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About LuizAtKorg

  • Birthday 12/21/1985


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  1. Hello, everyone. Quick follow up regarding KORG Module. The schedule got a little late but the bugfixes are being released later this month. Edit: Bug 1: Crashes using the "Hybrid" plugin. Bug 2: Unsaved setlists
  2. Hey Dave. Here is what I understand: Module accepts standard "Program Change" midi messages. If your MODX sends Program Changes you will be able to change songs in the Setlist. I believe this is defined in the Midi 1.0 standards, so most likely your MODX will behave similarly to the Keystage as I describe below (let me know). (take it with a grain of salt, I may be missing some details): Basically the Program change message sends Channel+ProgramNumber. Module will receive this message and change to the songs with the correspondent number. For example, I rolled the "Value" knob of my Keystage which sends the program changes, and this is the data it sends: "C0" means program change at channel 0. "00" means Program number 0 (1st program). If you decrement from song 00, it jumps to 0x7F, hexa for "127" which is the max program num. The controller does not know in which song you are or how many songs there are in your app, so, let's say you have 10 songs (from 00 to 09). You increment your program changes until 04, Module will go to song 04. Then in Module UI you click on the setlist and choose Song 00 again. At this time, if you use the program change to increment the song again, the controller will send a "C0 05" and Module will jump from song 00 to 05. If your controller accepts "programmable" program changes, you can assign specific program numbers and jump straight to them. Take a look in this video and let me know if it works for you. This looks a lot of fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOmlviMax5M
  3. @J.F.N. @Reezekeys Seems that the voice stealing occurs in the "Synth" or "Hybrid" plugin (I call it Fairbanks, from Gadget) plugin. In my setup, doesn't matter if I chose 32 or 112 notes in the Settings.app it will start stealing around 16 notes (no layer) or 8 notes (layered). I believe it is because the Fairbanks uses its own internal oscillators instead of the voicing system. IF implemented this will not be a simple change, so I believe will not be in the next update. This was registered in the backlog, however, and I hope I can bring good news about it in the near future. With the other plugins (A.Piano, E.Piano, Clav, Organ, Sample/Glasgow) the Polyphony seems to behave as expected. If your guys have a different situation, please let me know. Best, Luiz
  4. I compiled many feedbacks from here and shared it, but not sure about when or if it will be implemented. The "headroom" may be not as simple as free CPU, because other factors such as memory and disk reading can also bottleneck performance quite easily depending on the situation. I will ask more details on on the topic you sent, thank you!
  5. @J.F.N., here is the test I'm doing: I hold both lowest and highest C's in the Keyboard using some heavy object, then I start adding middle notes. Using: - 112 poly settings - Some old iPhone 7 - Layered sounds: Fanfare + Band Brass (both from "layer Elements") After I add around 12 notes I can feel some layers are stolen from the bass note. In your guys experience is there some "heaviest" (continuous so I can keep the note ringing) sound to try?
  6. Hello, everyone. Both bugs ("Save setlist" and "Freeze/Crash") have been identified and fixed, so KORG will release a new version containing the fixes. I don't know the schedule yet, but I believe we may have it available later this month. Thank you very much for reporting it! I'm looking forward to see it released. @Paul Woodward AFAIK KORG is not much of announcing upcoming products/updates and normally just suddenly release it. 😄 I don't know the reason behind it and I will definitely ask if I have a chance.
  7. @Paul Woodward thank you for the details. I had 2 iPads running KORG Module for over 16 hours non-stop with lots of polyphony and parameter changes and they didn't crash on me. That's why I came here asking for more details. Can you remember approximately when it started for you? I know the "Save Setlist" problem is a little old, but the Freeze one seems "younger". And which iPad model and iOS did you use? Based on the info you and @HammondDave provided I have a better guess of the probable crash causes now, so thank you for that. I believe the dev team will start working on it very soon. The "choppy" problem seems to be a different matter, as it should be more related to performance, polyphony and buffer size areas, but I'm taking notes on this one for later for after we have this 2 immediate problems fixed. Regarding the second part of your message, as a musician myself I understand the feeling, but I'm here as a staff and unfortunately cannot discuss or disclosure anything else. Be sure that I'm taking notes of all valid feedbacks such as I'm reading in this topic, I just cannot discuss it. Again, thank you all for the support and I'm looking forward to bring good news. Have a nice weekend, Luiz
  8. Hi @HammondDave! Thank you very much for reaching us in the support channel and bringing this to light. Do you remember since when it started crashing? (don't need an exact date, just a feeling is ok) The MODX 7+ doesn't have Aftertouch, correct? I guess you use a damper/sustain pedal, is that right? Do you also use an expression one? Yes, an app intended for live performance simply cannot crash. I'm looking forward to have it fixed. Best, Luiz
  9. @HammondDave, @AnotherScott, @Paul Woodward Hello, everyone. My name is Luiz, I work for the KORG's App team and Support team in Japan. Recently one of you reached us in the support channel to report some bugs in KORG Module Pro so I would like to ask more details about it. First of all, thank you for reporting it. We were able to reproduce the error in which saving a Setlist causes some data to disappear and requested a fix for the App team (maybe myself 🤣). Hopefully we can release an update with it fixed in soon. However, we could not reproduce the Freeze/Crash error yet, so, if you don't mind, I would like to leave some questions here in order to help us investigate the problem. If you faced recent crashes, could you please reply the following? - Did it crash in which iPad model(s) and iOS version(s)? If you were using midi controller, please list it as well. - Is it only Module Pro or also happens in KORG Module? - Could you please describe the freeze/crash? Does the app suddenly closes, or it freezes, or both? If it freezes, does it come back after a while? - Can you identify some common fact/situation in which the freeze/crash happened? For example: ・Using Split/Layers ・Long/Big Setlists ・Specific sounds (for example, from a specific Soundpack, or from Heavy Soundpacks, etc) ・Specific plugins (for example, always the Electric Piano one, or always the Synth one, etc) ・Use of Channel Aftertouch, Poly Aftertouch, Modwheel, Knobs, etc. EDIT: Since when it is happening? This seems to be a serious bug so I'm looking forward to see it fixed. Thank you very much in advance and sorry if KORG Module failed on you recently! Have a nice day.
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