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Everything posted by PrairieGuy

  1. Yes, it's experimental and also not fully approved by the FDA. We've had decades to tweak the smallpox, polio, etc vaccines and they are proven to be extremely safe. Covid vaccines were rushed and are not as safe (6000 US deaths alone) and the long term side effects are unknown. The vaccine is safer for certain demographics, but not taking it is safer for other demographics. If you're older or have underlying conditions it's a safe bet to take it. If you're young and healthy not taking it is a safer bet. Forcing a healthy 21-year old to get an experimental vaccine because an overweight 65 year old is scared is unethical, in fact, probably criminal.
  2. Lockdowns only work if everything is locked down. But you let thousands of people walk across the southern border every single day since Covid began, and not a single one had to prove they were vaccinated or get tested. That's dumb people politics at its finest, letting people work to support their families is far less dumb. If you're scared, lock yourself down. Forever if you want. You can't catch Covid if you stay home. That's undeniable. But you don't have the right to tell me how to live because of your fears.
  3. Or maybe the vaccine doesn't work that well. Which is probably the case because every day the number of vaccinated people that are catching Covid increases. And so people are pressured to take an experimental vaccine where the long tern side effects are not known and where it now appears that it really doesn't work that well. And if you don't take it you're called anti-science and are not allowed live a normal life. I'm all for vaccines. I'm against being forced to take an experimental vaccine for a disease where the survival rate for my demographic is greater than 99.95%.
  4. One of my favourites who never makes these types of lists is Mike Campbell. He's only known for his work with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and he never created a unique style that others copy, but he never overplays and has the rare ability to play exactly the right part for the song. I've never heard a Tom Petty song where his guitar playing is lacking or sounds like an afterthought.
  5. I don't trust celebrities medical opinion, but I also don't trust Fauci's medical opinion. He's a political doctor who takes the political side not the scientific side. He lied about funding the Wuhan lab to Congress, and he lied when he said he knew that it couldn't have come from a lab. But he still earns his massive pay check no one is holding him accountable. The vaccines are still experimental and have the highest death rate in modern history and yet no one is allowed to be wary. Dare to question it on Facebook or Twitter and their "experts" will ban you. Zuckerberg and Dorsey now decide what you are allowed to say. What medical degrees do they have? My GF's 82-year old mother was vaccinated and immediately became ill and has been in the hospital for 2 months. She'll probably never recover. On top of that her fully vaccinated children are not allowed to visit her due to restrictions. Her mother may die alone never seeing her kids again. "Science"!! There are 6000 or so verified deaths in the US alone from Covid vaccines, and likely it's far more than that. Medical information is supposed to be private yet people are demanding proof of vaccination if you want to leave your house. We went from "2 weeks to flatten the curve" to "papers please" and people applaud that.
  6. That chart is a joke. No one in their right mind would say that CNN, NYT, and WashPo are middle of the road. They don't even lean left...they are far left. Politifact is a left wing organization known for bias and untruths.
  7. A dozen idiots? Maybe. Hundreds? No. And how many doctors on the planet agree? This is rubbish. No, it's not rubbish. But I'm not going to argue with someone calls doctors idiots. But maybe I'm wrong and you're a doctor and know better. Or maybe I was right and it was a waste of time. Have a nice day. I'm outta here...
  8. All of the doctors and scientist don't agree. Not even close. I could post dozens/hundreds of examples from highly regarded experts around the world but it's probably a waste of time. I apologize for being disruptive and will no longer comment on this topic.
  9. It's not going away, it never will. Coronaviruses mutate on a regular basis and an effective vaccine may no longer be effective in a few months. So, the options are to lock everyone down forever or to let people live their lives. If you're under 60 and healthy the survival rate is extremely high, greater than 99.99%. That's fact and that's science. Quarantine the at risk people. Let everyone else decide how they want to live their life. Those who are at risk or elderly need to be cautious. But healthy people shouldn't be punished. Let's not forget that "two weeks to flatten the curve" became "we need a vaccine" then became "even if there is a vaccine we need to completely eliminate the virus before anyone can do anything". The goalposts keep moving and they'll keep moving with no end in sight. It's not about science anymore. I can live without gigging, but I won't let myself be isolated from friends and family for another year. Or 2 years. Or however long they decide it will take.
  10. And they probably picked those artists up from their parents. The son of the lead signer in one of my bands is 21 and all he listens to is classic rock...because that's all that his parents listen to. He joins us at gigs on sax on occasion and he's very familiar with the 70's and 80's rock songs that have saxophone. How many 21-year old kids do you know who ask you at a rehearsal if we know how to play "Shine on you Crazy Diamond"? He wants to join a band of people his age but he doesn't like "their" music
  11. Well, if no one points fingers then the same people will keep making the same mistakes. Cold isn't rare and it isn't difficult to winterize energy plants. Canada and most of the US have been doing that with 100% success for decades. Talking about diversity and climate change doesn't solve anything. Texas has had cold snaps before. The real problem was a failure to properly prepare.
  12. So, it's a failure in two places. I'm surprised that no one in Texas ever thought it might drop below freezing, that defies all common sense. I agree, hopefully the situation improves quickly. I live in one of the coldest places on the planet (we just finished 2 weeks of sub-30 with -50 wind chills) but our homes and lifestyle are designed for that so it's more or less normal. We're fully aware of the damage that cold can do.
  13. It's easy to have reliable electricity and energy, but it doesn't come in the form of wind turbines as Texas is finding out. Turbines can supplement to a certain point but incidents of zero output must be factored in and there needs to be immediate backup if they fail. Reliable energy was replaced with intermittent energy and all it took was one weather incident to reveal the flaws.
  14. I don't think it's a hoax and don't know anyone who does. The good news is that now that the testing parameters have been corrected, maybe with more accurate numbers better decisions can be made. Isn't that what everyone wants...decisions made based on medically accurate information? Also, it's not fair to lay blame in one area...there were massive failures at every level that have been completely ignored or memory holed.
  15. Right on cue, yesterday the WHO released new guidelines on Covid tests: https://www.who.int/news/item/20-01-2021-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users-2020-05
  16. The WHO said that there are too many false positives, the NYT reported that back in August. But the health officials did nothing about it. But they'll fix it now and the number of positives tests will immediately drop. I guarantee that. And then everyone can congratulate themselves that they were right all along. Not only are there so many false positives but car accidents, murders, heart attacks, etc., have also been recorded as Covid fatality if people were positive for the virus, including if it was a false positive. But, as I just stated...the numbers will magically start to drop in the next few days and everyone can pretend that someone did something special rather than simply cleaning up the record keeping.
  17. As long as he thinks he can get something from you he'll keep calling, so next time he calls tell him it's great to hear from him as you're losing your house/apartment and maybe he can lend you some money until you get settled? I'm only half kidding...the last thing a mooch wants is someone mooching from them.
  18. Really, it"s pretty difficult to take this statement as anything other than a political statement. There have been plenty of political statements on this topic, including the one I responded to.
  19. Some facts that you have overlooked: In January the WHO claimed there was no evidence of human transference and as late as March Dr Fauci said masks were not required. So the government did listen to the "experts". Also, the border was shut down down to travel from the source of the infection on Jan 31 but that was widely criticized, but in retrospect was the right thing to do.
  20. Lay the blame where it belongs. Individual states had months to set up the logistics with local health authorities, most of them didn't bother. New York had to throw out unused vaccines because of their incompetence in setting things up.
  21. We watch movies at home with the audio through a pair of speakers and I've always been annoyed that the music/action noise drowns out the dialogue. I never thought of using a compressor, but was considering a center speaker hoping that most of the dialogue went through it allowing adjustment.
  22. So you are saying that when they say something happened it really didn"t? Like this bomb didn"t happen and they simply all got together and fabricated the story when nothing happened? No one claimed the bomb story was fabricated. However, there are plenty of other examples of media lies or blatant omissions on record.
  23. You can add NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, etc. to that list. The majority of your media (I'm Canadian) has gone from being biased to outright lying. What puzzles me is that so many people still believe them.
  24. That's why he wrote "conservative" with a small "c". Why not just be accurate and call them what they really are?
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