat Green, etc...other artists who don't really fit into a nice neat little compartment. By I do apreciate your input and your time...thanks. jd
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] [url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQv2jIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABDL7ZuPKX5ExiD95V5DXBWti6.yZs-/Immortal.m3u]Immortal[/url] Is a love song I've written to my wife - recorded with quartet of strings and a live Harp... Enjoy and thanks for listening Danny[/b][/quote] Danny, Immortal is a beautiful song and a superb recording. Et aussi, je suis très heureux d'entendre que votre femme est <>. ;) The instruments and vocals sound wonderful. Only one minor comment. I only heard this on the first verse, but it sounded as though the de-esser chopped the attack on a couple of words that began with "t", "f", etc. De-essers are always tricky to get "just right." Cette une très belle chanson, et j'attends avec impatience de l'écouter encore, beaucoup de fois!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Danny, [url=http://www.DarlingNikkie.com/sounds]Immortal[/url] is a beautiful song and a superb recording. Et aussi, je suis très heureux d'entendre que votre femme est <>. ;) The instruments and vocals sound wonderful. Only one minor comment. I only heard this on the first verse, but it sounded as though the de-esser chopped the attack on a couple of words that began with "t", "f", etc. De-essers are always tricky to get "just right." Cette une très belle chanson, et j'attends avec impatience de l'écouter encore, beaucoup de fois![/b][/quote] Thanks... But I can't take credit for the mixing of this one : it was done before I was comfertable enough to do our mixing in a big PT studio, where the strings and harp were recorded as well. I have to say I've never noticed that about the s'ss but I do remember the engineer there hated S'sss.... Funny thing about this song is that we did a different take for the vocals that sounded technicly much better (sound quality) but we still prefered the feel of the original cut so we left it as it is... Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b]Hi, would love some feedback on a new song. Actually, I'm not sure if I like it :( , or, I don't know, this is the third version I've done of this song!![/b][/quote] Macle, your stuff is always well done, and this song is no exception. Very impressive.
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[quote]This is the first song of my own I have recorded in almost a year now. I used the Quadraverb 2 that Dan South gave me. Thanks Dan! http://home.attbi.com/~songbirdx/Sofine.mp3 It is called "So Fine The Wind".[/quote] I enjoyed this a lot...the drums have a great feel. In all honesty the double tracked lead vocal really bothered me, why did you do that? ;) Mute one of the lead vocal tracks. Nice tune...I dig the lyrics.
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[quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b] I enjoyed this a lot...the drums have a great feel. In all honesty the double tracked lead vocal really bothered me, why did you do that? ;) Mute one of the lead vocal tracks. Nice tune...I dig the lyrics.[/b][/quote] Steve, Thanks for taking a few minutes to give tbe tune a listen. I guess the double tracking is a crutch of mine. :) Thank you very much for the compliment on the lyrics, they have always been my weakest link. :) -john
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