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Everything posted by ART.

  1. Nope doesn’t have to be a controller! Wouldn’t mind a workstation, and I think my budget could stretch a little as well, I would spend around 2K. I’d like to have something to control software but would also work great either as itself or as a hardware backup for if computer/software fails. Stretch my budget…. Every musicians famous words 😂😂😂
  2. I’ve played a Fantom before briefly and enjoyed it quite a bit. I am a Yamaha guy and have had the CP88. The CK88 the only thing I did not like was the keys, they are weighted but I think after having the premium wood action on the CP it’s hard to go backwards as I now have the P515 with wood key action as well. Although those other keys are not bad by any means, I really like the wood keys feel! You could look at the Yamaha MODX8, it’s a pretty nice instrument from videos I’ve seen. Doesn’t have the wood key action, but it’s a pretty sweet deal. I’ve played the keys on one in my guitar center before and they’re alright! Right around your budget.
  3. Thanks for all the help guys, this is very helpful information. I appreciate it!
  4. Good to know I’ll look into this thank you Probably 1,000 or under.
  5. I had a RD-2000 and couldn’t get along with it for some reason.
  6. Is it weighted or semi weighted? What do you use for knobs and sliders then as they don’t have any?
  7. Does anybody have any good recommendations for good 88 key midi controllers? Would rather it be weighted also. I have the Kontrol s61 right now but would like an 88 of something, I’ve been coming to see I really like software recently. I have my eyes on the Arturia Keylab MK2 weighted but am not sure since they just came out with the Essential Mk3 if an updated weighted will be coming as well. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you! Currently using my Yamaha 515 to play a lot of software but I would like something with some sliders and knobs on it!
  8. I don’t have the input sensitivity high, or at least I don’t think so. Just recording normally off of an iPhone. I do live pretty close to a road though, but other than that no. There’s no issues with the keys traveling up and down, and not really audible when playing with the volume about halfway up, only really noticeable if you’re hyper paying attention to it or aware of it.
  9. Hello! About a week and a half ago I picked up a Yamaha P-515, absolutely love it! I’ve been told it’s a very respected piano on this forum so hoping people have alot of experience with it, what is your experience with the key clicking noise? I’ve linked a video as an example, the black keys are worse than the white it seems, and especially the low B-flat sounds pretty clicky. Is this pretty par for the course, I wasn’t sure being this is the premium action in the 515. Any help would be great, or to know if I should try and exchange if it turns out the key click is unusual. IMG_6640.MOV
  10. Hi there! This may seem like a newbie kind of question but I want to make sure I get it right as I can’t find any concrete explanation to it. As piano isn’t the most portable instrument around, many of my family members haven’t heard me play, or friends, etc. How do you go about recording piano and sharing it to social media without copyright issues or getting your videos taken down or reported? I’d love to put a song on in the background from Apple Music and play along with it and record it and be able to share it for family and friends to see, with NO intention of making any money from it or receiving any credit for anything in regards to the song. Just wanting and trying to share the joy of music and my progress on piano as I go along. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!
  11. I definitely am going to try speaker stands eventually and get the foam definitely under them! I did not know about the ILoud MTM’s, I just watched a video review of them I’m super impressed!
  12. This is a very true point stoken6. Going to get them away from the wall, as well as get a good set of cans. I have tried doing some eq, but I think I’ve been fighting an uphill battle with them being rear ported near a wall even with the boundary eq down. I appreciate all the help. Will update once a solution is reached.
  13. I think that’s what I’m trying to explain. They are rear ported and they do sit against a wall but I have the boundary eq messed with. I think I need some foam under them and to get speaker stands maybe would help. Paired with headphones could be it. I do agree for the price of them they are good though!
  14. D. Gauss I’m thinking my problem is elsewhere as well. I’m going to upgrade my interface and get some foam under the monitors and see if that helps. Other than that the only other thing I can think of is acoustic room treatment and placement of monitors.
  15. Docbop I understand completely. I got tired of menu diving with the RD. The cp88 barely has any menus and none of the menus really have anything to do to adjust the sound of the pianos, etc. all the customization is on the top. I like that a lot.
  16. timwat I would love some ATC’s if money weren’t an obstacle. I also live in a condo building with 3 other units in it. The volume is an issue at times and I guess that’s why I’m probably going to lean toward headphones now after hearing it put like that. I don’t think I could go wrong there. I’d still like to upgrade the interface, but a good pair of headphones could really help my situation right now I’m sure. If and when I get new speakers I will definitely get something bigger than a 5” to really get that low end feel when playing the lower octaves.
  17. Boy this sure has turned my interest into the headphone region now. I have a cheap pair of Sterling Audio S452’s, but i could probably spring for a nicer pair, the cable on mine is sorta not the best and cuts in and out sometimes. Any suggestions on some nice cans? I think I’ll probably just keep the setup I have then, keep the scarlett 2i2, and run with some headphones for a while!
  18. I agree very much with you cphollis. I have some studio phones, I just prefer to play with speakers. It’s frustrating, I’m satisfied with all aspects of my gear right now except my speakers.
  19. I have my desk to my right of the CP88 which is against a wall, and the JBL’s are pointed toward my right side. I know that’s not how it’s supposed to be, but I’ve also had it in front of my desk with the JBL’s pointed toward me and felt the same way. If I have it in front of my desk I’m unable to use my Kontrol s61 as it is in my desk keyboard tray. My idea is to get some speaker stands and out whatever speakers I end up with on the stands behind my CP. I do not have them on auralex foams though. Maybe that could be the buildup I’m hearing of the frequencies I’m talking about. I do really like the JBL’s for regular listening, my plan is to keep them on my desk for when I use my kontrol s61 and have another pair of monitors by my CP for the CP’s output.
  20. The JBL’s kind of seem to have to much of a muddy low end in my opinion. My room isn’t acoustically treated as I won’t be living in this space for years to come so don’t want to dump money in acoustic treatment right now. They seem to have that “impressive” type of low end bass you see and hear on budget type speakers to impress, instead of a more flat response. So they seem to get kind of muddy to me to be honest. They are a great value and great sound, but they sound sort of muddy to me. I’m not looking to fill the whole house with volume, just something that’s a decent volume that can fill the room and sound pleasant. My budget is about 1200 right now for a new interface/speakers. I had in mind the volt 476 and focal’s, it would push me slightly over but that’s okay. I had a JBL LSR310 sub, but the bass got sort of crazy without bass traps in my bedroom space I’m using! Hope this helps!
  21. Hello! I’m new here! I’m looking for some guidance on speakers for my piano! I had a RD-2000 and couldn’t get along with it, and had a dgx-670 before and loved it! I sold the RD and now have a Yamaha cp88. It’s everything I dreamed of and more! I’m a stickler on crisp clear bright sound like Yamaha provides. I have 2 JBL 305 studio monitors coming out of a scarlett 2i2. They just don’t cut it, it’s time to upgrade. Any suggestions? It’s overwhelming looking at studio monitors and keyboard amps. I cannot stand the Roland KC series. They sound boxy to me. I’m looking for something primarily for at home use right now. My Sweetwater rep recommended a new interface and a pair of focal Alpha Evo’s, I’m leaning towards that route or a keyboard amp but am unsure. Any feedback on the vox keyboard amp or Behringer or anything? Or is studio monitor route the way to go?
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