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High Diving Act

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Posts posted by High Diving Act

  1. I'm not holding my breath.. I'm just stating that this is the very first time Roland has responded to our pleads with at least some acknowledgement an OS update needs to be reviewed. Ed was at least specific that the method of saving patches or registration is being looked at as an inclusion to an operating system update. Ed also provided a more direct link which could expedite the answering of more technical queries.. instead of the standard "I've forwarded your concerns to our synth ninja's". They will likely be careful not to say too much until they know they can deliver. We did slam OV for the false anticipation he created about the axial site.. ie " you will know tomorrow"... lol... the only thing I found out the next day was that the VR wasn't included..... uh...." at this time". Anyhow.. still enjoying my VR... I've settled in.. and any updates are icing on my 999 dollar cake. ;) There's my tip and hint of the day.
  2. Hey guys. Excuse me if I'm repeating something that has already been stated but.. from the Roland blog and in response to a query Craig made.. Finally an admission to an upcoming OS update. No significant detail.. just this...

    OV Valle [Roland US]JUN 12, 2013 @ 16:42:40Hi Craig, apologies for the wait but I had to ask Ed Diaz about this one.Hello,At this time we can only load sounds from a backup file created by the VR-09 and unfortunately that would erase any sounds that were made by our customers. We are currently looking at updating the OS and hopefully this will be corrected so users will be able to Import and Export sounds without losing their custom patches.Feel free to talk to us directly: https://rolandus.zendesk.com/-Ed Diaz

  3. Second that Vox. I did some recording this week. Used the organ (in place of the vb3) and rock piano patch believe it or not. Very dense track so the piano needed to cut... worked well.. and the organ sounded awesome. The simplicity of navigation has been a welcome feature.
  4. My Vent is mounted into an offstage rack with a custom snake and remote footswitch only for fast/slow and not bypass. I can't even remember how the Vent does bypass to be honest


    Bypass in the Vent is a hardware modification done to the Vent itself. halfway down this page is an explanation of how the effect is achieved



    I don't know what pedal is out there that does this but, a stereo A/B split would work also as long as it's not your intent to be playing 2 different voices at the same time.

  5. Ok need help. Casio cdp 100 midi out to vr midi in....no sound . Play vr key.s all is ok. Vr midi mode set to kybd. _AFAIK cdp sends ch 1 .
    Set the vr09 to mode 2 and set your Casio to channel 4 for straight control. If you want to do split manual mode set the vr to keyboard and Casio to channel 3 for lower or 4 for upper. I struggled thru that a bit myself. Hopefully that works for ya.
  6. Looks like some of our colleagues are getting a tad frustrated with Roland's customer service... I am not surprised....


    Roland Blog Yes


    Roland really needs to learn from companies like Casio... Or they can act like a typical corporate giant who couldn't give a crap about their customers... as long as they keep buying, and not returning their products...

    Yes.. Roland should take note at what Casio and Mike Martin are doing on the Px5S thread. Unfortunately for me.. the Px5S just didn't cut it for my ideal rig set up... and the organs don't even come close. Casio is definitely headed in the right direction.


    You know, its not the product that pisses me off so much, its the lack of concern that some of these companies have for their customers. I hate to see people taken advantaged of and given the run-around by these corporations.


    Casio was wise enough to hire Mike Martin, a very respected engineer and musician... and even wiser to have him active on these forums. Reminds me of what Yahama does with Bad Mister... These people help solve their customers' problems... not give them the run around promising new sounds, then disappointing them when they learn that their keyboard is not supported.

    It is what it is. Buyers need to do their due dillegence and research before making a purchase. That's what I did. Because people like Craig and forums like this.. I felt I knew what I was getting into.. and I'm not looking back. Ya the Roland Blog is disappointing and the axial announcement bizarre as it does not relate to the vr09 at this time.. but really... I'm very satisfied with the stock sound offering. The only thing I would really want is a supernatural piano and slightly better rotary sim. Those are things I highly doubt will be offered for download.. if the vr09 ever gets added to axial. I was Roland loyal from 1993 to 2001. This product made me want to come back. We (on the Roland blog) made it crystal clear what they can do to completely dominate the market they have targeted. Will they do it?.. who knows.. I still have a great combo axe. Now let's keep this thread on track with constructive and supportive information to help make the vr09 experience more enjoyable. I'm sure we have beat a dead horse to a pulp with the limitations.. and stock abilities. I feel bad for someone starting on page 1 of this thread.
  7. Looks like some of our colleagues are getting a tad frustrated with Roland's customer service... I am not surprised....


    Roland Blog


    Roland really needs to learn from companies like Casio... Or they can act like a typical corporate giant who couldn't give a crap about their customers... as long as they keep buying, and not returning their products...

    Yes.. Roland should take note at what Casio and Mike Martin are doing on the Px5S thread. Unfortunately for me.. the Px5S just didn't cut it for my ideal rig set up... and the organs don't even come close. Casio is definitely headed in the right direction.
  8. Okay so now that I've had a chance to mess around with the vr a few nights, here's my quick 2 cents. The keybed is shallow but I don't find it hard to play.. didn't take long to get used to it. I have it midi'd to my np30 76 key bottom tier. The split/manual function is what really sold me on this thing. With the versatile selection of voices the vr09 supplies and the fact that you can control separate voices on 2 keybeds.. is like having 2 synths.. for almost the price of one (I say almost because I think you can pick up an np30 for less then 200.. works as a great controller, hosts a decent piano sound, runs on batteries and is extremely light weight). I'm quite fine with the sound of all the voices for the price of the machine. The organ tones are good. I don't love the rotary sim(found the vk8m I used to have much better as well as vb3) but it's still better than anything in its price range and is usable. The Synth sounds are quite nice and versatile. I layered my np30 piano with the vr grandv2 patch.. and ended up with something nice a rich. While the note hold issue between changing patches is an annoyance (and something I hope Roland will address) it is something that I can deal with and can adjust to it. For me.. this little unit does exactly what I need.. and it didn't break the bank. Feeling quite satisfied with the purchase.
  9. Yes but how can the A piano be "really bad" for one and "georgious" for another :)


    Of course it can be...


    Anyone who buys anything strictly based on others' opinions of sound and playability is mad...


    Look... Even I was surprised when Craig liked his "Mellotron" sound that he created... There is no accounting for taste... :cool:

    I think piano sounds may be the most subjective of all tones due to personal taste and environment. I bought my vr 2 days ago and when I was trialing it.. I compared the krome piano to the vr09. The krome is outfitted with a Kronos derived unlooped AP. Head to Head I'm not overly fond of either and depending on keyed register.. they flip flop on which I preferred. I could see both sitting very well in a live mix though as they are both Brite.
  10. Hey ya'll. Just picked up my new vr09 tonight.... and.... the US Roland rep says Roland will be announcing news about sound expansions tomorrow. Not sure if OS update is included in the announcement but wait and see I guess!
  11. This thread sure is interesting. lol. A ton of passion, polar perspectives, and luckily, some useful information to help narrow the field for my next purchase. I have 1100 bucks to spend.. and most of the qualities the vr09 toutes are in my wheelhouse of requirements. I've yet to trial a unit as they will not arrive in waterloo until June but.. this thread and YouTube videos like this one..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9JKOxxiowM&feature=youtube_gdata_player have given me a good overview of what to expect. Craig.. Brenner.. I appreciate your feedback on this unit. I haven't found a "Roland" forum on the vr09. Can someone point me in the right direction. I wouldn't mind being another voice for product improvement as I believe Roland is on the right track here... and I wouldn't mind paying an extra couple hundred bucks... for this keyboard with 73 keys.. a stronger AP patch.. and fixes to the inherent glitches with this current release. 54 pages of thread... man.. even the guys that are bashing this product can't deny excitement that Roland has ignited here.
  12. I've been asked by a couple folks to post the VR-09 through the Neo Instruments Ventilator. The VR-09 sounds really good through the Ventilator.. and for the record, I'm not suggesting that you NEED a Ventilator, because the VR-09 internal sim is very good.. the Ventilator has slightly better animation and significantly better overdrive.. So if you have a Ventilator you would probably use it with the VR-09 but I'm not sure that you'd need to go out and buy one. Here's the link:



    Couple things.. once again, I'm just noodling around with different drawbar registrations and a lot of held chords (and some sloppy notes) just to hear the ventilator leslie effect.. at about the 1:50 mark I boost up the VR-09 internal overdrive and you can hear how grungy it sounds. Some might like this, and I don't particulary, however before I come to a final conclusion on the VR-09's overdrive I'll want to hear it in a band setting.. some OD's sound crappy when playing solo but they sit nicely in a band setting..


    Someone asked to hear the vent at max slow speed, so at 2:20 you'll hear the vent at max slow, and at 3:02 you'll hear the Vent at max fast speed, then it's returned to normal.. At 3:30 I turn up the Ventilator overdrive and you can hear that really nice warm crunchy ventilator overdrive, in contrast with the VR-09's internal OD at 1:50.


    Last but not least.. when I put the VR-09 through the ventilator and listened through my Yamaha studio monitors for the puroses of making this recording, I had to completely change the organ tone that I was using.. It's VERY fascinating how much the sound of the VR-09 organ changes from one listening environment to another.. what sounds great through my QSC K10's sounds like crap through my studio monitors, so I have to adjust the tone accordingly.. That said it's cool how easy it is to adjust the tone on the VR-09 and find a "sweet spot" for a particular amp/speakers etc.

    Craig.. thanks for the vr-vent combo soundbite. I think it sounds fantastic. I actually might prefer some of tones you were getting more than the vb3... which is truly a testament to the qualities of the ventilator. Crap... now I'm gassing for a vent.

  13. Thanks for the feedback. hmm the gm midi piano limitation kinda bums me out but could live with it for 1 or 2 songs as long as the piano sound is tolerable. As far as the effects issue.. does the lower Inherit the effect of the upper.. or just runs effect less. again.. I could live without the effect on the lower.. as I wouldn't want to inherit rotary on my piano anyhow.
  14. Hey Craig.. Waterloo here. I am seriously considering this board and I just downloaded the manual and read the 2 manual setup.. where you split the board and can run one sound on the vr and another on a midi controller. I am rather excited about this as I have a decent 73 key controller that I would patch piano to and use the vr as the supplemental organ synth or strings. Have you tried this and how well did it work?


    **Just noticed 3 posts up.. someone else referencing the same function**

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