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Posts posted by dboomer

  1. That 45,000 dead number is the number of people who died after recieving the vaccine world wide. There is zero proof that ALL of those deaths were caused by the vaccine, without a properly vetted medical account of the actual cause of death the number does not mean much.

    It works both ways. Many people who died with Covid but not because of Covid are considered to be official Covid fatalities.


    Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

  2. If you wanna count that 45,000 that died after receiving a vaccination then you also have to count the untold 25 millions that died but didn"t receive a vaccination that lack of a vaccination caused those deaths, right?


    According to the CDC, of the 6700 deaths reported into the VAERS system (which would be .0018 of doses) only 3 of them have been actually attributed to the vaccine itself (blood clots from the J&J)



    What we have here is a giant innumeracy problem. People just inherently are terrible with big numbers.

  3. Do you have the right to drive as fast as you want? To shoot guns in crowded places? To play with fire in a public building? Your pretense of a lack of fear is exactly why there are laws.

    I have concerns about Covid. I fear losing my freedom even more. I know from history that once you give up a freedom â¦[/nquote]



    Your freedom? Let me know when I get to urinate in public or can blow through stop signs.

  4. Ribbons are my go to mics for about everything. I have three Royer 121s, a pair of Coles 4038 and a few cheap Chinese knockoffs that have had the transformers switched out for Royer transformers.


    Ribbons have very little to none phase shift at the very highest frequencies. I suspect what you hear when you think highs are missing compared to condenser mics is their lack of distortion. Another thing you will find is that you can boost the hell out of the top end, if you want, without the sound going tk hell as it would with a condenser. Ribbons will come the closest to anything you have ever tried as far as capturing a perfect square wave, which make them the mic of choice for recording distortion from guitar amps.


    People worry about the pattern, but i use the Royers live on stage for guitar amps with no issues. I have also never needed any additional boosters mic pre"s from back as far as my VS880 days to my current API"s.

  5. While the subscription price seems very attractive I am assuming you don"t get local copies of everything and so you can only operate with internet access? That might seriously cramp my style.



    I just added a Presonus interface to my gear because of its extremely low latency and got a copy of Studio one (lite) included. I haven't really tried it yet as I"m dreading switching over from a Daw on which I have thousands of hours of experience. However Studio One does have some very interesting features my other DAW doesn"t have. I need to get the whip out and fire it up.

  6. Hass panning becomes extremely important when mixing in 'stereo' for a live performance. If you are sitting in a living room at the sweet spot it may not be as important. But for a live show where almost almost no one would be in a sweet spot because of the distances involved, employing Hass panning means if you are in a position where you can only hear one side of the PA the overall mix becomes mono and the levels don"t change.
  7. Re: 'Better to cut' ... I think the confusion here is understanding the difference between 'electrically' and 'acoustically' boosting. You can electrically boost until you run out of headroom but it may make very little or no actual acoustic difference based on the acoustical environment. A good example might be if you mix in a 10" x 10" room and add low bass boost. You can add and add but not really hear any change. Then take that mix out and listen to it in your living room and all of a sudden you have way too much bass as the bigger room will allow it to happen acoustically. Same kind of thing can happen when eq-ing speakers in near their crossover points. You can boost and boost but nothing really happens. Cutting on the other hand always works.
  8. Er, there's nothing political about that. He's just stating the facts of what happened at the time. Simple facts. Zero politics.



    I can"t see it as facts if you take it out of context and omit the last Fauci"s last sentence in the discussion which was -


    ' FAUCI: Of course, but when you think "masks," you should think of health care providers needing them and people who are ill. The people â when you look at the films of countries, and you see 85% of the people wearing masks, that's fine. That's fine. I'm not against it. If you want to do it, that's fine.


    HOST: But it can lead to a shortage.


    FAUCI: Exactly, that"s the point. It could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it.'


    Out of context it becomes purely political or ... extremely foolish

  9. Some facts that you have overlooked: In January the WHO claimed there was no evidence of human transference and as late as March Dr Fauci said masks were not required. So the government did listen to the "experts". Also, the border was shut down down to travel from the source of the infection on Jan 31 but that was widely criticized, but in retrospect was the right thing to do.


    Really, it"s pretty difficult to take this statement as anything other than a political statement.


    As to 5G being dangerous...2 facts


    1) There will be many more transponders/microwave antennas and they will be closer together with 5G.

    2) 5G is supposed to be starting around 4-5 times the frequency of 4G 20-25ghz and will eventually reach 200-300ghz which is very close to the frequency of INFRARED.



    You need to double check your "facts" as they have no impact in the real world.


    So yes, while there would need to be an antenna in every hallway just at 30GHz, the signal simply dies out very quickly at that frequency. So roughly 300x the current number of transmitting antennas would be necessary to cover even the highest current cell phone frequency but more like 1000x more antennas would be necessary compared to what is needed for typical cell phone frequencies. so roughly a million times more antennas than the current 3-400,000 cell phone towers would be necessary to cover the country in 300GHz service. Doesn't sound like a money maker to me. Once you figure it out for a specific frequency it falls off at inverse square anyway so unless you stick a high power transmitter up to your skull for a long time you probably receive much more gamma radiation from an airplane flight. So not much problem here.


    First 5G is simply a coding scheme not a radio transmission. Its radio transmission at ionizing frequencies that can be the real problem. Currently the "Start frequency" for 5G phone service is 617MHz and the highest possible licensed frequency is just south of 30GHz. 300GHz cell phone service would only be practical ifor very small spaces. It will never happen driving down the street so your phone would have to switch over to something much lower. It is highly doubtful that there could ever be service at anything near 200-300Ghz because the transmission your only be for a few feet. it wouldn't make it down from the top of a lampost to street level before dying out. RF power dies very quickly at high frequency. The difference between 30GHz and 300GHz would be a difference of an additional free space path loss of 30dB. That would put any usable signal way below the noise floor if you were transmitting more than a couple of feet.


    You can add NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, etc. to that list. The majority of your media (I'm Canadian) has gone from being biased to outright lying. What puzzles me is that so many people still believe them.


    So you are saying that when they say something happened it really didn"t? Like this bomb didn"t happen and they simply all got together and fabricated the story when nothing happened?

  12. I"m been trying a bunch of things and found a new one that is very promising ... Sonobus.net


    It"s easy to setup, can run as a stand alone program or can plug into your DAW as a VST. It"s free and requires no additional hardware other than an interface, your computer (Win or Mac) and an ethernet connection to broadband internet. As with all things like this, latency is an issue but I have been successful jamming with others at about 150 miles.


    There is a Sonobus Facebook group if you wanna take a look.

  13. REW is free room analysis software. The Behringer measurement mic is under $100. So you can know what you started with and ended with pretty easy.


    Gotta agree with this one. A free program with a learning curve much shorter than Smaart. You"ll do yourself a big favor to figure out what room modes you wanna treat with bass traps and then construct tuned traps. Much better way to go then just throwing up stuff that may make things worse. I see too many budget rooms with a lot of expensive foam that can make things worse if you don"t realize exactly what is happening.

  14. There are about 300,000 excess deaths not attributed to COVID so far this year.


    COVID-19 is the most rational and likely explanation for a healthy percentage of that number. If you don't believe it's mostly COVID-19, try to explain why this year has been so different than any other. Why wouldn"t a new disease that kills people not be the cause?



    ......... what has happened to reading comprehension in the 21st century? How could I write "these jerks are killing people, wrecking people's lives, wrecking the U.S.. Those of us who have had family and friends die or left with life long complications will remember." and be implying the 300,000 excess deaths were not from COVID????


    YES, I believe the excess deaths were from COVID. My OWN MOTHER was probably one of those 300,000.


    YES, I was agreeing with you just for those that might have believed otherwise. Sorry to hear about your Mother. I lost mine to complications from Covid too.

  15. Unfortunately the computer and social media are using them (us). Even a Google search customizes the results of a search so that when we all input the same search we do not receive the same answers. It makes it easy for the proliferation of conspiracy theories when all you see keeps supporting it.


    If you haven"t seen 'The Social dilemma' on Netflix you really should take a look and investigate.

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