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About nmchiledude

  • Birthday 03/29/1968
  1. Hardly alone Tom. For my particular situation (much less demanding than some here) I enjoy the challenge of recreating these parts. Years ago a quote that stuck with me from Keyboard mag (don't remember who the interview was with) and the one interviewed referred to himself as a 'guest orchestrator' when he played with different groups. That appealed to me and I've always looked for creative ways to fill that role. Great fun and very satisfying when it works out.
  2. Listened to the whole album, Jacob's Ladder the other night. Going to take a few times through to absorb I think. I find this particular piece to be compelling. I also liked Tom Sawyer, though not so much Chris Thile's vocal, but love how it develops later on.
  3. MOI's advice is great - had one of my teachers spend a fair amount of time working with me on this. Playing with weight - yes. Had another student act as a 'spotter' for me for awhile to point out some behaviors that I had developed unconsciously. Makes a difference.
  4. Listened to it for the first time Saturday night. Definitely surprised and intrigued me. Going to take a few more listens to see where I land with it, but it was compelling. I agreed about the Chris Thile vocals on Tom Sawyer, but where it went after I loved. Need to read the liner notes on this too. Something I miss about listening digitally vs having an album in hand while I listen.
  5. Been playing mine for 2 years, really no complaints. Works for what I need it to and the feel is pretty decent.
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