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Posts posted by JohnG11

  1. As posted above message #2984617, I duly hooked up the PX560 to the laptop via USB, and started MIDI-ox.


    As suspected, each time I pressed a key, MIDI-ox displayed two messages, first a High resolution Velocity Prefix message (CC#58) followed by the appropriate Note On message.


    The same thing happened on key release, CC#58 followed by Note Off.


    So, two MIDI messages per Note On, Note Off.

  2. Is it just me being stupid, or has the section in PianoManChuck's YouTube post about Hi Res MIDI velocity been erased from the video?

    It certainly doesn't seem to be at 14:10 any more.


    Later today, if I have time, I plan to attach my laptop to my PX560, run up MIDI-Ox and see just what is transmitted when hi-res is set.


    I expect to see two messages, rather than one.

    The first, the MIDI CC, "BnH 58H vvH" (High Resolution Velocity Prefix), see page 13, section 7.20 of the PX560 MIDI Implementation manual,

    The second, the MIDI Note On message, "9nH kkH vvH", with the note number (kkH) and the 'normal' 7 bit velocity MSB (vvH).


    I just wonder whether, like most pitch bend wheel implementations, it will just use three or four extra bits of the LSB, rather than all seven bits.

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