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Everything posted by ap297

  1. Thanks Aidan for your review. Given the MODX built in audio interface, I am thinking that using tablet/laptop running VB3 for organ sounds could work. Could the MODX buttons or sliders be used to change VB3 preset sounds, drawbars, etc. - such that the laptop could be running VB3 with its clamshell screen closed?
  2. Am looking for a lightweight 88 key instrument - the inevitable question:for organs, MODX or SP6?
  3. Wow he is beyond great! Was listening to Eric Burdon / Brian Auger live youtube videos from the late 1990s. The organ has a "VOCE" endblock, yet this organ has a joystick and looks like a Korg. Anyway his sound is very funky and cuts thru. Does anyone know which organ instrument it is? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DzSU-l6TOTzA&ved=2ahUKEwjbj9_ovL3dAhVMPK0KHSmFAlUQt9IBMAx6BAgLEFI&usg=AOvVaw0E0pYvCRu8laRH-jca6Hxz
  4. Lack of a "decent" organ would likely be the only reason I would hesitate to buy it. Yamaha with its outstanding technical staff could engineer decent organ sounds....
  5. ap297


    Just one man's opinion, the marketING department at the major keyboard manufactures are "asleep". Majority of folks want a reasonably priced 76/88 note keyboard that can do all the bread-and-butter sounds.Last time I looked, the Roland VRxxx had over a hundred of posts on this forum. Demand is there! Imagine taking one keyboard to rehearsal/gig/open jam night. Could set up faster than the guitar player and have time to grab a beer at the bar....well almost. I have my hopes up for the SP6. Yamaha, with your extraordinary technical staff , "where are you"! Again just one man's opinion....
  6. ap297


    I'm on the fence regarding the SP6 mainly because I cannot find one to test drive. I value the kind folks on this forum and read carefully every post on this instrument. From the youtube demos, it appears the KB3 is a bit weak. Re: cp4, it's high time Yamaha updated there organ sounds across their entire keyboard stage line.
  7. Am a bit late to this thread, honestly was hoping for an instrument with this form factor and versatility from Crumar.... They have all the pieces and then some... Lightweight 88 key perfect for open mike nite...one instrument, 4 minute setup...bliss! Anxious to try Compact 2x..hope the organ engine works out. OTOH Maybe korg/yamaha has something on the drawing board. Would sell like hotcakes cakes.
  8. My wish; 76 or 88 note with pitch and mod wheels. Maybe based off the DMC-122 form factor. The ultimate "take one board to the gig solution". Would sell like hotcakes!
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