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AOL Censors the Boss

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That's right, AOHell -- save us from ourselves. If there's anything worse than suits, it's stupid suits. Marv * * * * * AOL Names Itself Boss Over Lyrics Those who think America's season of trauma might be a good time to reclaim morality in popular music will be pleased to know America Online (AOL), our largest provider of Internet service, won't let a Bruce Springsteen discussion group quote lyrics from a dozen Bruce songs it considers too suggestive. This includes the sordid likes of "Blinded by the Light" and "Pink Cadillac," as well as "Spare Parts," "Spirit in the Night," "Book of Dreams," "Red Headed Woman" and "Ramrod." Specifically, an AOL monitor decided the line "My love is bigger than a Honda, yeah it's bigger than a Subaru" from "Pink Cadillac" violated the decency provisions in the "terms of service" agreement for discussion group participants. More.... http://www.nydailynews.com/2001-10-25/New_York_Now/Music/a-129685.asp [ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: Marvster ]
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I stopped paying for dial up 2 years ago.I figure if I'm gonna be stuck with it why pay.I now use Juno with Beware of dog(full screen,no ads).AOL?Who are they?The above statement only makes me smile even broader as I sit next a garbage pail full of AOL promotion disks.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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My kids HAVE to have AOL. I hate that shit. They like being constantly interrupted with IMs. It drives me buggy...and AOL's "holier than thou" shit. But one instance especially bugged me. They have these haughty guidelines against mailing spam. And yet, I started getting TELEMARKETING CALLS from them! I was unbelievably rude, and called the main office to say "DON'T EVER FUCKING SPAM ME ON THE PHONE AGAIN!". Never heard from 'em again, but I'm sure they've sold my name to the 500 other telemarketers that call.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster: [b]My kids HAVE to have AOL. I hate that shit. They like being constantly interrupted with IMs.[/b][/quote] Ted, you probably already know this, but you can use IM without being an AOL subscriber. It's free for all, over any ISP. So if you want, you can drop AOL and still keep your kids happy. Marv [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Marvster ]
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My last month with AOL was about five years ago, when they (i assume) dropped Craig Anderton. I was just beginning to understand the web and was delighted to find Craig's corner in AOL. I had been reading his articles and books for many years and had just begun to get into a chat room he sponsered on (I think) Sunday night. Craig was very gracious and positive about his leaving and gave his new web address, which I copied down and later attempted to access thru AOL. I kept getting some kind of error screen that more or less implied "you can't get there from here, silly boy". After several tries, I walked across the bed of hot coals that is AOL's customer service interface to attempt to retrieve my Visa number from them. I'm glad to find Craig again. I just built his DI kit from PAiA. Arrogant Omnipotent Leeches Asinine Ornery Liars To their credit, it is probably the easiest IP to use, but the control freaks at the top just keep doing stuff like the above examples. Maybe they've been blinded by the (AO) Light.

He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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America On Hold, i used to say, during the 'growth spurt' years. Aol may just as well expand their software so that it is an OS in its own right.... that way, nobody would have to deal with that pesky windows or MAC OS just to get "online" It's soooooooo easyyy! I'm a people person! I loooove AOL!!!! gimme a break.
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AOL Keyword: Censorship Dave Marsh — Monday, October 22, 2001 On AOL's Bruce Springsteen discussion board, the fans wanted to talk politics. AOL said its infamous Terms of Service (TOS) forbade such controversy. So the fans talked about song lyrics, and several posted excerpts from Bruce's songs. Everyone who did this was served with a TOS violation and the posts were deleted. When the posters asked why, they were told that the lyrics were "vulgar." If they protested further, they were suspended from AOL for a week. Among the lines that TOS find too vulgar: "Bobby said he'd pull out / Bobby stayed in" ("Spare Parts"), which explains how Janey got pregnant; "Janey's fingers were in the cake" ("Spirit in the Night"), which is as gross as "Little Miss Muffet;" and "Pink Cadillac," where Springsteen declares "My love is bigger than a Honda, it's bigger than a Subaru." Now if Springsteen were to do something truly vulgar, like use "Pink Cadillac" to pimp for General Motors, TOS wouldn't ban it. AOL crams vulgarity of that sort down the throats of its subscribers the instant they log on. As for the sexual stuff, one of the highest traffic areas on AOL is its chat rooms for kids, which a child abuse expert told me he considers the single most effective trolling ground for child sex predators. AOL has never done anything meaningful to protect subscribers from that. More.... http://www.starpolish.com/features/columns/article.asp?ID=232
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[quote]Originally posted by whosmatt: [b]Aol may just as well expand their software so that it is an OS in its own right.... that way, nobody would have to deal with that pesky windows or MAC OS just to get "online"[/b][/quote] Well... Expect for that to happen one way or another in the future. Check out [url=http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-201-7501958-0.html]this article[/url] which describes how MS will probably eventually make Windows more like AOL...
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