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  1. Thank you for your insight! Honestly, when @Coker mentioned SP88 I had thought he was talking the sp7 88 and just mixed up the numbers - after reading his and your other responses I see my mistake now I took a peek at the PC4SE last night after reading your response - it is an impressive keyboard. The software looked pretty wild as well (went ahead and installed it just to see if I could at least see the various screens and controls, which it let me do - definitely has a lot in it. It would be a fairly easy decision if it had audio in jacks or USB audio so if I did want to use a VST I wouldn't have to swap around a bunch of cables each time - that is one of the things I do like about the SP7 that it is audio usb compliant so I can just do a single cable hookup to my laptop. I think it would be possible to put something like a arturia minifuse 2 in between; I'll have to consider it. I will say it's a lot more keyboard than I need (as is the Fantom or Modx) as I'm much more of a player than a creator (who knows, maybe one day I'd be confident enough to try ). the 4se does sit in the middle of the price range I'm looking at, and it does have a lot going for it.
  2. Hmm, that's kinda concerning that it was having trouble reaching fff level out of it, I assume you tried different velocity settings (whatever Kurzweil calls them - hard/soft/normal/etc.) and got the same results? And was that the 88 stage or grand (just wondering with the different keybeds if it affects the ability to reach fff)? Did you try out the Fantom-0 before deciding on the MODX8 (although from what I've seen if you layer even just a few instruments, the supernatural piano will have lost notes fairly quickly due to the way the sounds work with the amount of polyphony)? Thank you for the info!
  3. I too am finding the recordings (or at least what I could find of the SP7 on youtube) of the Kurzweils to be very pleasing honestly - not sure how many velocity layers for the piano it has, but it does have a nice tone to it. Your comment on the Fatar TP100 seems to be a common feeling on it - the only other unit I can find with a 110 is the numa x piano (non-GT) but once again, we're talking about a unit I can't find locally to feel :(. I've never tried any Medeli keybed to my knowledge - weighted or otherwise so I have no way to compare. The RD88 is compact, but the interface - ugh, not my favorite to have to menu dive for. every. little. setting. Any keybed will be very different from what I play on normally - I just don't want something so bad that I'll want to chuck it across the room lol, and at the price of the SP7 grand I guess I have somewhat high expectations Plus - it (like the Fantom-08 and the Modx8+) are at the top end of what I can afford/willing to pay for a secondary/backup/easily moveable/fun with the amount of sounds keyboard that I can still practice properly on with a fully weighted keybed. I accidentally didn't multi quote (still getting used to the controls on this forum) but zxcvbnm098 - thank you for the info, I wish I was skilled enough to play in a band setting - but it sounds like from how you're describing, the Kurzweil keyboards usually work well with other instruments; very cool info.
  4. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, so hopefully this question isn't against any rules I'm currently contemplating a few different keyboards but where I live I can't find places that offer them so the try before you buy thing I'm kinda running into a brick wall... Right now, I have a few pianos on the list - a couple stage/slab pianos (RD88, P515/525, SP7, Numa X GT), a couple stage/arranger workstations (Fantom-08, MODX8+ although I'm not a creator, the sound patches/tones/etc on these are really nice) and one lower end but still decent rompler (Juno-DS88) all have weighted keys. This unit would be a secondary piano for me that I won't be gigging with (I'm not a great pianist ) but I don't want to depend on VSTs for sound which is why I'm avoiding a pure MIDI keyboard. My main piano is a Yamaha so although I have a few on my list, I'm kind of steering towards something to have different sounds and feel. The one I'm having a heck of a time finding, but looks like could be good is the Kurzweil SP7 but with none close I have no idea how the feel of it is and what its keybed is similar to. If anyone here has the stage or the grand (yes, I know two different keybeds but am curious about both) could you share how the keys feel and what keybed it is most similar to? I'm hoping if it's similar to one I can find locally, if I haven't already tried it, it would at least give me a concept as to how it feels. Also on the SP7, I've watched the few videos I can find on it and it sounds pretty nice - especially the piano - but have you found to sound like that in person? What kind of decay / looping on the notes? Any major issues or problems with the keybed or any of the controls? I know it's still a fairly new board and it isn't cheap, but I don't want to yank it from my short list until I can be more sure whether it will work for me. Any thoughts from owners would be greatly appreciated - it's close to my top end of what I plan to spend (modx8+ top of my budget) so it's kind of a big risk for me.
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