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  1. I'm thinking of using this new keyboard for live on stage and swapping it out for my Korg Kronos II that I use now. (I want to use the Korg in my studio) I also use a Mac and a Native Instrument controller live. So I need my 2nd keyboard to have as many good quality built in sounds with layering and splitting capability. Anything else would be gravy.
  2. I'm looking to buy an 88 weighted key keyboard. It doesn't have to be a work station, but I need good quality sounds. I've been looking at the Roland Phantom 08 (not the Phantom 😎 and the Yamaha CK88. Does anyone have any experiences with these two boards or even any other suggestions? My budget is around $3000 CDN. Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.
  3. Kenheeter, was there a problem with the Key Largo for you to switch to the XAir 12?
  4. Thanks for the replies. I've looked at the KL 8 as well but not sure if I want to spring for that kind of money. In anyone's experience is it worth it to go to a digital mixer over an analog mixer?
  5. I am looking for a digital or analog mixer for live onstage performances. I use 2 keyboards (sometimes 3) for my live rig and have been using a Soundcraft notepad until recently when I dropped it and it has become unuseable. Does anyone have any recommendations for another mixer (digital or analog)? I have been looking at the Radial Key Largo which would work but it doesn't have a headphone out so I'm hesitant to purchase this unit. I would need 2 main xlr outs as well. Also debating whether I need to spend more money on a digital mixer or stay with an analog mixer. Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you.
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