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Posts posted by Dextroze

  1. You can learn the Peak by controlling it with your Casio, but for the immediacy of playing it as a separate instrument alongside (or above) your Casio, you will need a second keyboard for sure. Adding the Deepmind gives you the option of using it as a controller for the Peak, leaving the Peak at home and using Deepmind sounds, or using sounds from both ( with the added complexity ). But, be realistic about how likely you are to learn 2ndifferent synth architectures. :)


    Yes ;)

    Maybe the Rev2 Can conversation eveything the Peak and the deepmind do ?

  2. The Peak is going to be more versatile. If you are using this on stage to cover a lot of different synth parts that could be a big factor. On the other hand, if you are just looking for something for the bedroom studio and already have a computer full of VSTi's that versatility looses some importance.

    Thank you !

    Is the Peak REALLY more versatile ?

  3. Hello guys,


    I have a big dylema.

    I have a max 1900 budget.

    I hesitate between to options :


    1/ Buy a Deepmind 12 (the one with with keys) + the Peak.

    2/ Buy the Prophet Rev2 (the one with the keys with 16 voices of polyphony).


    I was hesitating between the Peak and the Rev2... And was almost going to buy the Prophet because I didn't know which very good controller with good synth action I coud buy.

    But thanks to your answers from a previous post, I thought of buying another cheap synth so that I can use his action. The DM and his keyboard are maybe a good thing ?


    I don't know if it's great or not ?

    If yes I'd get two very nice synths for under the price of the Prophet.


    The only issue is that I played 1h the Rev2 and I really liked it !!!


    Can you help me and give me your thougts on this ?


    I'm a jazz player and I want to put synths in my setup slowly but surely :)

  4. Hello guys,


    I bought my VR-09 very recently (10 days ago).

    I really like it but in the meantime, my PC crashed and I found a good occasion in France for a Macbook Pro. Now I have Mainstage etc, and I feel that I'd like to use my Mac !

    I heard the midi implementation on the VR is really bad... To what point ? I'm a beggining in the midi world, I'm coming from acoustic piano (jazz mostly >>> See my video in signature).

    Should I send it back and get a good midi controller ?

    Or should I add a controller to the VR in order to have faders and nobs that are easy to program ? Can we do that ? I don't even know.


    Thanks guys

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