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Posts posted by vonnor

  1. Nope.


    All my keyboards and stands are structurally integrated, usually with strategically placed rubber feet on the bottom of the boards that lock to the stand in different ways. I measure exact positioning then drill/tap the bottom panels to add the feet. My current setup is a USS Apex Pro, the bottom supports hold a NS3-88 that has custom 3D modelled and printed brackets that are screwed into the bottom of the nord on a 45 deg angle and sit perfectly over the Apex arms and totally lock it into place. The Kronos-61 on top has tiny rubber feet setting into the Apex's arm storage area, and larger feet that straddle the upper Apex arms. Neither board can move front-to-back or side-to-side during a show.


    ~ vonnor

  2. Do you guys know if I'm understanding the MIDI behavior correctly for the NS3?


    I plan on running with LOCAL CONTROL off and route MIDI events to my Live Host on the Global chan then back to the NS3 on the PANEL-A, PANEL-B, or DUAL KB channels as needed.

    How do the PANEL-AB and DUAL KB Receive modes differ?
    For example: I set the DUAL KB Receive chan to 4, PANEL-A Receive chan to 5, and PANEL-B Receive chan to 6


    In a program I'll turn on Piano on Panel-A and select just Organ (B) as the receiving sound generator for that program's DUAL KB setup... then in the same program on Panel-B I turn on Organ and Synth.


    1. If my live host sends MIDI note events on chan 5, will I just hear piano? (from Panel-A)
    2. If my live host sends MIDI note events on chan 4, will I only hear the Panel-B Organ (due to the DUAL KB settings for the program)?
    3. If my live host sends MIDI note events on chan 6, will I only hear the Panel-B Synth? Even though Panel-B has both Organ and Synth turned on?


    I'm hoping to find a way to get the most out of all 6 sound generators.




    ~ Bill C. (vonnor)

  3. Wow. Just wow. Well I guess I gotta think outside my current midi routing paradigm. I was gonna use the NS3 piano where piano is needed and the organ where B3 is needed, and the two synth engines for VA type sounds. This kinda limits the NS3's usefulness as a multi-timbrel source. It does look like each engine can be "octave-shift"ed within a "Split" so maybe I'll play with the "Dual KB" or "Panel" modes for midi reception, and create splits to bring a synth patch in if the song needs.

  4. I'm looking through the Stage3 user manual, and I'm starting to get a little worried. On the Stage2 there was a way to assign all 6 engines (Piano-A, Piano-B, Organ-A, Organ-B, Synth-A, Synth-B) to their own separate receive midi chan. I am not seeing how to do this in the Stage3 user manual. That kind of versatility is essential to the way my live rig is setup.


    Does anybody have a Stage 3 and knows how to do this? Or if it can even be done?


    ~ vonnor 

  5. Not quite zombie alert but...


    With the Stage4 coming, I'm sorely tempted to pull the trigger on a Stage3 HP76. Only issue is back when those things came out I played both that and a S2 HA76 at Gearfest and didn't care for the HP action - was a little loo light. Now that back issues are creeping up on me I might be able to live with the lighter action (and lighter workstation - 3lb lighter than my Kronos2-61).


    Any of you guys own and like the HP76? Talk me into ordering one. @eric?


    ~ vonnor

  6. 5 hours ago, Mighty Motif Max said:

    A few notes I've picked up: 2x sample memory space, Layer Scenes feature is really interesting, foot-triggered sidechain feature (sounds like fun), no mention on piano memory increases yet. Still fixed split points it seems, no mention of audio interface capabilities. But that's because there's no specs section I've found yet, so it could be there.

    Is now...




    ~ vonnor

  7. 3 hours ago, Spider76 said:

    I wonder if the 73 will cannibalize the 88: having exactly the same high-quality action ...

    Ah yup...

    "Nord Stage 4 88 with a fully weighted Triple Sensor keybed (A-C) with aftertouch and Physical Drawbars with LED indicators.

    Nord Stage 4 73 with a fully weighted Triple Sensor keybed (E-E) with aftertouch and Physical Drawbars with LED indicators."


    ~ vonnor

  8. Good suggestions, thank you guys. My main issue is lots of pain in the balls of my feet and part way down the tarsal arch towards the heel. Never really have any issues with the sustain pedal since I double route both sustain pedals through Cantabile on the laptop to the Piano sound source for a given song, then I just switch off left foot to right foot on the damper if needed.


    ~ vonnor

  9. Years ago, @Rikismynameposted a tip about standing on one of those Anti-Fatigue rubber mats while playing. I'm at the point where a 3-4 hour gig has me limping in pain during load-out and the whole next day. Any of you "Stand-up" guys or ladies use one of those? How does it work for you? Is it worth it? Do you have a recommended brand? (Amazon has a hundred different types).




    ~ vonnor

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