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High Diving Act

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Posts posted by High Diving Act

  1. Lol.. It's not for the faint of heart. I am actually a project manager for a metal fabrication and plastic injection molding facility. I was actually going to construct something much more rigid... But it would be heavier and frankly overkill for a board as lightweight as the microstation. I thought I would take a more minimalistic and lightweight approach first. I created something similar for my vk8m which worked perfectly for years.. My contraption is virtually invisible on stage. I've been pounding on the keys for 2 days now.. Thing is solid. The only thing I may add is a bit of Velcro to the front of the microstation.


    I'll be honest , I don't like that coat hanger wire idea at all.



  2. There is a ton of unused space on my VR700. I had a clear picture of how I could use it and house most of the gear I need at an arms reach. This is why I really felt the Korg Microstation would make a nice sonic and logistic addition to my rig. Here is what I did.


    Step 1. Cut down 2 metal cloths hangers.



    Step 2. Bend to size and fasten to existing music stand mounts




    Step 3. Affix a bit of duct tap to protect hood of board and a bit more just to make sure nothing moves



    Step 4. Place microstation on racks




    Still enough space on left side for a minivent and an Ipad on the right! lol

  3. +1 everything Craig said above.. But you gotta try it out yourself. Personally I found the organ tone of the vr09 better than vb3 in an instance or 2 but overall vb3 is superior. Particularly when it came to leslie Sim and overdrive vb3 wins.
  4. HDA, thanks for the tips.. I tried this myself and it sounds pretty good, at least through my headphones (because I don't have my monitors set up right now). I'll give it a try at volume and see how it sounds through my QSC K10's a bit later.. I wonder how Roland is doing with adding the ability to save individual registrations...??? It would be nice if you could just store this and send it to me as a file!!! I think it's time to bug Roland again about this!!!


    Thanks Craig. It sounds pretty decent thru my monitors. The problem with the stock EP sound is that it seems to have 2 samples built in... standard bell sound and bark sound.. there is no smooth transition between the 2. as soon as you get it barking.. you loose all the low end quality.

  5. This is fairly subtle and similar to my rhodes patch. What im finding useful fun is the 60keybaord(wurly) on tunes i never used it on


    I did a mod to the 60s EP also. Can't remember exactly right now but change the MFX to twinrotary and add about 11 o'clock... to start.. then tone knob to about 3 o'clock. Decent for tramp stuff.

  6. This is how I designed my sound for rhodes on the vr09. Start with the Vintage EP... turn up the overdrive just enough to hear it engage.. and I don't mean fuzz... I mean just enough that you hear the tonal quality change.. It dulls the sound slightly. I find this helps reduce the bell sound a bit and bridges the low velocity tone with the high velocity bark. Then turn the tone knob somewhere between 9 and 11 o'clock to taste. This again dulls the highs a bit and brings in more natural mid range cut. Then change the reverb from stage to plate and adjust to taste. Viola.. My subjective rhodes tone. lol. Now save to a register if you like.


    You can make the same adjustments to Stone EP if you like what you hear.

  7. Haven't had any problems with my drawbar buttons falling off.. I've been pretty careful with it though.. The OS update was great.. very easy to install and if fixed a number of different problems.. Don't know what atelier solo mode is (something from the atelier like of home organs.. don't care).. maybe someone can help you with that!


    I still have no idea what atelier mode is either. Might be a question for the Roland blog.

  8. HDA, thanks for posting! Sounds great!


    It's good to have these kinds of examples for anyone considering an instrument like this to see/hear it in a real mix or recording. I've been saying this since day one that the VR-09 is an extremely capable instrument, and huge value for he money..


    Sounds great, you guys have nice voices, and sing well together.. Nice tune, nice arrangement, nice recording, nice performances! Well done!


    Thanks Craig. Yes... the VR does seem to record nicely. My daughter wants to do another one so.. I will use the VR solely again for sound generation... maybe use some more organic sounds and post that one. I appreciated when you posted your soundbites... so just following your lead. It would be cool if someone could post some audio and or video examples of the vr09 in a live application.

  9. As I've mentioned before, I find those scroll wheels terrible for live use. So I would only use the 16 registrations that I could get to with direct button access, and I would try to find a way to cover the repertoire through a combination of 16 registrations and live front panel control. [/quote




    I use all my upper registrations as "go to" templates.. not for live set list senarios. As Scott mentioned.. the first 4 banks are great for live purposes. Anything I require beyond that is handled one bank at a time... as I would never use the scroll wheel to try and locate sounds live within a song. I personally never exceed more then 4 patches per song. Between songs.. scrolling to the required banks is a breeze. The ipad/set list maker is also a great solution to manage patch lists if indeed a viable option.


    Craig mentioned there is no up or down button.. but I would consider the "next" button an up button. Does bite that they put a next but no previous... very strange.

  10. What about the expressiveness on the EPs, esp on the wurly? Barks too soon? Too noticeable layer changing?


    When used "dry" (on the left hand of a split for example), with no effects or tone manipulation, does it sound good for blues, funk and classic rock, both as an exposed instrument, on an intro, and comping on the band mix? Or does it lack the grit and natural aspect, coming alive only when you mess with it?


    Same question for the clav...


    Answer would be same as the similar post.. you just have to get used to the keybed sensitivity to manage most expression concerns.. Eps sound good.

  11. Ya.. because of the shallow vertical key depth and organ size keys.. it is definitely more challenging to play expressive. Once I got used to it.. it was better. When I play the tones on my midi controller with piano sized keys and deeper depth.. it is better but still not perfect. The sample depth of the piano patches do limit the expressiveness somewhat also. I will say.. the more I play the piano tones and get acclimatized to the keybed.. the more I like them.. and they seem to cut well.
  12. Great news.. and I agree Craig.


    Haters are gonna start to have to make up stuff to complain about soon. I can't see them not addressing the individual registration issue.. as this virtually cripples this keyboard to ever be listed on the axial site. Wonder if OV could comment on that.. or at least look into if another update release is being considered.


    Looking forward to downloading tonight.

  13. Transposed sounds can be saved differently in each registration? Or is it global?


    And... how bout my previous question, about the possibility to have an (for example) extra piano sound layered to one of the sounds of an organ split? It was inspired by the page 30 of the downloaded manual, last item ("You can also add (layer) one more organ sound (to an already set organ + piano split) by using the [uPPER/LOWER]

    button to select the part to which the organ sound is not

    assigned, and then lowering the harmonic bar.")... My question is if the opposite can be done... It would go like this: in an organ + organ registration, can you add a rhodes to one of the sides?


    OK.. that memo you are referring to on page 30 is referencing a layer.. not a split plus layer which the vr cannot do. What that memo is stating is that if you have say a organ and rhodes layer.. you can pull the organ sound out by pulling out the drawbars. I think you were hoping you could have 2 organs split and the upper half organ also have a rhodes layer. Then you were hoping you could play organ left hand and have organ and rhodes right hand.. and be able to pull out the organ sound on the right hand without affecting the left hand organ. Not an option. The wording in the manual is a little confusing.


    Don't let that stop ya from pulling the trigger. lol

  14. Transposed sounds can be saved differently in each registration? Or is it global?

    I'm about to pull the trigger unseen/unplayed on an Vr09 and that would open some more possibilities... thanks for your help in advance...


    Yes transposition's are saved within the registration. Unsure about your second question.

  15. Take the MIDI out of your controller and run it into an app like where you can see the velocity out, and confirm that you can hit 127








    I'm sure there's something for Windows too



    Thanks.. I actually plugged into my daw sequencer and tested the velocity. Could get up to 127 but had to almost bust the keys to get there... and still didnt bite like the vr. So went manual diving again for the np30. Went back into the touch sensitivity settings.. again.. and tried them all out... again. There are only 4 options. Fixed.. Soft... Medium.. Hard. Tried them all again and voila... the Soft setting seems to work like a charm. Went into the key sensitivity in the vr and set it to 8 and voila.. decent consistency between the 2... except the keys on the controller are deeper so bit better control between dynamics. So happy again. I was thinking that I was gonna have to fork out for a new controller. Don't know why I couldn't dial it in the first time. Only crappy part about my controller is that it doesnt retain setting changes. Not a huge deal.. just have to go thru a boot up checklist and hope the power doesn't crop out during a set.

    Been playing upper.. lower for the past hour with several different sound configs. Sounds great and yes.. the reverb does remain on both splits when running vr and controller. I really do enjoy playing this thing... still no regrets.

  16. Anyone uses the VR09 as a two keyboard organ/piano setup, with both the VR and the controller driving VR sounds? How do you like it and what do you use as a controller? Is it easy to configure and make it work properly?
    Yes it works well. The only problem I experienced is that my controller will not reproduce the full velocity range as the vr keys do. I asked others if they experienced this and noone else has. That leads me to believe it's a controller issue.. not a vr issue. I would suggest you try your controller out with the vr before you buy if possible to assure there's no problems.
  17. Ya I tried it too.. sounds nice.

    I really like the tone control for sound shaping... very musical.. but it is a shame you can't eq each sound independently (even 3 band would be nice.) from left to right the tone control goes.. mid push.. to flat... to happy face. I'm liking the sounds produced when tone is on the left.. but loose some bottom end.. and if you go to far to the right.. the highs are nice but too much bottom is present. Just makes it difficult to equalize all registrations without messing with the mixer eq between patches. Anyone using this board live... and using multiple sound sets throughout the night.. find this frustrating?

  18. I'm having issues with velocity when midi connecting my VR to my yamaha np30 (with the np30 controlling the vr). I can't get full velocity out of the VR from the np30 keybed.. very noticeable with piano patches. Anyone else come across this?
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