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Posts posted by vonnor

  1. 22 hours ago, eric said:

    I've been doing all of my gigs with a single keyboard now for 10+ years. I occasionally have to be very creative or deal with small tradeoffs, though it's worth it to keep the rig simple and focus on doing it all with one keyboard.

    That works well for you, I can personally verify, but try doing "Feels Like the First Time" or "Rebel Yell" (with only 1 guitar in the band), without having to switch patches back and forth during the tune. Switching patches mid song is a plague on my existence and I avoid it at all costs unless absolutely necessary. I guess I'm old skool like Wakeman. The Foreigner song I have organ and the high arpeggio split on the Kronos, and both of the lead synth lines (on VSTs) split on the bottom board. Rebel Yell is almost as bad.


    I think you just can't give up your vertical-pivot action stage gimmick ... lol ;)


    ~ Bill C.

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  2. 14 hours ago, eric said:

    I am thankful that this coming weekend is my first gig-free weekend in a bit, so I can do some normal things like yard work and watching March Madness games.

    NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You need to drive up 95 to Woodbridge and come see my band tonight!! 😎😄😉🙃🤪


    ~ vonnor

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  3. On 3/30/2022 at 7:08 AM, Coker said:

    White = tip

    Red = ring

    Shield = sleeve

    Unless you are using it with a non-Yamaha instrument AND are getting weird, non-linear response when rocking the pedal. If so, I have found the following wiring pattern to work 95% of the time:


    Red = tip

    White = ring

    Shield = sleeve




    ~ vonnor

  4. I use a live performance VST/MIDI host (Cantabile3) to keep track of everything by song title. All the songs I've learned are in there, and each song remembers where all it's sounds are - whether in VST synths, in a Kronos Combi, or on the Forte. When I learn a song I start with duplicating a sound as best I can - either from scratch or more likely tweaking a factory patch. Kronos get's top priority for most things except the dedicated Piano/Hammond VSTs. Half the time I let Cantabile play single-hit .wav samples rather than put them in the Korg. The hard part is keeping my backup laptop in sync with the primary. Gotta maintain redundancy with this kind of rig. Like Chuck said above, all the Virtual Instruments like to save "user presets" and patches in their own place, so it becomes either a file config nightmare or a manual-mirroring nightmare.


    For older tunes in Cantabile that were created prior to selling or replacing a hardware synth with a different one, if they come back to the setlist I do a one-shot quick-tweak on the Kronos or a VST for any missing sounds in the song. Cantabile is great about flagging a missing patch or external MIDI instrument.


    ~ vonnor

  5. With the past 2 years behind us now, and the associated social events that restricted public gathering and saw a great decrease in live music, I find myself somewhat overwhelmed by how many gigs are already on the books for this year. I guess I got used to NOT gigging all that time, or maybe I'm just too fricking old at this point. At the pace that offers are coming in, I'll be lucky to have ANY weekends off this year from the whole "Gear-schlep, Car-Loading, Long-Drive, More-Gear-schlep, Set-up, Have-fun, Tear-down, Car-loading, Long-drive, Still-More-Gear-Schlep" routine.


    Are you folks seeing a ridiculous up-tick in booked gigs after that long drought? If so, how are you all handling it?


    ~ Bill "I'm Tired, Boss" Costigan

  6. 12 hours ago, allan_evett said:

    A close 2nd would be the Memorymoog I bought in 1983; it was the first unit in Chicago.  Certainly not useless, as the thought of essentially 6 Minimoogs under the hood was drool-worthy. But it Just. Would. Not. Stay. In. Tune. After lengthy repair efforts, I returned it to the dealer for a lightly used OB-Xa 8-voice. 

    One of these Gearfests we'll have to share series-1 MM horror stories over a beer.


    ~ Bill 

  7. I used the Amazing Slow Downer software to learn the parts. The chorus section being the bugger. To play it I have to transpose one controller up an octave and route the midi from both controllers to the same sound source. I will try to get a video of me playing the separate parts up here soon. No guarantee I got it exact, but if not it's pretty close. Quite a stretch in the "Everybody's goin' off the deep end" section.


    ~ vonnor

  8. ... if I'm playing a song where the summit needs to play itself (vs playing my modx or the ipad) I route it to itself in midiflow. A bit odd but it works.

    Not odd at all. I've been running my rig like this since 1989. All boards are LOCAL=OFF and all MIDI runs out to a master router (DMC MX-8 back in the day, Cantabile/PC today) and get's routed to where it needs to go - even if it's the same hardware instrument.


    ~ vonnor

  9. ...Well, I'd have to move the cars out and clean things up a bit. Also, it's a bit of a trek for you MD/VA/DC/NY types, but I'm up for it if you are.



    Houston is nice in the winter - I played a stint at the Adam's Mark (now Marriott) back in Feb '90. Heaven is likely nice all year round. Hell? Not so sure. :P


    ~ vonnor

  10. It's still fun. We're still booking gigs and to me it's like a contest or a sporting event. The "WIN" feeling comes when you as a group nail a tight performance. It's head and shoulders above just playing or practicing by myself - which is kinda not-fun actually. It's just preparation for the group performance.


    ~ vonnor

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