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Everything posted by vonnor

  1. Funny you say that, D. That's the direction it's going atm. ~ vonnor
  2. So over the weekend I went from being in two bands to being in zero. 😲 My steady band, who's lead singer recently moved a couple hours away, had the drummer and bassist a couple weeks ago pull together a "side-hustle" with their old guitarist and singer (from years ago). They originally asked me to cover keys for them, but shortly afterwards decided they're going with tracks (boo hiss). Then on Sunday our now-out-of-town singer says he's bowing out to work with a local group in his new hometown. Meanwhile our regular guitar player, who is as close to technically perfect as any cover guitarist I've ever worked with but quite the "Shoe-gazer" on stage, is spitting bullets pissed at the drummer and bass player for not inviting him to their new project. Ah, drama. I managed to dodge it for 10 years so I guess I was due. 😁 ~ vonnor
  3. Dave! That's golden! Keys are actually in the mix! Thanks brother! 😎 ~ Bill C. (vonnor)
  4. I agree, for this song. There's like 45 other songs on the list too.
  5. Watching his hands where possible, looks like maybe just 8th note syncopated comping on maybe a piano-type sound?
  6. I have to cover something for this song for a new band. I see the keyboard player has a pair of Yamaha's (CP/YC) but I can't isolate his parts on that song (Starts around 11:40 mark). Anybody hearing keys, or what do you play for this song? Thanks! https://youtu.be/ianR7wzJZYw Not sure how to imbed a video. ~ vonnor
  7. Yep. It's one of the factory programs. I tweaked it a bit. ~ vonnor
  8. The "tuned to 'C'" that I mentioned is a personal thing, and ONLY because we go right into "Jump" which is in "C." For you, you should/can just play it in the key of the original recording if you like, since you're playing it as a stand-alone song.
  9. No sir, I have not owned an MX-series keyboard. I'm old-school (and old) and come from the early beginnings of a MiniMoog - kinda where I learned the analog sound-design basics. I sort of learn an instrument and how to get a particular sound by necessity as needed. I've never even unwrapped any new keyboard without reading the manual(s) twice. The documentation tells me whether a custom sound is doable; then I mess with menus and buttons til I get the sound. I'm sure those patches for "1984" can be built on the MX series, and I'm sure I could build them given time. I do understand you are in a time crunch, but other than studying youtube tutorials and/or looking for Yamaha MX user forums and seeing if someone can share the sounds for that song, I'm at a loss. ~ vonnor
  10. According to the MX88 "Synthesizer Parameter Manual" (available from Yamaha website) it has all the tools you need to do the song. I play this (tuned to "C") before Jump at times depending on the show - you'll need to program a fat filter sweep sound and a slow fade-in/fade-out string pad sound. Split the keyboard in the middle and transpose the octave of each part to fit the range of the part. You did say you "would like to begin to learn this aspect of keyboards" now is a great time to find out how awesome the MX really is. If you're vague regarding analog synth concepts and sound programming, there are dozens of Youtube tutorials out there. Having even a rudimentary understanding of how to construct analog synth patches will take you a long ways. And as @ABECK mentioned, the RD2000 may have sound creation/edit capabilities as well - would probably be great for the slow-fade strings. ~ vonnor
  11. I just read the entire User Guide for the Novation Impulse. I did not see ANY mention of the MIDI implementation (defaults or otherwise) for the "Sustain" and "Volume" rear panel jacks. I can say however, from first-hand experience, that Novation tech support is very prompt and thorough in handling product tech questions. I addressed an oversight in the MIDI functionality of my Summit and not only did they respond quickly, they (not quickly) eventually updated their OS to somewhat accommodate my request. Good luck. ~ vonnor
  12. Now we just need threads titled "Hot Funk", "Cool punk", and "Still Rock & Roll." ~ vonnor
  13. As an Electronics Technician in a previous life (1979-1983) I have no problem modding my keyboards. I've added internal power supply to Keylab 88 and Fatar Studio 1176, installed a 2nd HDD to a Kronos, Not as invasive as what Markeyboard does though (whatever happened to him, anyway?). ~ vonnor
  14. I played my last two gigs without ear bugs - fighting eczema in my left ear atm. I just used a little QSC CP8 and really loved how it all sounded on stage. Plus folks on the dance floor confirmed being able to hear keys from there, so I may continue using the little monitor. ~ vonnor
  15. I don't see the way to have the Ribbon send PitchBend events out on MIDI, but it looks like you can use it to send any Continuous Controller (MIDI CC) events. Via the Mod Matrix. Pick Ribbon as a MOD source (pg 94) then see page 95 in the owners manual. Looks like you pick "MIDI" as the MOD destination and pick a CC# - that should send MIDI events out on that controller number when you work the ribbon. Your host/DAW should be able to assign that CC# to many different functions. Correction: Owners Manual page 109 shows that you CAN send pitch bend MIDI events with the ribbon. Just need to enable it in the MIDI menu pg 6, and set the Ribbon mode to Pitch Bend (page 82). ~ vonnor
  16. Links fixed in the quote. Also, Muziker.com has pix. ~ vonnor
  17. The DC plug size and type also need to match the factory unit, and the output current rated for at least 1.5 amps. I like to go with a 5A like Adam mentioned, as the wires are heavier - no worries that the Yamaha says 1.5A, the adapter will only supply the amount of current that the keyboard wants. For example the one that Dave linked shows: Standard DC output connector: 2.1 x 5.5mm That means the inside diameter of the plug is 2.1mm and the O.D. is 5.5mm Also the barrel length needs to be long enough to make contact with the ctr pin in the jack (been burned by this before). ~ vonnor
  18. Likely better to post this in KC Classifieds. ~ vonnor
  19. Until they bring back the live event, the disasters are likely to continue. The new ownership is clueless. ~ vonnor
  20. I picked up a new audio interface/mixer and set up the low cut on the output to FOH. Per the advice here 130Hz cutoff and 18dB/oct. I also went through all my patches and dialed back any reverb by 50% or more. I definitely noticed the difference in my home setup running thru my CP-8 (QSC). You could hear the low "rumble" really fade as I slid the cutoff. 130Hz seemed to be a sweet-spot. Will adjust as needed at sound-check. I should be good to go for Friday gig. ~ vonnor
  21. Based on the excellent discussion here, I upgraded my Audio Interface/mixer to a newer version. This guy has way more input and output options as well as FX (which I'm not likely to use), and EQ/Low-cut and compression. ~ vonnor
  22. Not likely to be disorienting for me, as the only output I'll apply the low roll-off to will be my send to FOH. The other guys who run keys in their wedges/ears likely won't care or even notice. I'll try to get the sound-tech's (the guy in the O.P) attention for a keys-only sound check with my finger on the cut-off freq knob so he can tell me where the rumble starts hitting the subs. The Diva "Jump" patch will be a good test. I thank everyone for the great tips! ~ Bill C. (vonnor)
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