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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. In regards to Wurlitzer, did anyone see this? The CP does better than I would have thought. [video:youtube]
  2. It would, but I've got to be able to create my own layers without a PC, among a few other issues. I wish Korg would combine the best qualities of both into another product......the "Grandstage-SV"..... What about a Grandstage and a add on drive pedal? That would be cool, but it would have to be a stereo drive. That's why I mentioned the Ventilator, but I'm not sure if the "drive" sounds good on EPs/Clav/etc.. or not.
  3. It would, but I've got to be able to create my own layers without a PC, among a few other issues. I wish Korg would combine the best qualities of both into another product......the "Grandstage-SV".....
  4. In that case I believe Drawback got it exactly right. Dang! Oh well.......I suppose a Ventilator pedal sitting on top would be overkill, but might be a fun combination.
  5. Good idea, but unfortunately, no I believe you can for organ type patches: According to the MIDI Guide page 12: Volume control CC#11: Expression [bn, 0B, vv] Adjusts the volume of the program. This controls the volume on the output line for both the KEYBOARDS and ENSEMBLE sections. Note: On the CX-3 type organ programs, this controls the volume before the rotary speaker input. Recreates the effect of an expression pedal used with drawbar organs. The expression pedal effect can be recreated in the same way for VOX organ and electric organ programs as well. Note:This functions differently from normal in some programs. For programs that include the words 'Pedal Wah', the pedal controls the pedal wah effect within the program, not the volume. When the 'Foot - Pedal' function in system settings is set to 'Expression (CC#11)' and the pedal is operated, an expression message will be transmitted, and the volume will change. When an expression message is received by another device, a similar effect to the one that is applied when operating the pedal on the Grandstage will apply. The pedal should be configured to send CC 11 by default but if not you can set it under system settings (p 15 of the user manual) I was hoping it could be done for EP's, since there is no way to adjust "amp drive" level on the panel (I don't think) other than through "edit" menus, or (on/off) S1 switch. (BTW, I don't own a Grandstage, but thinking of buying the 73key. The manual is kind of confusing (to me) on this issue, and no stores near me have ever had them on demo.)
  6. Hey all! Does anyone know if you can set an expression pedal to control the "amp drive" level on the Grandstage?
  7. Will the bamboo mats support 300 lbs + the weight of a chair? I would like one, but figured I would destroy it like I do the plastic ones.
  8. The vocal mic is normally off. I switch it on for the few songs where I need it (I'm trying to keep my vocal duties to a minimum, as I'm a terrible singer). The vocoder mic is always on, as it won't make a sound unless I have a vocoder patch active on the Roland. The trick is to route the mic input on the Roland to the sub out rather than the main out. The sound from the mic will still go to the vocoder effect which will be present at the main out, but the direct signal from the mic itself will mute when I switch away from the vocoder (given that I leave the sub out unconnected of course). Ok, that is really interesting and good know. Thanks!
  9. It was an idea I got from a rig rundown video with Spike Edney. But the results I have achieved so far has been... mixed. By using an ensemble-type vocoder (string sound as carrier) at moderate volume, sometimes with a bit of a choir-sample mixed in, I can make a "synth backdrop" for the backing vocals that makes the whole thing sound bigger. The problem: if one of the singers are just sligtly out of tune, the pitch-perfect vocoder exposes it very clearly. Do you use on/off switches for the mics, or just leave them both hot?
  10. This is great! [video:youtube]
  11. How is Roland "Cloud" any different from Native Instruments, Ableton, etc....? All the Roland VST's still reside on your PC, right? I remember trying the demo a while back and it was just a bunch of downloads like anything else. Or has something changed? A "lifetime" key is for what exactly? .....only that specific current version/engine of the VST? When it inevitably switches to a new branding/engine/whatever, and they drop support (or dump) the one you have, then you have access to the newest sparkly bestest version?
  12. I paid to have all that done to fix my SK1. All new contacts, cleaned, etc... Worked great for around 3 months, and then a totally different key has no velocity. It sucks, but I have to accept that it is basically just an organ at this point. I'm not putting any more money or time into it.
  13. Based on the same logic, what about this guy? (2.4M views) [video:youtube] Or this one?... [video:youtube]
  14. As of today: "All gatherings of more than 100 people in NC banned"
  15. Is there internal EQ on the P515? If so, has anyone used it to tame the brightness?
  16. I had to get rid of my acoustic grand that I've had for years. I will really miss it for many reasons. I have a PX-S3000 on the way, not as a replacement, but to use in the meantime while I save for a higher-end digital. No telling what DP's will be out by then. I think the 3000 will be fun, and can have a lot of other uses down the road with gigs, jamming, DAW, etc... Light enough to move around to wherever. Will probably keep it until it breaks. Anyhoo, not that exciting for you guys I'm sure, but just thought I would try to contribute something to the discussion.
  17. I didn't think any of the sounds were even decent on Soundcloud, or vids I've seen from NAMM.
  18. So you can't create a layer without connecting to a PC/Mac?
  19. If this is his own studio, then he has a nice setup to do more on his own,....and looks like he gigs, so there's that. [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
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