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OT: Deviated Septum


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Originally posted by Fumblyfingers:

The packing is part of the reason my original nose repair went skew.


Every time I breathed my ears blocked and the pressure was awful. Eating, talking everything was rough.


So I removed it myself.


It gave me a moment. I had no idea how long it was. I fiddled about a bit and found the beginning of an end. I tugged gently and pulled out about six inches. Ok this is going fine so I pulled a bit more, got about another few inches out. Well may as well keep going, got to come out soon.......pretty soon I was starting to panic, I had about 2 feet out and no sign of it ending.....I pulled and pulled and eventually it felt like I was pulling out the inside of my head.... but I was committed...I had to keep going mate! Well needless to say it eventually plopped out and I went to the fridge for another pint!


When the doctor pulled the other one he just held a little bucket under my nose and just yanked that puppy out in one fluid motion.


They're about 4 feet long! Where the hell does it all go?




Yeah... got to love the new technology :)


You're feeling better already aren't you. :D

LMAO!!! That is precious! I'd pay good money to see video of you pulling your own nasal packing out, Fum!!! :freak:


Anyhow.....listen to your doctors.....and let them take the packing out!! Hell, that what you pay them for!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Originally posted by Trucks.Of.Love:

Oh I just read the other peoples posts... It probably was that punch to the nose. :rolleyes:

Yo Trucker....you can be born with a deviated septum.....God works in mysterious ways!! But, it can be caused by trauma....and a significant slug to the nose might do the trick. If it's bad it's worth getting it fixed....your ENT surgeon will gladly break it again for you.....only this time he'll do it PROPERLY!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Well thank god surgeons have advanced so much in the last century. It could have been worse. They could have stuck 200 leeches up your snout.


Anyways, I hope you feel great quick, but still take the time off to woodshed Pauldil.

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I've never put in splints, nor took them out. And, I had packing when I had sinus surgery. So, I'm afraid that I can't give you much good info here. Sorry. I think that splints are easier to take out. It will not be an ordeal for you. You've been through the toughest part already.....the surgery, and the first few days post op. So, I'd say, hopefully you'll have smooth sailing from here on out!!


Let us know how you do, O.K.??



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I had the surgery about a year or two ago. He broke my nose corrected the deviated septum and opened up my turbines....so the intake venturi is much better and I have way better fuel/air mixture flow. Now all I need is to have my exhaust port opened and polished and I will be high performance again :D


Seriously, whatever he did, which was different to the packing I had all those years ago was much more handleable. There was some discomfort, sure, but not much and I was out of there quite fast.


You'll be fine, don't sweat it.


Let us know how it went.

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Woohooo! Just came from the doctor's office where I had the septum splints removed. It took less than 5 minutes and was totally painless (although it was extremely gross -- I can't describe the stuff that came out of my nose! :eek::confused::freak: ). But the best part was that first breath. You guys were right! I can't beleive the difference. Doctor said it should be even better after a few weeks.


Thanks for all the support!



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Originally posted by pauldil:

Woohooo! Just came from the doctor's office where I had the septum splints removed. It took less than 5 minutes and was totally painless (although it was extremely gross -- I can't describe the stuff that came out of my nose! :eek::confused::freak: ). But the best part was that first breath. You guys were right! I can't beleive the difference. Doctor said it should be even better after a few weeks.


Thanks for all the support!



Sorry for the late support, but I missed this thread until now, Paul! :freak:


My wife went through this 6 years ago. Funny thing is she had to wait forever to get it done.


Her orthodontist saw a massive blockage in her sinuses. Said she was surprised my wife could breathe through her nose at all. But my wife put off getting it taken care of. When she decided to go for it we were in fertility treatments. No go. Then she was pregnant. Again, couldn't do it because of the potential danger of anesthesia on the baby. Then the baby was born but she was breast feeding so... again a no go! :D It was 18 months or more from the time she decided to have it done and the time it was practical and safe to do so. :freak:


Her septum was also deviated so they fixed it and used the same splints you had. That was a really pretty sight, watching the doctor remove those slug looking splints. ;):D


I hope you're not sore! Take care buddy!

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Sounds good, Paul!! There is likely residual swelling that will take a couple of weeks to go away. That's why the doc said that the improvement you feel now, will get better yet!! I'm glad it worked out well for you.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Originally posted by Knocks:

I'm having mine corrected in a few weeks too. What's this about being able to floss through a hole in the septum? Is that a joke???? I don't want to have a hole, I may not go through with the surgery now!

I think that's called a perforated septum when it has a hole. There's no hole in mine. Go through with it, Knocks. I'm now a card carrying member of the "I wish I had done it sooner" club. It was a lot easier than I had imagined. Good luck,



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Hey paul, im glad your healing up matey!


Hope you dont mind me probing for some info.... I had never thought about getting mine sorted until I saw this (i didnt even know what it was LOL) but now im wondering whether I should...


How long was the op?

Did you have to get signed off work? If so how long for?

Do you reeeeally think it was worth it?

Does it effect how your nose looks (i realise yours may be a bit swollen at the mo..)?


Considering I pay tax for "free" health care, I figure if its worth it then why not...


Anyway.. Sorry for bombarding you with questions :D Theres no rush to answer mate ;)


And... Sorry if you mentioned any of the above already and i missed it :)

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Originally posted by Fumblyfingers:

[QB] I had the surgery about a year or two ago. He broke my nose corrected the deviated septum and opened up my turbines....so the intake venturi is much better and I have way better fuel/air mixture flow. Now all I need is to have my exhaust port opened and polished and I will be high performance again :D


Oh man.....Fumbly....be careful regarding the Doctor who's to work on your "exhaust port". If his name is Dr. Ben Dover......


RUN AWAY!!! :eek::eek:;):D:D



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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No problem T.O.L., I'm more than glad to answer:


How long was the op?

The operation itself lasted about an hour, but I don't remeber any of it. Whatever anasthesia they gave me knocked me out totaly, so I felt no pain whatsoever during surgery. The last thing I can recall was being wheeled into the OR and them telling me that we'd start in a few minutes. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in recovery. I was in recovery for about 2 hours. Sore throat from the breathing tube (again, I wasn't aware when they put it in or removed it). The rest of the week wasn't exactly the most comfortable, but it certainly wasn't intolarable.


Did you have to get signed off work? If so how long for?

The doctor suggested 7 days. I had already arranged it with my work to be off for a week and a half. I have the luxury of being able to work from home when necessary, so tomorrow I will put in a few hours and officially end my medical leave.


Do you reeeeally think it was worth it?

Absolutely. No doubt. Today was the first time in as long as I can remember (well over 20 years)that I can breathe from my left nostril without manually pulling on my cheek. Like I mentioned before, I'm now a card carrying member of the "I wish I had done it sooner" club. I can't wait to see how it affects my workouts.


Does it effect how your nose looks (i realise yours may be a bit swollen at the mo..)?

Sadly no, my surgery didn't affect the way I look at all. I still look like Brad Pitt's brother, Arm Pitt.


Hope this helps,



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I can do that for you, Trucker.....As you know, I'm an eye surgeon. But, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!!! :eek::D


LMAO....oh, sorry....you may not get that....it's from a series of TV adds running over here, where guys say that they can, say, write the code for your new puter program inspite of NOT being a code writer, because they were so smart, that they chose a Holiday Inn motel to stay in!!


I guess if you gotta explain it.... :freak:


I'd be interested to know how long you must wait to get your schnoz opened up. Keep us posted, and good luck!!


And, forget about the "make me pretty" aspect of the nasal surgery, just get your pipes opened up properly.


For you, the waiting list for "make me pretty" surgery may be decades long....... ;):D:D





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Originally posted by pauldil:

Thanks Neil! Yeah, those splints are something else. A lot bigger than I thought they were. Incredible that I didn't feel a thing when he yanked 'em. So how'd it go for your wife? Huge difference for her too?



Absolutely, Paul. She noticed an immediate improvement. Apparently it caused left over sediment from old sinus infections to fill parts of her sinuses. Yeech!

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by pauldil:

I think that's called a perforated septum when it has a hole. There's no hole in mine. Go through with it, Knocks. I'm now a card carrying member of the "I wish I had done it sooner" club. It was a lot easier than I had imagined. Good luck,



I was actually referring to an earlier post in this thread by Rampdog (see below). They actually do remove a part of the septum during surgery, so that's what I thought he was referring to.


posted 01-04-2007 05:08 PM

I got a hole in my septum that I can floss... Too much of that bad stuff back in the day... No problem breathing now though...

Get well bud... It'll all be in your rearview mirror soon...


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Originally posted by pauldil:

But the best part was that first breath. You guys were right! I can't beleive the difference. Doctor said it should be even better after a few weeks.

Hey, sorry that, like Neil, I originally missed this thread! :D


Wow, that first breath must have been incredible! It's great when even breathing can be fun! :D

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Originally posted by Kramer Ferrington III.:

Wow, that first breath must have been incredible! It's great when even breathing can be fun! :D

Yes sir, out of all my bodily functions, breathing is definitely in the top 3 :D



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