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Everything posted by uhoh7

  1. We live in a time when perfectly good hardware is rendered unusable by lack of software which can keep up with Apple's constant mindless updates of the Linux-based MacOS. Emagic expensive MIDI splitters being one example, and all our old ipads and iphones being another. This only the beggining of what's coming. IOS14 has been even more damaging than Catalina to the general public. It would OK if "going back" was easy. It's often impossible as most know. Many of us must listen to nags about updating our OS everyday because Apple has made it impossible to even turn that off. I help people with apple gear all the time, and I use Mainstage at times, but I can understand the revival of hardware immune to careless changes. One interface solution I see used alot is the "Unmentionable" made XR18 mixer that is truly 18X18. It's not that hard to get two channels of audio into a DAW, but if you want to do more than that the options thin and the price rises. I may get one of these. For now I use a IK pro-duo, which is quite the swiss army knife for two channel AND MIDI, in both IOS and MACOS. Apple has become the epitome of monopoly, and why the muckrackers enacted anti-trust legislation. Their hardware is slick and sleek. It ignores the real world worries of us, not mention the terrible waste of needlessly obsolescent hardware. Nothing offends the Gods like Hubris. Mainstage, Logic, and Preview are examples of software "well done"---at the moment. I could write a long list of current apple software which is not well done, at all. But to what end? What I love about acoustic instruments: they always power on and never ask you for a password to play them.
  2. Thread resurrection!! It seems the MOXF, Motif XF, and Tyros, which use these memory boards are still in farily wide use. So I'd just like to hear some feedback from, well......I never really did use it.....to I could not live without it. I understand many moved to the ModX which doesn't use these and seems to have plenty of memory on board. I enjoy the classic motif sounds and tweaks thereof you hear often in Gospel, and I initially was going to grab a MX49 just for the sounds...as they are very inexpensive. Only then did I even become aware of the MOXF, and I hope to see one arriving not long from now. The Multitimbrality and sequencing chops of the Moxf seduced me, but a small matter of learning the Yamaha OS stands between me and that fantasy. At this point these expansion boards can cost almost half what you will pay for a MOXF6 used. Without the expansion the onboard options in both wave forms and soundesign look like alot, and sampling for keyboard is not anything I have alot of time to do: I have a nice hardware sampler, the MPC1000 (also great MIDI sequencer) for drums which I do use use. I'm already overbudget, LOL what do you think? I'm leaning to learning the board first, if I can, and expanding later if I feel the need. One last question....the MOX and MOXF look near identical, and there are quite a few MOX tutorial videos. Besides the lack of expansion slot in the MOX, is there much difference in the actual OS of these two? Thanks for any advice.
  3. That is a gorgeous thing, and lighter that SL73 with nice controls and sounds to boot. Is this the lightest hammer action fully weighted now, inlcuding controllers? TP/8piano doesn't count The TP40 was produced with 61 keys on the VMK-161, SL73 is much lighter. Still a real market out there for 49/61 weighted actions with some features.
  4. Get yourself the Mutec FMC-07 - 2GB flash memory instead of the max 1GB Yamaha sells. It's mainly useful if you have larger samples like the Chick Corea Rhodes or such. There's a lot of tech talk about what it actually does and doesn't do over at Motifator. I recently bought one and installed it in my Motif XF, and it is great. Thank You, where did you find it? This young man, Dom, gives Nick a great demo I thought. [video:youtube]
  5. Telling post, I was very tempted by ModX and latest Fantôme. But once I really delved into workflow I was Put off. Funny the Genos was attractive. That"s just because I"m a long ways behind you guys and I need a good shedding board more than anything. Keybed is not crucial as I have a quiver now which can control stuff. If I can find a good box I would probably let my C2X go...I will never toss a keyboard box again.
  6. Thank you Scott !!! That gives me a framework to understand some fundamentals, very helpful. I see the MOXF6 now new for $999, and the expansion memory seems to still be floating about. If anyone has a clean 6 they are not using and don"t mind shipping it, you might catch me before I pull the trigger on a new one. Because of the plastiky build I"m leaning to a fresh start. Happier New Year to us all!!!
  7. I'm sure this has been discussed before....MOXF retains many fans, and often sequencer is mentioned. Now that the MODX is up to 2.5 how do we compare these two boards as motif style workstations. Why do so many still seem to prefer the MOXF? Or maybe I have that wrong..... I'm afraid MEX has lured me into the motif legacy.... [video:youtube] Now I was under the impression the MX series does not really have much sequencing mojo....or V2 MX61 specs: 208 patterns, SMF Format 0 (playback only) Thanks so much guys, I have some great analog and VA synths, but I like the yamaha acoustic samples and multitimbral potenial. At first I was thinking to just grab a MX49 as a sound module. Very affordable. But a decent hardware sequencer might be very useful to me. I'm sure it's all been said, but I would apreciate thoughts on MX vs MOXF vs MODX pros/cons as of 2021......happy new year!!!
  8. I agree, the HARD setting is much more sensitive. Wait is that a double entendre? A few extra options would have been nice, but it seems to play fine with this setting.
  9. One way is to get a light controller, and then it's one USB both to power and send MIDI to a laptop or Ipad. Mainstage and Garage Band have many synths and they map easy to sliders on a controller. Many other soft synths do the same from phones, pads or computers. I have one of these which does play on batteries but will still need a audio out (or headphones) a bit heavier than a USB cable. I haven't tried it on my lap, but it can make some pretty wild noises: [video:youtube]
  10. So nice to see a local user try this gorgeous thing. I was dis-heartened to see it trashed here in an earlier thread based on you-tube sound.
  11. Roland is like Mama when you are young. You love her and you hate her The Roland team from 1978 to 2000 was pretty impressive. Synthmania has taught me that
  12. Excellent post, thank you. C2X is most remarkable for the organ implementation, and the force required to depress the keys, and hold them down is near identical to my Hammond action, leaving the playing difference to a short pivot point. Perhaps that is why I so much prefer the TP8/s for general playing. I hope some day to see one of the many playable hammer actions in a light case of 48 or 61. Happy holidays to eveyone!!
  13. I had a hard look at that one. I put myself out of my misery tonite....for a time anyway: https://www.ebay.com/itm/353308290140 Seller took 60 off and I caved. Novation SL61 "remote" aka MK1. Fatar TP/9S semi/encaped I think. 13 lbs. Brand new. I will just run a USB to it as I have MainStage available in all the comfortable rooms wired to pretty good speakers already. Never was such a crappy player so picky about keys LOL. Many like the Impulse, which has 9 faders....the obviously correct number. But while that one has a decent bed, it's not as good. I will put a nice review of it below. One of the best values for just a controller, maybe. I love this guy, he is a real OMB gigger, and loves the Ketron SD90. Check out his videos on that thing. [video:youtube] He did a great video on the SL61 MKIII and you will see he does not hold back about his feelings: [video:youtube] I first found him researching the Genos a year ago. I managed to restrain myself on that one,
  14. Awesome replies, thank you for humoring me! @Elmer I'm a studiologic fan, but not a fanboy. Still have my SL880 from early 90's. For a crappy player I am terribly picky about keys. I'm just not inspired to play as much with, EG the plastic keys on the Roland APro A-500, though of course they can be played very well. Also, my ankles will swell at the piano too long, or standing, so I need some keys I love and can play with my feet up. That's what got me researching...again. My numa C2x will do the job, but 88 is too wide, and honestly, while I like those keys better than the Roland, I don't love them. TP8s on my Virus TI I do love, but it's too heavy for lap. Nectar T4 I nearly love, but it's on loan to my daughter and 49...which I finally am deciding is not quite enough.....unless they were real hammer action. A light hammer 48.....I know many would love one. The 161 has a great bed, but it's as heavy as the Virus TI, I'm pretty sure. Bla bla, you get the idea. @Scott Thank you, yes that's what I'm thinking too. I wonder how the springs are on that one, I hate heavy springs....my biggest gripe with C2X. They call it semi-weighted, I don't think there are weights. Just springs. @Morrissey Thank you!! That shows the weights! Jeez the 161 is right on the edge of what I might suffer for hammers...... @PM51 Haha, I hear you. Yours has the TP8O, which I would love to try. I also still must refer to my SL880 manual on a regular basis. I still have the original printed one. Tonite a seller kicked his price down for me on a NIB Novation SL61 remote (original mk1), and I caved. It's about 13lbs. Some flavor of Fatar TP/9S people like. I hope it will cover the couch. I have a iMac in my bedroom and a old MBP in the living room with MainStage so, I'll just run one long USB for power and MIDI. I nearly fell for the Novation Impluse 61, but keys are not as good. I will just have to put these two beauties out of my mind. I'm not Jay Leno after all.....
  15. I've been obsessing lately.....what else is new? These are two old studiologic boards, the VMK 149 and 161 Plus (not the Organ) They are rare as hens teeth, but I have actually found one of each and am wondering if I want to jump through some hoops to get one or even both. So the 149 plus has the TP8Piano action, which is good by comparison to plastic actions, but really not worth writing to mama? It's in a number of boards on the big list, like the PC3 61 etc. Nobody seems in love. It's such a unique item I should see if I can grab it anyway......from Saint Petersburg OMG, any input from those who have seen one would be greatly appreciated. the VMK-161 Plus has the graded TP40, which is fine by me. I even love the old TP10. It's super rare in a 61....there was the SL-161, but I think that was TP10. With the SL73 as cheap as it is now, this might be silly, though the VMK plus has many sliders etc. I cannot pin the weight down, but I fear it's over 30lbs, way past what I had in mind for it: a hammer action for the couch. But again this one looks in great shape and I love these unusual old things.....by the time I paid to ship it I would not be far off a SL73...also to heavy for the lap. But if anybody has experience with the 161 Plus I would love to hear it. Merry Christmas to all!
  16. Never underestimate the power of communication, if you keep at it: [video:youtube]
  17. 9.3 lbs that is good. How is the keybed, do we know what bed is used, I've lost the updated list. I now hear the Roland A-49 has Identical keys to A500-pro- which I already have and while usable, I don't love them. Just quite plasticy. Can anyone verify that? Here's another couch candiate [video:youtube] That might be actually too light for lap playing! If you want something with a high quality build, 15lbs, 49 key would be a Blofeld or it's new sister, the STVC, which is $200 cheaper: [video:youtube] This appears to be same action as Blofeld, which might be the best 49 key synth action right now. Fatar TP9s weighted and "encapsulated". Many rave about the blofeld action. I wonder what the Osmose is going to weigh in at.....they respond to the question: "same as most other boards of this size".
  18. Get ready....... By the look of this, it will be cheaper than I thought, as was the 2600. Now for the CS80.....
  19. Looks I need to break down and update..... Thanks for all the great reports!
  20. More great info, thanks so much for the update! One thing I note: CTX700=9.5 lbs CT-X5000 = 15lbs same as Numa C2x (which I already own). Does anyone use the Roland A-49? I get the idea the is the best 49 key action in a light-weight board. I'm considering finding a old Fatar action like my TP10 in the SL880, or TP40, and using the Doepher modules to make a light 48 hammer action for the couch. I hear the fatars are "easily" split into two parts 48 and 40 keys. The SL73 is a steal right now, but it's 25lbs. Too heavy for the couch on a regular basis. Even my DM12 at 18lbs, I regard as too heavy. I could butcher my SL-880...that would be emotional as I bought it new in the 80s and still love it today. A few years ago I thought the rubber bits were going on a quiet few keys and easily and cheaply ordered replacements. But a full reset totally resolved the issue, TYG before I had it apart. It's remarkable there is no 49 hammer action at all. Fatar did make the YMK-148, which is unobtanium, and there are shops which will make custom boards, basically a chop of older Fatars. We should rattle the Studiologic cage for ultra light couch ready 49 hammer action with good MIDI and those little Numa speakers, which are fine in a small room for practice. It would be pretty easy for them to throw one together and if they could keep it below 500 and around 15lbs.....Katie barr the door!
  21. I missed this thread, but it is awesome. I'm so glad I'm not alone in sometimes practicing like this That CTX-3000 is a real find. I have done it with: DM12 (heavy) Virus TI (Really heavy) Numa C2X (good but wide wings) A-pro 49 key. (fine but I don't love the keys) Necktar T4 (my favorite so far) These old Fatars look fun, I wonder what action they used: [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/TPXt-6OMn_o There is one of these brand new in box on reverb. Some call it the "studio 49" Under 5 pounds. Only sends on MIDI 1 I think. Can be used with a PWS, but there is confusion about connector. I found a guy who had got help from fatar, and it turned out it was just the normal SL880 type, but the writing on the unit makes it seem like something else. The fancier one is the TMK-49 which has wheels and multi channel MIDI. OK, this guy knows his M-Audio 49s: [video:youtube] Note what he says about the Keystation 49es (older) and he shows it.
  22. I have nearly pulled the trigger on this thing since it was introduced many times... [video:youtube] I love to see a synth gal. Check out Cuckoos results, which really have an interesting sound on my speakers: [video:youtube] Lot of bang for the buck in that thing.
  23. I'd be curious how sick you get in the first few days. It appears to be common after the first shot, much less so after the second. That will not stop me from getting the vacine when I can, I often don't feel well after a flu shot. What might be news to some is that in trials these two vacines were very good at protection from Covid-19, but far less so at preventing the aquisition of Sars Cov2. IE 40% of those vaccinated who were exposed to the virus did test positive, and may well have been contagious, but only 5% actually got Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus. My impression is the abilty of those vacinated to still spread the virus is still not well understood, but the virologists I listen too expect they could. Everyone knows by now about the new UK varient causing chaos in Kent, as France closed the border and stranded the poor truckers. However the conclusions of "Nervtag", the science advisors to the UK Gov, have been called into serious question by the second most famous US virologist: [video:youtube] This guy is the real deal, though it doesn't mean Nervtag is wrong, as scientists don't always agree. He runs the now world famous "TWIV" podcast, with other scientists. It's been a bi-weekly show since the start of the pandemic and a once a week affair for over a decade. Anyway, in the video above he goes over the data which led to Nervtag's conclusions, and has a very different take. https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/
  24. Great point I think we are going to see a whole new crop of virtuosos. Tatum, Parker, so many others told those stories of "shedding" where they honed their chops before venturing to cutting sessions. I won't be one of them, but I have been learning new instruments, and in the process I get the idea many others have been using this isolation to work on their music. This lithophone from your link is spectacular, obviously the frame is not ancient, but maybe the rocks are
  25. The most advanced instrument available for at least 1000 years, which nobody has understood till very recently: [video:youtube] Revelatory video for the history of music performance. The Iliad was sung acompanied by this thing. The lyre has always been portrayed like a primitive harp. I could never understand the obsession with it in antiquity. Every guitar player needs to see this. Just incredible. The Kithara or Cithara. I found a few more jaw dropping videos on ancient instruments. Understanding these instruments is very recent. They have been long dismissed by tone deaf classicists. But it turns out there is a new wave of musical archeology. Wow. Horns, you think modern horns are impressive? [video:youtube] Armstrong just fell out of his chair on Mount Olympus. [video:youtube] When you want a great hour, pull this thread up and watch this one, also from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: [video:youtube] This is a keyboard forum, naturally cynical on the subjects of strings and brass, so we better not leave out the Roman Organ: [video:youtube] God--I mean Jupiter, what a contraption!
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