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Posts posted by Stokely

  1. I actually got a bit "adventurous" and opened up Reaktor Blocks.  I've had it for years as part of Komplete but never really messed with it.

    I'm admittedly a preset tweaker, mainly because I usually don't know what sound (or part for that matter) I want until I try it out.  I then may tweak it, sometimes drastically.  Even when I *do* know what I want, I will usually search for something in the ballpark.

    All that said, RB does have presets, a lot of them, and I was really impressed by the sound of the thing.   My next challenge is to figure out how to automate some of the controls on the various blocks--it sounded amazing when I used the mouse to mess with things (which may mean that "touch" automation in Logic is an option, I have never used it for automation).   The exposed "Reaktor" automation points don't line up very well with the blocks used in the ensemble, other than a few like "cutoff".  I figure since any ensemble will vary, that might make it more difficult to present things to the outside DAW, or at least I may have to go in and configure things that I want to control.

    All in all, quite impressed.  I'm curious as to how RB might stack up with other modular plugins--and that's assuming RB is actually modular, might be a mistaken assumption.

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  2. Oh no doubt.   I was stretching to come up with something that "AI" could help with :)

    Honestly I just use a combo of song mode on the Nord Stage and knowing where my patches are.   If there's ever a time where I'm not quite ready for the start of a song, well that's only a problem with a few songs, others I just come in when I can :D 

  3. That is definitely an issue, and one reason why in the end I stay standing almost all the time.  I don't want to be way down low though, or wrestle some riser to every gig.  I sing some lead and usually am in the "back line" so that's not a great combo.  Almost as bad as a drummer singing!  (Yes I know some famous drummer lead singers are out there, but at the small-time level it mainly causes confusion since nobody can tell where the voice is coming from...)

  4. My main keyboard challenge is pulling up patches quickly at gigs, not in making them.   Our set lists are never in the same order from gig to gig and there are always "game-time" decisions based on the crowd, or requests.   A siri-like voice command (obviously you'd need a mic) to state the song name and have it change any keyboards plus any lyrics if you have them on a tablet would be pretty cool!

    My other huge challenge is in remembering lyrics (I'd love to NOT need a tablet and read in the first place) but I'm not sure how "AI" can help with that other than to simply replace me with a robot singer....but I enjoy singing as much as I do playing so that would suck.

  5. I much prefer standing, but have used a stool on occasion (mainly when stages were so tight that I literally couldn't move, might as well sit at that point).  The band has one less member, no amps  and mostly in-ears, so we tend to have a ton more room now.

    As someone mentioned above, I also like being up high.  An ideal chair or stool keeps me close to standing height and I'm 6'3".

    For a few years I used a barber stool originally bought when my wife was going to give the kids haircuts (hahahahaha that went about as expected).  This thing was pneumatic, swiveled and had a foot rest--but not very portable.  Seat wasn't super comfy.

    My current stool, which I think I've used twice in two years, it more of a mechanic's stool I think.  The wife bought it for me.  It has a nice padded seat and swivels.   It is also pneumatic and gets pretty high up.  Neither this nor the barber's stool had a back.

    I was also considering drafting chairs for a bit.   Moral of the story, might find something outside the musician's box (or you might not!) :)  

  6. I own a couple of their libraries, and their Kontakt programming is...not the best.   Of the ones I have, I have used the choir the most.    Then again, I can't stand Kontakt on the best of days.  I use it because its the industry standard and everything uses it.


  7. There are sure to be a ton of edge cases.   Anything requiring hauling for example...lots of boats, trailers campers out there :)  All those service vehicles festooned with tools and materials, etc.

    I think that is probably likely if this catches on at all--metro zones where it's mostly or all robot vehicles.  Still have issues there with deliveries and probably lots of other things.  

  8. I should probably try this on both of my Kurzweils that have iffy pitch wheels.  One was retired for use as a controller, I disabled the pitch wheel from sending midi... I don't use pitch wheel much but it still bothers me.  The other one is a Forte that I would like to sell if I get that working (or even if not I guess).

    Did you actually verify that it was the pitch wheel sending out messages?  I saw them in my DAW after software instruments started going out of tune (!) so I knew it pretty much had to be midi messages...and sure enough it was.


  9. I'm basically in the market (sorta) for only one, and it's the one that 1) I thought I perhaps should have bought up front and 2) wouldn't need because I've got it all covered!

    Omnisphere.   I know it would be a perfect fit for me, I've used it before and loved it.   It's just expensive.  But, when you start adding up the price of various super-sale plugins I've got from places like Plugin Alliance.....well, let's just say I'm kicking myself a bit.   I have like 4 console emulations and rarely use any of them, what was I thinking?  :D 

    Unfortunately it doesn't have big sales, but you can apply coupons at Guitar Center or Musician's Friend.  I have it in my cart at 15% off at MF right now, but due to wanting another (my last!  I swear!) hardware keyboard I haven't pulled the trigger....

  10. Thinking forward on autonomous cars is the idea that we don't own our cars.  That basically there's just a fleet of them tooling around out there like robot ubers--need to go somewhere, flag one down (presumably via app!).   Unload yourself and your stuff, and say bye to that one.

    I can't say that would be so terrible on paper, as long as I can get a ride that can hold my gear, and know that I can get a ride at any time back home.

    I detest vacation road trips, I know those often come up in car discussions about EVs....so personally I'm not too worried about those :)  

    A fleet of self-driving vehicles could potentially be incredibly efficient when it comes to driving together, allowing more vehicles to be on the road without all the human crap (super slow, super fast drivers, and above all accidents).   Eh, doubt we'll see anything like that in my lifetime if ever, not the least because FREEEDOOOOMMMM everyone wants their own car that says "this is me".   

  11. Speaking of hosted in China...search for example "sale Roland Fantom" and you'll get a few super low priced "Fantoms" on Alibaba/Ali Express and the like.  Are there really people fool enough to buy an electronic keyboard from a place like that?  Don't answer that....  I know there are tons of fake guitars and fake pickups (I wouldn't trust upgraded pickups in a used guitar, or at least wouldn't value them as upgrades, as apparently fakes are not only very cheap but can be very hard to spot.)   But keyboards?  If it worked at all, would would be inside the thing?  :D  Hard to imagine a factory making knock-off Roland Fantoms and the like.   Maybe its simply that these are stolen or something, no idea.

  12. Well, in all other aspects the thing is blazing fast, and has no issues running a few newer libraries that my 2016 machine has cpu issues with (namely, Lores and Fables which I picked up in a Native Instruments sale last year.)

    And, in an odd turn, now the latency is gone, in both an existing large project sent to me by a friend and a very small new one.   In both cases, samples were set to 64 (giving a reported latency of less than 4ms iirc) and low latency mode was off.   The day before, same thing but the lag was quite noticeable with any instrument plugin and required low latency mode to be turned on.   I didn't restart the machine though Logic was opened back up....not sure what kicked it into joint but not complaining!


    I did make sure the Mastering Assistant was not only turned off but "removed" (it turns gray and remains but is not really on the stereo bus) after reading some posts that this was causing latency.  I'm positive I did this before, but perhaps I didn't restart Logic after trying that (?)   Not sure.

    Long story short, things are running swell now even though I'm not sure what happened to make it so :) 

  13. So...how many others are having issues with latency?   As I mentioned, I didn't have any if I set the samples low enough on my 2016 laptop.   With this newer M1 laptop, it doesn't matter how low I set them, I'll have enough to make playing unbearable.

    I'm seeing a fair number of posts on reddit suggesting this is a thing.

    I suspect there could be other settings in play, or at least I hope there are.   Changing to low latency every time I record a track sucks, the obvious impact is that it disables various plugins/auxes.   Even if that weren't the case, it's super annoying.

    I've always used my interface through a hub, I'm going to experiment using it directly from a port.  Rule that out if nothing else.

    My buddy also has an M1 laptop and says its fine for him, but he's not a keys player and he's coming from an extremely ancient laptop, so it may be that his idea of "latency" differs from mine :D   I'll go through his settings and compare later when we get together.

  14. Same here.

    Unfortunately, from what I have experienced out in the countryside, I wouldn't really see....eye to eye with most people culturally and politically, I'll leave it there.   I have to often zip my lip here in FL when at gigs, and just exit the ranting zone when at gigs.

    So most of my existence has been trying to get some of each world--the burbs :)  Yes, I live in an Edward Scissorshand neighborhood (growing up, our street looked very much like that, though not quite as extreme on the colors.)

    As long as I'm working from home and trying to have a hobby studio, no desire whatsoever to share walls or ceilings with anyone, nor to hear constant sirens and hubbub.

    • Like 1
  15. Edit:  turns out my summing stack issues were related to one project that I got from my collaborator....new projects are fine. 

    Other than the low latency thing...I simply can't record anything without switching to it, which turns off effects and maybe some other things.  Even at 64 samples there's a very noticeable (even audible) lag.  Not real happy about this considering I never had this issue with my much older Intel MBP.  In all other regards, this M1 runs circles around it.

  16. As an aside, I'm pretty shocked at how cheap shipping is on the Gear Exchange, if you use them to get the label.  Granted, the stuff I've priced out has been 61 key keyboards.  Estimates on my Summit that I just made, with double-boxing at about 35 pounds range from 25 to 40 bucks depending on where I'm shipping.  Add 1.5% for insurance, that ain't half bad.

    Still hate shipping keyboards, but trying to sell locally has been about as much fun as whacking my toes with a hammer.

  17. LOL sounds like my dad back in the 80s and 90s..."rap is so terrible, it should be dying out any year now"

    This from a rock n roll rebel from the 50s, I'm sure his dad was saying the same thing about rock n roll.

    All that said, no argument about modern music from me, particularly "live" music aka karaoke.   But that's ok, I mostly listen to audiobooks these days :D

    Ironically, nobody is happier than me about the trend for quieter gigs.  Blasting yourself and the audience at 1000 decibels is beyond stupid.

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  18. 30-40 pounds I'm ok with.  I mostly have short hauls, and a cart for the occasional longer ones.  No stairs besides those to get up on stage that I can remember in 12 years of gigging with my band.  The Fantom 7 is definitely pretty large though, it would be about the top of the size/weight range I'd gig.    I'm going to go for a 6, partially because I have a nice Gator flight case that will fit it.   

  19. In my case, it's on a brand new project, no recorded tracks.

    I'm not using the mastering assistant, but I also didn't check it yet, so it might be enabled.  Whatever the default is, that's what I am using :)  I just very recently upgraded from 10.8.   I'll take a look when I'm back on the mac.

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  20. That's really hard to say as everyone has their own standards for "playable".

    I'm considering a Fantom 6 to pair with a Nord stage 3 compact, and most likely the Fantom would get more of the piano duties.  I personally don't mind playing piano on that Nord but some people can't stand it, just to show how we all differ!

    I've tried my friend's Fantom and the action was a bit lighter than I expected.  I have played a lot of live piano on my Kurzweil pc361, which has what I consider a very nice synth action with a bit of heft to it, which allows you some amount of control.  Obviously it's nowhere near a weighted action.  I've also played a lot of piano on my Modx7, and....well, that's kinda over the "bad" line for me.  It's simply too light, though I was able to adjust and get by ok.  Getting by is not the same as enjoying playing it though.

    What you play might have a big say along with personal taste.  I play rock with a few ballads, no classical or jazz etc.  A weighted action is really not necessary for what I do--I wouldn't mind it, but I also agree that the big Fantom is way too big and heavy.

    I'm going to try the Fantom again before I buy, from my one try it was light but still very nice.  Not as light as the Modx7. 

  21. That's actually a very good idea, I personally would love that.  I hate playing when a video guy is there at our gigs, it's awkward!  We've done this 3 or 4 times as our lineup has changed over the years.

    It also makes it much easier as you don't need to sync up video with audio, maybe with a medley of tunes as well.

    I'm going to run that past the band today actually, as our leader wasn't happy with the video results she got with the recent guy.

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