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A little off topic but why and how does everyone at harmony central seem to have not one or two killer guitars but a whole army of killer guitars while most of us are poor? Im talking about 10 or 12 custom shop fender strats.Was my old man right when he said little viking stay in school so someday you can afford a warehouse of guitars that you will never use? Seriously what would be the point other than making gear whores like me jealous? I would feel kinda guilty having stuff that just stayed in cases.
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I've got over a dozen...

...couple of bass guitars, a few acoustics and the rest electrics, some solid and some hollow-body.


They are all hanging on the wall, not in cases...

...and during recording sessions, I will use at least half of them...and the rest during other sessions.

Each one has a different sound.


Does that explain whay some people have a lot of guitars?

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by miroslav:

I've got over a dozen...

...couple of bass guitars, a few acoustics and the rest electrics, some solid and some hollow-body.


They are all hanging on the wall, not in cases...

...and during recording sessions, I will use at least half of them...and the rest during other sessions.

Each one has a different sound.


Does that explain whay some people have a lot of guitars?

Don't really need an explanation why people that record would need different guitars for different things but thank you anyways.
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Well maybe some of those guys with the Custom Shop Strats also need 'em for different sounds and recording.


Why do you think they got 'em...

...just to make you feel bad? :)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by miroslav:

Well maybe some of those guys with the Custom Shop Strats alos need 'em for differant sounds and recording.


Why do you think they got 'em...

...just to make you feel bad? :)

I wonder if they did in fact do it to make me and my guitars feel small :) Im just curious if they really record or play it ya know? There is worse things to spend money on and its not a crime but it just makes me wonder.I could imagine someone loving a guitar so much that they would want the same thing in a different color. I just wonder if I had the cash if I would do the same thing.
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I have 13 guitars but they are not all "killer" by any means, in fact only a few might fit that category.


I think though that if you were making bank, you might buy more. And it may not be about loving the guitar you already have, you might just pick another one up and it speaks volumes to you in a different way. If you have the spare cash why not. Shit, I wish I could afford some custom shop Strat's.


Also, being as it is a tax write off, it seems almost logical to go spend some write-off money on equipment. You have to show some expense. Maybe some of those guys are making some good cash playing or composing music.

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So lets just pretend that each one of us won the lotto.Besides all the other stuff that you would get,helping love ones,rent,dept,feeding the hungry etc,etc.Keeping it light and only guitar related what would you get? I would get right off the bat a Black Les paul custom with the slim neck.Not the reissue.And a Brian May in blue.
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Originally posted by vikingrat:

Im just curious if they really record or play it ya know?




I could imagine someone loving a guitar so much that they would want the same thing in a different color.

Hey...could be some of them are just collectors of fine guitars...? ;)


There are much stupider things that people (LOTS of people) spend money on...than having a few of the same guitars in different colors! :D

Besides...they may not be just different colors.

There might be different kinds of woods...slightly different electronics...different necks...etc.

Heck...you can pick up 5 of the exact same kind of guitar...and they will all sound a bit different...and some folks really get off on those subtle differences...so they have a bunch of guitars.


Hey...I use to do a lot of skiing at one time...and I had over a dozen skis...and many people could never understand why I needed so many...but each pair had it's own personality...there were no two alike. :cool:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Well I don't know how to put this well, but I feel a little guilty about the guitars I own. Do I really need all of them? I hardly use the tele, and recently bought a les paul copy.... :rolleyes:


I felt a little better that Fumblyfigners owns 13, but in total I have 5 guitars of some description (including 1 bass).


But to be honest I'm not rolling in cash, I'm not a pro, and my GAS definitely outweighs my playing ability. :rolleyes::mad:


Admittedly I'm in 2 bands so that can sorta justify some of them.


Well, Vikingrat, if I win the lotto, I would probably not buy any more guitars, I may however, build myself a little studio which appends a nice house in Hawaii, and live out the rest of my days drinking cocktails by the sea... ;):cool:

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Im kinda there WindJammer.I have slimed it down to four.Two G&L,s Two Fenders.One amp that Im not crazy about and no recording gear.I would love to get a pc studio recording unit but I am slow with computers.I would need a crash course in the thing.Pat Metheny calls it option aniexty.I know for a fact I would go apeshit with cash.You know,all those guitars that you wanted as a kid but couldn't afford.I always wanted a Hamer exployer and a Korina v.I would probaly just stare at em and drool like Homer.
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Originally posted by vikingrat:

Im kinda there WindJammer.I have slimed it down to four.Two G&L,s Two Fenders.One amp that Im not crazy about and no recording gear.I would love to get a pc studio recording unit but I am slow with computers.I would need a crash course in the thing.Pat Metheny calls it option aniexty.I know for a fact I would go apeshit with cash.You know,all those guitars that you wanted as a kid but couldn't afford.I always wanted a Hamer exployer and a Korina v.I would probaly just stare at em and drool like Homer.

I only have 3 guitars...sold a bunch of old stuff over the past year to afford nicer stuff. 2 of my guitars are beaters ('95 Squier Strat and '96 Tak G Series). Lately I've been spending more on accessories/equipment to make guitar more fun, i.e. pedals, amps, processors, pro gear. I'd say that my main rig including pro gear is worth well over 10 grand, but guitars??? Not so many right now...and like others my GAS way outweighs the talent/skill I have, but having nice and flexible gear makes guitar so much more fun. I'm of the ilk of buying the best item I can afford and holding onto it forever rather than upgrading later. Granted, not all are blessed enough financially to be able to do that. Perhaps HC is stock full of spoiled teenagers or liars...or maybe everybody has 10 $2k guitars and I have a long way to go to be average, but I suspect not.


My $.02...

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Good point about effects making it fun to play Warthog. About a week and a half ago I used some of my layaway money that I had on my Malmsteen to get a digi tech rp-50.Even though I would never be able to use these presets in a live or even jam situation it did inspire me to play different from what I had been.Also to come up with some cool riffs.Also made me wind up trying the guitar that I special ordered and wasn't gonna get at first.After playing around with the pedal I felt not only inspired again but called my pal over at Sam ash and told him to pull the Malmsteen off the floor and put it back on layaway.I won't even tell ya what I traded to get the guitar because everyone on this forum what laugh me all the way to the nut house.
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Originally posted by vikingrat:

A little off topic but why and how does everyone at harmony central seem to have not one or two killer guitars but a whole army of killer guitars while most of us are poor?

And you believe everything you read on the internet? :);)


Sure, some people DO own a truckload of extremely cool and/or expensive guitars. But there's also the possie that some of those guys on HC may be exaggerating.

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Originally posted by Kramer Ferrington III.:

Originally posted by vikingrat:

A little off topic but why and how does everyone at harmony central seem to have not one or two killer guitars but a whole army of killer guitars while most of us are poor?

And you believe everything you read on the internet? :);)


Sure, some people DO own a truckload of extremely cool and/or expensive guitars. But there's also the possie that some of those guys on HC may be exaggerating.

If they were just taking about it I wouldn,t even bother looking but Im a sucker for pics.And thats the part that killed me K.F.3.They had pictures that weren't downloads from a website or something.Most were takin' on the couch and stuff.Unless they got there buddies to come over one day and bring all there gear along to pull a prank or somethin'I know most guys on here are not into the pointy headstock thing but this guy had a small fleet of Deans that were drop dead F.I.N.E.I hope to God this guys got fire insurrance.
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Originally posted by vikingrat:

If they were just taking about it I wouldn,t even bother looking but Im a sucker for pics.And thats the part that killed me K.F.3.

Ohhh... ok.


Well, yeah. Some guys have a lot of guitars. I'd rather have a lot of true friends and a wife that loves me (said he with ragged dignity)


No... seriously. ;):D Pictures are different. I thought you meant the reviews section.


Sometimes you come across reviews where you wonder how people that claim to own so much gear and have so much experience could be such wallies in real life.

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Originally posted by Kramer Ferrington III.:

[QBwhere you wonder how people that claim to own so much gear and have so much experience could be such wallies in real life. [/QB]

Not everyone "makes it" Kramer. So with so few musicians actually getting to the top, most who try to don't get there. So after years of trying all they really have is a lot of experience and perhaps a lot of gear.
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Do I really need all of them?
Yes, you do! In fact you need more guitars.


I only have seven right now, plus two that my nephew is babysitting, and I can guarantee you there are some more I need to buy, and will buy in the future.

I don't drink, do drugs or squander my money on anything other than loose women. Might as well spend it on something I really enjoy.

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Originally posted by Justus A. Picker:

Do I really need all of them?
Yes, you do! In fact you need more guitars.


I only have seven right now, plus two that my nephew is babysitting, and I can guarantee you there are some more I need to buy, and will buy in the future.

I don't drink, do drugs or squander my money on anything other than loose women. Might as well spend it on something I really enjoy.

:D:thu: This is a universal truth!!!
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I look at it this way....I quit smoking around 6 years ago....two packs a day. At around 8-10 dollars a day that is around $20,000 I saved myself, not to mention that every time you go to the liqour store to get them you end up getting a soda and a snack or candy bar also so even more wasted money. I don't even hardly ever go in a 7-11 or liqour store anymore at all.


Anyway, the money I saved.....seems reasonable to me to reward myself from time to time by letting out some GAS...... money.

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Good point Fumbly.I quit drinking to get the cash for my strat.I figured out the cost of smokes and besides the fact that its a stupid habit I could get my blue Brian May with the cash I would save.You just gave me a great ideal.Problem is I think they quit production of the blue models once Brian pulled out of Burns.Looks like ebay.
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Hey, Viking...


I've got a few guitars...but (as an old, somewhat obnoxious buddy of mine used to say) "Lemme hip you up".


It has absolutely nothing to do with how many guitars you own. It has everything to do with what you can do with the guitar or guitars that you DO have.


Another friend of mine likes to tell the story of a band audition. This guy brought in a full Marshall stack, like 3 or 4 guitars, all sorts of "Gee whiz" processors.


The next guy came in with a beat up old Tele...with a coathanger wired to the case for a handle...and a tore up old Fender Twin.


Guess which guy could play?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Tedster, I agree and don't agree. Sure, some hotshot can have one guitar and just tear it up.


But I must say that every one of my guitars has a purpose, a different sound, a reason for being there. I am far from boasting about my guitars, because other than my '64 Strat, and my 70's Gibson Les Paul, all my others range from $50 toabout $600, but mostly in the $300 range. Far from being valuable guitars.In fact just today I pulled the frets from an inexpensive bass and made it fretless.


So when I go to write, I have choices...nothing wrong with that, in fact there are some guitars I still wish I had.


A 335 and Rickenbacker's in 6 and 12 would be great, and a real nice resonator to replace the cheapy I have.

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Originally posted by Fumblyfingers:

Not everyone "makes it" Kramer. So with so few musicians actually getting to the top, most who try to don't get there. So after years of trying all they really have is a lot of experience and perhaps a lot of gear.

I'm not knocking anyone for not making it. I could never do that. For starters because I've got both feet very firmly planted in the "never made it" camp and secondly because I don't give a shit whether ppl "make it" or not, in music or in anything else much. Like most folks, I can still accept people even if they don't have a platinum record,m or a doctorate in brain surgery or whatever :)


What I meant was like... sometimes you'll get reviews from people who claim to have a lot of gear and a lot of gigs under their belt and yet they'll come out with stuff which makes you wonder.


For example, there was a review for my amp (Vox AD30VT) where the writer, who mentioned having gone to some impressive place like Berklee or GIT or something, confessed that he couldn't work out how to turn on the amp, which has a switch and a power-on LED on the top. And of course, it was the amp's fault that this genius couldn't find the switch. I'm referring to ppl like that, not to people that never made it.

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