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Everything posted by dboomer

  1. COVID-19 is the most rational and likely explanation for a healthy percentage of that number. If you don't believe it's mostly COVID-19, try to explain why this year has been so different than any other. Why wouldn"t a new disease that kills people not be the cause?
  2. Well if you"re going there ... it also gets rid of a lot of those those black and brown people. Make one wonder if that might be part of the current government"s plan.
  3. Yeah, I guess I"m not addressing the center of the bell curve with this group
  4. Not so much looking to debate this, just asking the question (and going OT) ... I wonder if this is true in the modern world. Other that reading and arithmetic (at least up until high school). I either don't remember (at my advanced age) or later discovered what I learned to be not so much true. Pretty much anything you need to know you can just ask SIRI. But you do need to know what to ask and 4 year olds are really good at iPad. So I'm thinking what schools really need to teach is the ability to reason and not to jam a bunch of "facts" down kids throats. The only thing I got from that (and 3 years of Latin class) was to become really good at playing Jeopardy. If you can reason seems to me everything else is easy. I remember trying to help my kids with math homework. Of course they way I knew how to do it was "wrong" (answer not important). They had to do it "the right way". So I always tried to impress upon them, when you look at a problem and you change a variable somewhere ... does this make the answer bigger or smaller, or really bigger and really smaller. There are calculators for everything else. YMMV
  5. I can"t swear to it, but I"ll bet the non replaceable battery outlast the original purchaser"s use of the phone 99.9% of the time. OTOH ... I have a Juno 106 from 1985 with a solder-in panasonic 3v battery that currently measures 3.28v. I'm pretty sure most Juno 106s have gone to the grave
  6. Not trying to be Mr. Unpopular here. I just wanna share a perspective from a manufacturer's standpoint. MI manufacturer"s (at least internally) consider themselves in the consumer product market. At least the bean counters do. Obviously a manufacturer could do anything they want but everything has a cost. Cost affects sales and sales affects keeping retail prices down. Most products get a price fixed to them when they are designed. Replaceable batteries have a cost which means if they add that as a feature then something else will get left out. So decisions get made. Pretty much everything I"ve seen runs over its cost estimates in its initial stages and things have to get cut back. Could be features, could be quality, could be making things serviceable. In older times a lot of gear was designed to do whatever the original design was damn the cost. That's not the case any more. Consumer products are designed form the ground up to meet magic price points ... $299, $399, $499, etc. While you guys certainly have the right to make decisions based on whatever you want I"m guessing in the bigger picture very few sales are lost because on non replaceable batteries assuming the original battery lasts a few years or longer. Apple products that sell in the millions are probably a good example of that. Even in house factory service bills $100/hr against a product in for warranty repair. So for about anything that sells for south of $500 it is cheaper for the factory to replace than to fix. Behringer fixes nothing these days. Warranty claims are replaced and everything else is non serviceable. Once upon a time I climbed into a dumpster with about 400 rack mount Crest power amps that were on their way to be crushed. I could have easily taken parts from some and fixed others but that ain"t the way it"s done
  7. I believe manufacturer"s don"t think pros bet their livelihood on a $400 piece of gear. They have backups. Did you overnight it to them for repair?
  8. I"m gonna guess that most people would answer the decade in which they 'came of age'. For me that"s the 60"s ... the popularization of rock music, surf music, blue note jazz, psychedelic rock. Music was still mostly in the hands of the artists and not producers. I can"t, of course, separate it from the Calif surf scene, the hippie movement, the Viet Nam war, going to college and free sex and drugs.
  9. London to LA will always be next to impossible limited to the speed of light puts it out of possibility. There is a test of SF to Prague on Youtube with Jacktrip. At 60 bpm the latency is about a 16th note so that"s not gonna work. However at distances around a few hundred miles sub 20ms should be doable for lots of people. Looks like their beta units running peer to peer should be much lower.
  10. Anyone out there using this with success? Christian McBride seems to think it works. https://www.jacktrip.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk8b7BRCaARIsAARRTL7cbG4ibcOxxPbQlOvH6AK2TyD4xvqH_uWKNtMcj5nKtGiWE4LsCbQaAm72EALw_wcB https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/
  11. We have been seeing B roll for a while showing fogging down subway cars and even city streets. But I've always wondered as I thought in the case of Covid that the virus pretty well self destructed after a few hours on most surfaces anyway. So that along with info that surfaces aren"t really the primary ways one could catch it just leaves me wondering. Obviously we"ll know a lot more about this in 5 years when a lot more research has been done. Everyone had to jump on this quickly so it leads to a lot of course corrections along the way. But that"s the way science works.
  12. I"m always skeptical, especially since the fluid for this machine is $600/gallon. A quick look on Google show a lot of similar products at 1/10the the price. Also, the manufacturer says you can"t be in the room with this fog and have to let it air out for 20 minutes before coming back in.
  13. If you are looking for custom cables I"ve had good experiences with Redco Audio in CT. They will build you just about anything for a fair price.
  14. Here"s a little demo video I did using the Q2n for both audio and video. Probably a little overuse of the 'Ken Burns effect' to compensate for the single camera shoot.
  15. You"ll need to get the lens shade to avoid artifacts. Also mic stand adaptor is brilliant.
  16. Given the non standard reporting the number of deaths and the death rate could be way off. But there is a greater likelihood that the number of deaths is under reported rather than over reported. There is a statistic called 'excess deaths'. Currently we are running a fair number north of 240,000 deaths above what should have been expected based on averaging annual trends. So if you subtract out the 180k covid deaths it still leaves almost 60k unexplained excess deaths above expectations. You can check it out on the CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  17. Phones for the most part are a disaster sound-wise. The auto gain circuit screws up music.
  18. You can"t go wrong with Reds, but they can certainly hurt your checkbook. I also have a Zoom Q2 which is great to take along to gigs. The wide angle lens captures everyone on stage and both the audio and video quality are very good by Youtube standards.
  19. I guess my only (recent) rule is don"t settle for something less than what you really need. The pain of paying for it should be relatively short compared to the time of actually living with it. Too many times I found myself wishing I had bought a better piece than what I actually took home.
  20. I"m guessing getting rid of AC units will be a hard sell. However I imagine there will be a huge number of HEPA filters installed into existing ones.
  21. How about we just develop non polluting sources of electricity and keep our AC? I resisted chiming in here as I thought your initial post was mostly rhetorical. But it smacks somewhat of confirmation bias. You listed all the negative things but failed to list the positives including increased human output and improved health for those that live in polluted areas (me) or that suffer from respiratory issues. Painting all our roof white and remodeling buildings isn"t without an environmental cost either. It"s 109 here today. I ain"t giving up my AC but I do try to use it (and all other resources) responsibly.
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