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Scalloped frets W/ fixed bridge ?


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I've been toying with the idea of getting a scalloped neck on a custom order guitar after playing with a friends scalloped one for awhile and finding it fun and challenging. But, I was also previously planning to get a fixed bridge before thinking about changing the fretboard. Is there any problem with this?


I researched online quite a bit in the last few days and every single scalloped guitar pic I found also has a tremolo, so I'm not sure if that is needed to counter the strain in the string since a medium-deep scallop would enable one to bend pretty strongly into the scalloped area (whether intentional or not). I really like the feel/sustain of a fixed bridge but don't want to be breaking strings or any other unwanted effect everytime I pull a little too hard perhaps while quickly changing chords or getting used to the neck.


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The choice of bridge and neck are independant. There is no problem using a fixed bridge with a scalloped neck.


The more heavy-handed with your fretting hand, the longer the learning curve is going to be. You do not want unintentional string bends and will have to develop a light touch with your playing.

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Thanks since I didn't see the combination previously I couldn't be sure that there wasn't a reason for having a un-fixed bridge.


In theory it sounds like a great combination to me, having the sustain and clarity of a neck-through + fixed bridge and the added control of a scalloped fretboard.

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I would have thought that having scalloped frets plus a trem brings in two variables - the depth to which you press into the scalloped fret, and the amount the increased tension pulls up the trem - especially if it's (NO! DON'T SAY IT!!) Yes, a floating Floyd Rose!!!


i say go with the fixed bridge every time!!!



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Thought you'd want to see mine.










This is the fifth scalloped guitar I've owned, the third of witch with a fixed bridge. Personally I use heavier strings (0.011"-0.049") and feel they are a perfect choice for a scalloped fretboard. They keep you from accidentaly string bends, give you a fatter tone, allow you to lower the action a bit, and with the scalloped fretboard they don't feel much heavier when bending since you can better get your fingers next to the strings.

Peter Taylor


Chellee Guitars


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This is the fifth scalloped guitar I've owned, the third of witch with a fixed bridge. Personally I use heavier strings (0.011"-0.049") and feel they are a perfect choice for a scalloped fretboard. They keep you from accidentaly string bends, give you a fatter tone, allow you to lower the action a bit, and with the scalloped fretboard they don't feel much heavier when bending since you can better get your fingers next to the strings.


That's an interesting looking guitar: welcome to the forum Peter! :wave:


I agree that accidental bends are not a big issue once you develop a fairly light touch on the fretboard (I use a set of 0.010's on mine).


It is a general misconception that the scallops are there to push the strings down into (toward the fretboard). The depth of the scallops could allow for a weak vibrato at best but definitely not for any useful bend.


The scalloping allows for a better grip and better control of the string with regular string bending (e.g. across the fret) and vibrato.

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Sure but great also if you want to bend, or apply vibrato, to a single note within a chord not so. A plain string will bend quite nicely by pushing down on it. I used to have a scalloped acoustic and I loved it. For some reason I have not gone there again but I have been thinking of scalloping a neck lately.


I like your guitar Peter, the singed wood is not my cuppa but I like the chisel work a lot. Interesting you chose a compensated fixed bridge, I am sure it is well intonated though. The scalloping work is great.

Very interesting about the chip you put in there, LoJack for guitars is on the way I suppose.


Welcome to the forum and nice work.


Your photo's were great and in the future if you want to advertise stuff for sale, there is a thread specifically for advertising your work, here https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1559946/page/1#Post1559946



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Sure but great also if you want to bend, or apply vibrato, to a single note within a chord not so. A plain string will bend quite nicely by pushing down on it. I used to have a scalloped acoustic and I loved it. For some reason I have not gone there again but I have been thinking of scalloping a neck lately.

You could get a half step bend in the scallop if you fret the string in the middle between frets (and not right next to the fret like usual finger position).


However, the pressure needed is much greater than that needed to do a regular bend across the fret due to the very limited distance you're working with to increase the string tension.


I don't find it particularly usable but then again, this is not something I've strived for and practiced; light strings would definitely be of some help for such a technique.

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Thought you'd want to see mine.










This is the fifth scalloped guitar I've owned, the third of witch with a fixed bridge. Personally I use heavier strings (0.011"-0.049") and feel they are a perfect choice for a scalloped fretboard. They keep you from accidentaly string bends, give you a fatter tone, allow you to lower the action a bit, and with the scalloped fretboard they don't feel much heavier when bending since you can better get your fingers next to the strings.


WOAH! that is beautiful. i like the rough carve, what a neat idea.

once again awesome guitar.

welcome to the forum and be prepared to have your brain picked often. :wave:

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