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Posts posted by Konnector

  1. The FA-06 keybed is famous for the black note velocity issue. Hopefully Roland has ditched that design forever. I'm sure they've heard about it over and over from frustrated FA-06 owners. I have an FA-07 and it does not have that issue, so that was an improvement at least. (plus the keys are all a little bigger and the black keys aren't so rounded on top.) The Jupiter 50 had a nice action. It's not like they have to redesign the wheel to include something better on the Fantom 0 series. (Haven't had a chance to try one yet.) 

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  2. I'm a PC guy, so all I can suggest is:


    Skip the limitations of 16 bit recording. 24 bits is the way to go. Way more headroom to work with. Getting a hot recording level is not required @ 24 bits.


    Reaper is a DAW option and free to try and works on both Mac and PC. 


    For professional results, good studio monitors + good listening environment is important. You can treat the sore spots in the room without spending a lot of money and utilize room correction software on your monitors and headphones. ARC by IK Multimedia or SonicWorks  are a couple to look into.


    Loads of good plugins out there these days for final mixing/mastering to checkout as well. 


    You'll also need a lava lamp. 🙂

  3. Between all the hardware synths and soft synths you have, I'd say save your money as you have a sh*tload of options already. Komplete 12 alone has a vast offering, not to mention everything else you have on board. 


    I was always more productive with less gear in my studio. It finally got to be too much, so I thinned the herd considerably last year and feel much better about it. Can't say I miss anything I sold as I still have plenty of options.. Didn't hurt that prices shot up dramatically either!



  4. Haven't tried a Fantom 0 yet, but if the EPs are the same offering as the FA has, then there's better offerings out there. The tone wheel organ will be fine with a Vent or something similar. Never been a fan of their Supernatural pianos. They have an annoying "pointy" attack to them....almost like they cut off the first bit of the sample. They probably cut through the mix in a live setting, but they don't sound at all "natural" to me by themselves. Still, the Fantom 0 offers a lot if you need to fill up on all the Roland sounds. (I'll keep my FA-07 for that.)

  5. 39 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:



    The FA method works fine as long as you're planning your changes in advance, and/or don't need to seamlessly change among sounds totaling more than 16. But the Fantom implementation is better, because you can change from any sound or sound combination to any other sound or sound combination, at any time, without having to pre-assemble a group of (max) 16 for the sounds you want to switch between.

    Agree, I'd probably jump on a new FA-0 if I was needing a new board, but I'm not needy at the moment.


    The FA by comparison really requires "planning ahead" to utilize it in the best manner live. Definitely more time spent programming and organizing things up front. Depends on your "live" situation or how you even incorporate it into your rig. You can dedicate an entire Studio Set to one multi-layered instrument with all sorts of variations to switch between on the fly for variation in tone, fx and modulation. I have other boards for piano, organ, samples, etc., so I use the FA that way (as a synth) instead of a "swiss army knife" that needs to cover all the bases.

  6. On 3/23/2022 at 8:42 AM, ABECK said:

    I've never really had great success with Tone remain.  Seems like the effects differences always present an issue.


    I have an FA-07.  Switching patches within a Studio Set via the pads works perfectly as far a tone remain goes. I've never encountered a sonic glitch doing that and I utilize all the FX I can on every patch. If you're not working within a Studio Set, then it won't be seemless, but I can't see why anyone would use an FA that way. Studio Sets are what it's all about as far as functionality goes.

    • Like 1
  7. Big ELP fan here, but Fanfare never did anything for me. When Works came out, I couldn't believe the Hammond was gone, the Moog was gone. WTF? That was the ELP sound. I get that KE felt he had taken that style as far as he could and wanted to move on stylistically, but it was a disappointing end of an era for me.

  8. If you like the Roland sound, it's probably the ultimate rompler. You've got thousands of patches to play with and stack up to create pretty much anything you may ever need. It's got all their Supernatural instruments as well.  It'll be a time sucker because it's got so many sounds in it to audition. That's step one. Step two is tweaking them all (if you're fussy like me) as most of those Roland sounds from the JV/SRX era can be improved upon, and a lot of presets tend to just have reverb and delay on them when there's dozens of other fx and mod options available. Step three is stacking a few together to make some really big interesting patches.  

    • Like 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, nadroj said:

    Yeah there’s supernatural EPs on the Fantom 0. 

    The SuperNatural EPs, Clavs, etc were all on the FA and I just wasn’t convinced by them. I still remember when I first got my Electro and compared the clavs on that to the Roland during the break of a gig once…my band let out a simultaneous “WOW!” at the difference. And the Nord clavs aren’t exactly world beaters either! 



    I have an FA-07, but I didn't get it for the Clavs, EPs/Pianos and Organs. I have all those sounds covered by other gear. (plus I rarely use an EP or Clav sound.) I did manage to improve on all of them though with some major programming just to see what's possible...Except for the Supernatural acoustic pianos. I'll never use any of those for anything. 

    Actually, pretty much ALL the sounds in the FA can be improved...sometimes by quite a margin if you have the patience, roll up your sleeves and dive deep into programming.

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  10. Waaaay back when I was gigging on the road 6 nights a week I had cases for all my gear except for my ARP Explorer. If you've ever had one, you know the build quality is beyond cheap. All plastic with a flimsy piece or hardboard on the bottom. I wrapped it up in a thick blanket and it got packed in one of the trucks along with everything else. Did this for almost a year and it survived just fine. For something as pricey as a Nord Stage 3, I think I'd want a decent case, but a moving blanket would definitely protect it from bumps and bruises. 

  11. I'm using Yamaha HS8's for monitoring in my home studio. I like them, and they have more power than I'll ever need. Bare in mind that they're rear ported, so they're not meant to be placed near a wall. Mine are about 3ft. away from the rear wall which is a good spot. It also allows me to walk behind my studio desk if I have to deal with cables. (and dust bunnies.)

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  12. I've had a number of Yamaha FM synths and rack synths. FM still has it's place. Sounds great when stacked with an analog poly to create all kinds of wonderful goodness.

    But, as already mentioned...Other than the keys & aftertouch, a DX7 doesn't make a good controller. That said, I used one ages ago with a TX81Z rack synth, a Korg EX8000 rack synth, and a multi-fx rack unit all slaved together as one instrument and it sounded awesome. 


    Nothing you can't do easier these days with a daw. DEXED is good....and it's free. (No portamento unfortunately - that's about the only thing it's missing.) FM8 is good as well as it provides more options like morphing, fx, extra operators, etc. That's about all you need to feed an FM craving.


    I'd pass on a DX7 as it's a bear to program peering through that tiny window. There's easier ways to tackle that now. If you just gotta have one, then go for a DX7- IID at least that allows you to stack two patches at a time, and has a bigger display.

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