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Possible solution for sticky issue...


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Hey, I believe it's possible with ubb to have some custom header html from forum to forum. If so, you put all the sticky thread (Rules, Music, Selling) up top above the actual topics and have them as sweet icons or something. (Similar to the guitar player/keyboard/bass player... icons on top of every page. This might actually make them more noticable. That way, the sticky threads are still easily accessed, the links are alway up top, AND if someone posts something new, the actual thread will pop to the top of the list.


If it's not a built in feature to have custom html on a forum by forum basis, you could easily do it with a hack if someone with ftp access knew how...

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Are you talking about making them into image links?


The problem is, most forum software is pre-written. You purchase the rights to use the forum software.


I can't say for sure that is how they did it here, but chances are that is the case. The forum set up would be fairly ridged and would not allow for too much customization.


I'm afraid that we are stuck with things the way they are unless they upgrade the software. But even then, you never know...

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An upgrade that made it take less than a minute to jump back to the forum after posting a reply would be real nice. Also an upgrade that allowed quoting a post containing parenthesis would be nice. This really is the slowest forum of any I visit & I end up wasting a lot of time waiting for the site to respond.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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Well, they'd be image links but they'd be above the main table with all of the other topics in it. Since these links would be seperate from the main table, you could unsticky them and let them be normal.


I'm not up on the lastest ubb, but if you're an admin here you may be able to add some html to just one forum.

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  • 1 month later...

This may not be the case for everyone...

...but I actually tend to NOT notice the stickies all that much after they've been "stuck up" for more than a few days.


They become part of the background...BECAUSE they are ALWAYS up there...in the same spot...

...whereas active threads kinda' float up down with participation...which keeps your eyes moving.


Additionally...I would avoid peppering the forums with a whole lot more buttons/links/side links.

I think too often on some sites developers get obsessed with using up all the dead/white space that there is...and they cram everything but the kitchen sink on a page...as though it gives people more options.

The reality is...it's very difficult on the eyes and often can lead to confusing navigational paths.


My preference for website design/development direction has always leaned more toward simplicitystraightforward navigationand as much dead/white space as possible.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Additionally...NOT looking to take anything away from the personal contribution of the new Guitar Forum" banner...it's good work...though I'm generally not a big fan of any web images that repeatedly flash/blink (a single "flash/blink", and then STOP! :thu: )...


....but now...with the main banner...the middle banner/buttons...the new Guitar Forum banner and the growing list of stickies...


...shit...you get to the GF page....and NONE of the actual live topics are visible! :(


You have to scroll down to China to see them.

I don't like that.


Don't know about anyone else...but I don't come to the forums to look at banners or graphics...etc...


I come to check out the new/active topics.

So where are they now?

Waaaay down off the visible display.



miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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What screen size are you using? I only scroll down two lines to get to the posts and I'm on 1024 X 768. Maybe increase your screen size?


The stickies provide a very useful service for the majority of us. I personally don't mind scrolling a line or two to get to the real posts. It just becomes habit when reading these forums.

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I'm set at 1024 x 768...


Yeah...it's not a major PITA to scroll...but it's just kind a nice when you can hit the main page and instantly see the top half dozen topics of the day.

As it is now...you get to the page and you see banners and buttons and stickies that often haven't had anything new added for a few days (there are at least three "old news" stickies right now).


I don't argue against having the stickies...yes, they provide a servicebut I wish they were someplace else (?)...or maybe not at the top, as often they don't have as much new info/postings as the active threads do...so they kinda' sit there taking up space.


I'm just saying thatIMO...the top active threads should always be right there...as soon as you hit the page.


Also...can you make the new GP banner just a bit thinner...and lose the line break above it? That would pull things up a bit.

And while youre at it... :) ...can you kill the looping on it so that the animation only runs through one time and stops?

I think it would be classier that way...but that's just me. ;)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Hmmm. Well, The Administrator added the banner (I don't have the ability to edit the forum code.) The space above and below is probably added by the forum code.


As for the looping, I like the repeating banner, but I suppose if it annoys enough people I could change it. Maybe you could start a thread to see how others feel about it? If it annoys enough people, I'd be happy to stop it from doing that.

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Don't worry about it...no need for yet another poll.

In a couple of days it'll be just another piece of the wallpaper..if you know what I mean.


I was mostly interested in getting some of the active threads back up on the visible page...

...but I guess that's not the most vital thing to the whole new scheme of things around here...


....oh well.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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No, the stickies are there so that they are read. Especially by new folks. If we removed them, how long do you think the "Forum Rules" or "Theory Thread" would stay at the top? Plus, they would have to be unlocked. The "Post your Music Here..." Thread is one that needs to be seen so that new folks post there instead of out in the regular section. Then there is a dealer section and the "Ask Myles" section which he set up himself as an aid to keep questions to him in one place (He doesn't have the time to scroll through and read everything to look for questions directed at him.)


My point is, this issue has been hashed and rehashed many times and the current set up has been the one that we settled on. We removed some of the less important and less relevant ones already. The ones that are there are the ones that needed to be there.


I understand that you are unhappy with a lot of the changes around here. You've been here a long time and liked it the way it was. These changes are minor and I assure you, that you will get used to them, in no time.

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Craig...I was just asking about a different way to show the stickies...no need to now go into big explanation of why they MUST be there.

(BesidesI can recall when there were none for a very long time, and all was well

and then on some other forums, there still arent any cuz theyre really NOT that important).

Maybe you guys can consider having a separate stickies/rules pagewith just a single Go to the Rules/Stickies link?


My main issue is with the active threads getting pushed clear off the page...and that is probably due to some newest stickies, as in the past there were only a couple...

....and mostly because the new GP banner is quite large...and there is a lot of wasted space above and below it...

...so it really pushed the active threads way down, off the page.


As far as the repeated flashing/blinking of the banner...hey, thats just a personal pet peeve coming from the dozens of web/multimedia projects I've done where someone always asks if I can add a flashing button...and I just refuse to do it...'cuz I find them annoying.

But you telling me to do a poll...after the fact...is a bit of a put-off...as I doubt you polled anyone before it got put up.


I am not looking to just have another confrontation with you, Craig...but yeah...I've been here a lot longer than a small handful of newer members that keep driving some of these new changes.

You get 4-5 people that say..."wouldn't it be great"...and as long as one of you Mods goes for it...it's a done deal.

I find that a bit bothersome...but I'll get over it, as I'm sure I'll still be here after others have moved on...


Sojust so you don't misunderstand me...

My point is not about whos going to get their way around herebut rather about proper web page layouts and navigation, and that a web page should really offer up instantlythe main content...the main purpose...

which IMO are the active threads.

As I already told you...all that other stuff on the page that I'm talking about will become part of the wallpaper in a few days...for most peopleso itll just be taking up spacelike so many playbills on a construction site fence...that no one pays any attention to as they pass by.


So I've said my piecenow you guys will do what you like.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I'm tired of arguing this stuff with you Miro. Every move the mods make are run through a process of approval through Myles and Jim Quinn. The changes here were their ideas and we were asked to initiate them. This whole idea that Rief and I came in here and started forcing changes is just getting insulting.


I suggested the banner because it was suggested to me. Jim liked it and added it. You may not like webpages with movement, but the majority of people do. I design websites for a living. People like movement on their site. It makes it look more alive. They also like roll overs and other interactive features, but I digress. I like the banner, many others here like the banner. If you dislike the banner, I'm sorry. Feel free to rally together all the folks who dislike it. If there are enough who dislike it, I will ask Jim to change it. But the stickies are staying...

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Originally posted by A String:

You may not like webpages with movement, but the majority of people do.

How do you know...?


And I too have done a lot of websites and multimedia over the years for a living...so don't try and sell it like it's some kind of a given about banners and what not. :)

Not saying I dont like movement...I just find endless looping a bit...old-school... :rolleyes:

If I'm going to include movement...I'll let it do it's thing...and then bring it to a stop...otherwise it becomes a distraction.


And...as far as "every move the mods make"...yeah, you may run it past MP...

...but you two mods are pushing real hard to make a lot of moves that I don't see any majority asking for...just a handful of peopleor it's your own personal desires.


Well...since you will keep on keeping on...then I guess I'll do the same...as this is an open forum...

....or is it anymore?

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by miroslav:

but you two mods are pushing real hard to make a lot of moves that I don't see any majority asking for...just a handful of peopleor it's your own personal desires.

Are you repeating this statement because you think I'm lying or because you are acting trollish and trying to annoy me?


I should just ask you outright. What do you think Rief and I initiated on our own? What do you think we did without being told to do it? And I mean specifically as I've already told you that everything you've seen here was initiated by Myles and Jim (With the exception of the banner), what personal desires do you think I achieved or have been initiating?

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Look...without bringing in Myles and Jim and having a big back-and-forth about who said what when...

...we're never going to find the sequence of events that have led to certain changes.


But it is VERY obvious that since Rief and you become mods...the changes have poured in.

You can read that any way you like...as I'm tired of you being at the helm of all this stuff...and then when I bring it up...you quickly try and step away from it like you had NOTHING to do with any of it.


There are a bunch of other forums here at MP...and none of them have been forced to implement similar changes as "required by MP"...like you keep implying

...so why just here at GP...???


I've never seen a Mod as quick to jump in and "lay down the law"...like you.

I think you have a certain agenda...a certain ideaof what the forums should be like...and you are using your position as a Mod to push it.with Rief right in there behind youthough to be fair...lately, I don't really see him "in the thick of things" as much as you seem to be...ALL THE TIME.


Man...take a few steps back and let the membership breathe a little. :thu:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Craig...if I'm a troll...then you are also a troll with a badge! :P


Heyyou don't really answer my questions...you just tell me "this is the way it is now"..."MP made me do it"...etc.


Look...I'm not going to get into a confrontational "Are you calling me a liar?" mentality with you. You tired to do that did in the last thread where we went back and forth for a few posts. :rolleyes:

Dude...if I'm gonna' call you something...trust me, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. :thu:


So Im asking YOU...why is it that YOU keep selling us these changes as "MP required"...when they are NOT required on any other MP forum...???


Heck...that banner...

...I think I saw a few people bring it up rather casually...and next thing you know...there it isthis annoying, flashing thing taking up center stage of the main GP page.

(But don't take that personally...as I hate the other flashing banners too, at the top of the page).

And by the way...it is redundant...as there is already a title above it that says Guitar Player Forum.

Alsoyou didnt even name it the right wayas its the Guitar Player Forumnot "the Guitar Forum

but the heck with this crapas I see its going to staysince YOU put it there.


Have your 15 minutesand know that Im a patient and very persistent person.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I didn't put it there. I don't have the ability to access the forum code.


The rules are required on the other forums. Some forums are more active then others and some have more trouble makers then others. I have no problems here accept with you. What does that tell you?


My only mistake has been buying into your trolling. I started off because I was trying to defend the wild allegations about Reif and I being forum Nazis. This has just kept going and it's obvious that you are doing it on purpose. So, I'll back down again.


You know what they say, "Don't feed the troll".

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Now it is YOU that is being insulting...and YOU that is tossing out personal digs.

So who gets to police YOUR posts?


I happen to make a lot of audio/music relative posts on a lot of threads...here and in the other forums...which is NOT something a real troll does.

And this bullshit about me being the ONLY trouble maker here... :D

...Craig...you are now guilty of using YOUR Mod position to incite the membership against me.


Shame on you... :(


I've been making audio/music relevant posts on these threads for a few years longer than you've even been a member.

And I've seen many come and go...and I'll see a lot more.


I don't know if you're saying I called Rief and you Nazis...'cus if you are...that IS a lie.

But maybe you SHOULD consider that your current approach to moderating is somewhat of the "cop walking the beat"...

which is not very inviting to some people.


Oh...and please don't split hairs with me on the banner.

You may have not done the actual code edit...

...but let's face it...YOU put up that banner. :)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Alright alright... I'm not joining in on a big forum fight... but somehow my points are still not being understood, I must be being very unclear, so I'm going to be as possible as I can be... with a screenshot!




As you see... the sticky threads are linked to ABOVE the other topics with images. This way, they're still always on top, AND (like regular threads) they will still pop up to the top of the topic list when someone posts in them!


Regardless of if you agree... does anyone understand what I'm saying?

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...it's not a question of being understood.


Realize that there is only a very small group of people making decisions around here...

...and you...and I...are not part of it.


Basically...if you don't agree or support what that very small group wants to do around here...

...you are a troll...a trouble maker...

....and you're shit out of luck.


Personally...I would just a soon see the new banner disappear altogether...

...and then a single link called "Stickies"(or something), that would take you to a separate page where all the stickies/rules are laid out.

That way...the forum can be a forum once again...with active threads at the top...

...and not a place for all this secondary crap occupying the most real estate.


But I knownow Im just preaching to the choir :)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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