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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. I hope not. I was looking forward to the "Sk1 doesn't have warm strings" story again.
  2. "Stereo GP Pad3" is very nice. I needed that tone.
  3. "Can i turn up the volume of the sk1 leslie?" You can turn up the volume of either horn just about as loud as you want. As well as tons of other leslie parameters. Mic angle and distance will make a huge difference. " Also can i turn up the volume of the tremolo in the sk1?" You can inc/dec the level of rate/depth and choose the "wave" you want.
  4. SoulshotDoc, the effect you are hearing is built into the sample itself. You can't edit it.
  5. Sounds like a good story. They set everything up for you to demo it the way you desire, for the 10 whole minutes.
  6. This demo just came out. Sounds really good!: [video:youtube]
  7. I updated with the Toshiba 1gb. After it was updated, just out of curiosity I tried the HP 8gb, and it seemed to work fine (started the update, but said something like "no system files to update"). I haven't tried any of the others though. BTW, one of the tips given (that I didn't need) was that if the screen is frozen (blank) after turning on while holding down the buttons, just let the update run in the background for at least 30 minutes. *Use a usb stick with a lighted indicator that shows it is being used, so you know it is actually updating in the background.
  8. I got it to update. I received a list of things to try from Hammond. The first one worked. I turned it on with the USB stick in, but did not hold down any buttons. Waited/watched for it to update some files. Then powered off. Then I went through the standard update procedure and it worked fine.
  9. 1) Yes, holding the control, song, play buttons 2) Yes, all files from update zip to system folder 3) Yes, setup files load to/from 3 of the usb drives, but not the Lexar. I'll try to borrow some friends' usb drives this weekend, and try them out(don't want to waste any more money on usb drives). Hopefully that will work. Will let you know. Thanks for the help.
  10. I've been trying to install the latest update. I've gone through 4 usb sticks: HP 16gb, PNY 8gb, Toshiba 1gb, and Lexar 32gb. I followed the proper procedure (unless I am missing something) on all sticks/attempts: formatted the stick with the SK1, then put the downloaded upgrade system files in the system folder of the stick. Held the 3 buttons down, powered on, and the screen lights up blank everytime. Nothing happens. Also did the reboot to default settings (hold record while powering on), then tried updating with all the sticks again. My "main" version is now 1.300 Called Hammond today, tech support unavailable, mailbox too full for messages. Any ideas?
  11. Another analogy: I may not have the means for a Ferrari or even a Porsche so my MG gets me where I need to go in an enjoyable, fun loving way. And it's easier to get around in than my old Oldsmobile Matador, and more fun than a Geo or a Yugo. You owned an MG? I am surprised it ran at all... Sorry to hear about that... (Just call me an "Elite"....) HIP Elite!
  12. And that settles that! You hip elite types can just take your Casio's, and your Kross', Kromes, Hammonds, Yamaha's, Kurz's, and your quality keybeds, and whatever other elitist stuff, and muss and fuss with 'em all night long for all anyone cares. You can't just punch up good sounds on those things without all the muss and fuss, and you know it!
  13. Like I said... After 40 years of paid gigs... Not one keyboard or amp failure... Guess I was lucky... or purchased quality equipment. I agree. I've played paid gigs 27 yrs and also fortunately never had a keyboard die at any of them (but still always had simple backup plans for most all scenarios). And yes, the quality of the equipment was probably a factor.
  14. Same thing that happens if the guitarist's amp goes out -- or the bass amp, or the kick drum pedal, or the PA, or... you get the idea. Workarounds for all of those issues, and simple preplanning makes it smoother.....par for the course. But no workaround for a dead keyboard with no other keyboard around.
  15. If you already have 2 keyboards at a gig, you already have a backup instrument.....the other keyboard. I'm not referring to that. I'm referring to keyboardists claiming to bring one keyboard in total to paid gigs. When it goes down, then what?
  16. I am talking about paid gigs, not jams or rehearsals.
  17. Keyboardists are actually just bringing one keyboard to gigs with no backup? If it goes down, then what? What does a tight space have to do with whether a rig is 1 or 2 or 3 tiers? Is it 5 ft ceilings or something?
  18. If you are wanting a keyboard to play either the SK1 extra voices or upper/lower manual: 1) Keyboard midi out to SK1 midi in. 2) Choose a midi template from p110 in the manual.
  19. Organ stuff at 7:42: [video:youtube]
  20. Hammond SK1 LibVL-SK012 "80's Layered" demo: [video:youtube]
  21. To simplify, should the leslie sims be held off for another shootout altogether? Wouldn't comparing the organ sections be enough for one shootout? Wouldn't just a proper leslie/rotary sim shootout (& comparison to the variations of originals) be interesting, and very involved, considering all the factors?
  22. I see your KX5. I still kick myself for selling mine.
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