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Everything posted by Tusker

  1. I figure the Touche deserves it's own thread. Anybody using it? Anybody plan to? A new Touche SE product has been introduced, at a lower price point and having USB output only. It would be of interest to those of us who perform with software instruments. Sonicstate video here: [video:youtube]iaC3Q3-dRWQ
  2. Props to you! I've had a similar journey into mainstage where I am beginning to rely on it more and more. If could offer you two tips (my apologies if you already know this)... 1) Brian Li's 441K website is a wonderful resource. In particular the article about Kontakt. would be helpful to your adventures with Komplete. 2) As you go forward, you may become less focused on getting a midi message to it's intended target and more focused on getting the message only to it's intended target. 441K has a "no unnecessary moving parts philosophy", and a lot of tips on this approach to Mainstage programming. It's helped me to makes problem-solving easier and reduced unintended consequences. It'll make a complex rig more manageable for you. Warmly, Jerry
  3. You will need a screen controller (set up in the layout page) to represent the FC7. Do you? If so, what are the settings (in the layout page). You should be seeing settings like Midi Port, Channel, MIDI Thru, and Send Values To. Mainstage doesn't care that the FC7 is being sent from the Nord per se. Once it identifies it as a controller and recognizes the midi stream in the layout page ... you can route the FC7's values anywhere.
  4. Getting the Yamaha to "listen" to the pedal is possible. If you are in a Mainstage patch you can set up an extra channel strip, to carry commands from one external device to another. As long as Mainstage is "seing" the expression pedal in the Nord, it can send it to the Yamaha. You can also use this channel strip to filter and modify notes and controllers in sophisticated ways. https://support.apple.com/kb/PH13578?locale=en_US Getting the Nord to not listen to it's pedal is a "Nord problem." The Nord may have a setting for that. Typically you do have the option of turning local off on any instrument and letting Mainstage send what you need back to the Nord, but in my experience, there is a tiny Midi latency for fast paced notes through USB and back to a keyboard. Works well for controllers (MIDI CC, pedals, etc.) which aren't as rapid however. Try turning local off and see if you can live with the round-trip latency. :idk
  5. Thank you David and Bobby. Automator is a useful app, Rob. Would you mind speaking about just how useful it is to you? For me, it's only a case of turning on automap then umi3 and then mainstage. I don't have a test sequence or anything rigorous. Are there other complexities for you (e.g firing up large libraries after turning on mainstage, turning on the A500's software)? Thanks in advance.
  6. So are you managing your setlists in Mainstage? I'm currently building out a 33 song setlist, for which I am very thankful to have Mainstage on eight songs. (JD800 samples, CR78 drum loops, some Kontakt horns, some VA) Wondering whether I should allow Mainstage to step through the setlist, even when it's not needed for most of the songs ... That uncertainty aside, I echo the sentiment that Mainstage makes life easy, even when it's not shouldering the entire burden.
  7. Notwithstanding his analog credentials, DS has always been able to see digital applications before others could. (examples are MIDI, vector synthesis and the oscillators/effects in previous DSI hybrid synths). For me the jury is firmly out because we can't really prejudge what DS hath wrought. It's all very interesting to me.
  8. These are breathtaking. While I like them all, the second example really spoke to me as having a unique musical voice and dramatic quality. Uli should pay you, because I think DM sales are going to shoot up if you make more sounds .... more sounds... more sounds... please?
  9. Thanks for the nice reviews. How adjustable is the height of the Korg Stand? Does it allow someone to play the Continental in a standing position?
  10. I agree that's a bummer. The UVI Falcon software is cross-platform but the (OSX-only) LIE application seems to be necessary for all applications. Even if you are using MIDI CC or control voltage, and draw upon their templates, it appears you need the LIE app to scale the amounts of the signals, and I imagine precise scaling is a requirement to achieve the subtle musical outcomes which make the device attractive. They have buttons and a knob on the device. If they could build a method to calibrate the scaling using the physical device, it would encourage windows-based musicians and also players who don't use a computer at all.
  11. Updating this thread from earlier this year ... It's a meta thread for discussing a class of nontraditional controllers and our community's experiences with them. (Roli, McMillen, Expressive E, etc.) What types of results are you getting? Anybody working with the Roli Block? What about Linnstrument or the rather pricey Madrona Soundplane? Here's a new update regarding Touche from SonicState. You'll learn more from the musical examples than the talk: [video:youtube]6obBHrBtU80
  12. Bobby, I am glad you posted it here because I haven't been following the other thread. Especially love the size and creativity of the horn arrangements. It's both hot and cool at the same time. Sweet!
  13. I got on the mailing list with Expressive E some time ago and today they had an update with a link to Touche working with a Matrixbrute. (I'd like to have a seen a larger vocabulary of gestures tbh) Expressive E will be making special presets to work with the Matrix-brute. [video:youtube]UEHt7G9w488
  14. I am embarrassed to admit I don't know them. But it's great that there is more prog to be discovered. Got recommendations? Should I begin with H to HE? Thanks.
  15. What great stories! The guys at E-prog had a formal family tree. I don't know that it is authoritative ... http://www.e-prog.net/images/web/lucky.gif ... i reckon if we are having a family reunion, it's ok to invite all the cousins, including the one who was snippy to your little brother.
  16. Many of us have been prog rock fans and it influences our music.. It is such an unlikely and unusual genre. What is your story? I heard Rick Wakeman's Statue of Justice on the radio and I rushed out to buy that album. Intrigued, I picked Tales from Topographic Oceans from the local library. But the album that sealed the deal was ELP's Trilogy. Once I heard that, the hook was in. I had to discover all this great music I had missed out on. How did you discover prog?
  17. The impure fractions provide the flavor. That's what "swing" and "feel" mean. We do something superficially similar to this as trio ...all of us have played and studied latin rhythms, but it's been a year of practice (and more immersion) to get not-even-close to this fluency and feel ... [video:youtube]_sLgsh0Q6kg I appreciate that you picked your words carefully in your initial post when you mentioned playing around in some Latin Music. Playing around in some Latin Music? It's easy. Playing Latin music with respect and authenticity? It's harder than it looks.
  18. Excellent thread. Nice work Marky. Props to everyone who helped you.
  19. Sorry to hear that Math. It's a tough period but it will get better. Sending good thoughts your way. ...
  20. Great to know. I imagine pianists among us require a certain amount and type of tactile feedback, making velocity (partially) a physical problem which goes beyond what can be accomplished with sensor curves and the smart material. Thanks.
  21. Wow. Thanks you for sharing this. It has totally made my day! Since seeing your post, I've been scouring the internet to find out more about it. I would love to learn that the CV is scalable from within the touche. I love the idea of an advanced Ondes Martenot style button (on steroids!) with analog. Mind boggling! For those who are following this thread and are interested in learning more about the Ondes here is an introduction to this beautiful instrument: [video:youtube]Yy9UBjrUjwo
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