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Hi, im a bass player by trade and have some spare cash, im thinking of buying a guitar. I've borrowed my grandads for around a month now, and have picked it up real fast, all my guitarist friends are truelt amazed.


I would probably prefer an aoustic, just acoustic no t electro, although i could buy just a normal electric, i have around £100, $200, and really dont want to buy used.


I was thinking maybe, a fender acoustic, they are cheap and look cool, i have no clue on any type of guitar other than basses so i really dont know, so really its between fender and epiphone, or any other brand you guys woud recomend. Thanks, Harrison

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if you win the lottery then or something you should totally get a Mcpherson guitar!! they are the best acoustics ever!! definitely check them out!! there only around $5,000 no jk! well jk about the only part
Cant stop thinkin of my mcpherson
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I totally agree with Neal...if your budget is $200, you won't get much quality if you buy new. I'd look for a good deal on a used acoustic. Two hundred dollars will buy you more quality if you do some work, and find a decent used acoustic.


Good luck, and let us know what you get!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Yeah, well really it would have to be in quite a good condition, but again, i have no clue what our the 'brands' to look for, im completely new to acoustics, so my first impressions were on the fenders, simply because you cant go wrong, but is that just me, so really i just need some good brands to look for. Thanks, Harrison
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Originally posted by h364:

so my first impressions were on the fenders, simply because you cant go wrong

I dunno... I've played those Fender acoustics with the Stratocaster headstock and was completely nonplussed. Their "can't go wrong" reputation tends to apply more to their electrics.


I'd simply try a bunch of acoustics down your local music store, regardless of name or reputation and see what actually sounds and plays the best for you.


And if you don't like any of them much, keep looking. With acoustics, what you see is what you get so make sure you get one with a good sound.

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Tanglewood make quality low cost guitars... You can pick one up on eBay used at a good price.


Nothing wrong with getting a used acoustic, as long as its got a solid top they sound better with a few years behind them anyway.


I got a Samick off ebay with a few dings for less than £15 and was really surprised at the quality. Its not fantastic but it plays pretty good.

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Yeah, I'm with Kramer on this one. Fender acoustics are underwhelming at best (IMHO). I'd suggest going to the music store and telling the salesperson what your budget is. Then play every guitar in your price range, new or used. Don't even look at the headstocks. Just play each one and choose the one that plays and sounds best to you, regardless of the brand name and whether it's new or used.


In your price range, buying used is probably a no-brainer...that's definitely how you'll get the most guitar for your money.

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~Paris Hilton




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Get a Taylor Big Baby used if you can.


They are pretty cheap new, like $300 or something.


I have one, it is a cool guitar. Actually the best for the money I have tried. Taylor knows how to build an acoustic. Avoid Fender. I know it is all personal preference but I would be willing to bet nothing Fender makes in that price range comes even close to the Big baby in playability or tone.

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