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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. Looks nice! I will keep that one in mind. The prices must have changed. The Moog seems to be more expensive than the Yamaha now. Edit: I like that the Moog has a TRS output so the cable isn't hardwired like the FC7
  2. I didn't change the "Receive SW" settings. I'll try that. Thanks!
  3. 1) The Korg SV-2 pedal works with the CK, but only goes down to around 30 on volume. But I assume that's an issue with the SV-2 unless I'm missing something (since it does that with the Yamaha MX also.) 2) Unfortunately there is no way to choose 2 sounds (for example: B & C ) in the CK for volume control. I was going to buy the Yamaha FC7, but if I can't choose B and C for simultaneous volume control, then I probably don't need it.
  4. Cool! I'm gonna hook it up and try again.
  5. Hey y'all! Should the Korg EXP-2 work (for expression) with the CK? I think I tried a while back and it didn't work? Can't remember.
  6. Why "young"? I don't get it. What age range is "young" to you?
  7. I like his wav player usage at 13:45
  8. Cool. Although Kraft makes up a little on shipping ($12), ...but still a little better overall on price. Thanks for the info!
  9. I wonder when/if a music rest (for the 88) will become available? Or does the YMR-03 fit?
  10. I personally would prefer it. Scrolling 50 voices....or 200....within a category is fine with me. The most bread and butter ones are typically toward the beginning of each category anyway if one is in quick improv mode. And they could make it even easier, by making consecutive clicks (on the same category button) bring up the subcategories (so even way less scrolling needed).
  11. It would have been great if they had at least dumped the MX sounds into it. A lot of great stuff there. Last night, I was looking for the basic ole' generic rock guitar sustained lead sound on the CK and there was nothing. Even the synth leads are pretty terrible. The MX has ton of them both. Yeah, old samples, but they work.
  12. Has anyone noticed that you only see the names of the layers on the screen, when they are turned on? Is this preferred by some? I can't remember, but is this how Nord does it? I think I would rather see all 3 at all times, and then highlighted if turned on or off.
  13. Unfortunately there is no way to know if Yamaha can.... or will.... change anything regarding button lighting. Thanks for the idea, but as far as masking tape: 1) Some of the buttons have text on them. 2) Having only one color would defeat the primary benefit of the colors changing depending on the layer chosen. 3) Not sure if I want all that tape all over that many buttons. But yeah, as a last resort taping up everything could be done I guess.
  14. If anyone was interested, I was just checking the speaker volume (and bass) of the CK88 vs the P-125. If you have a P-125, first put the piano on variation 1 (Live Grand). Then put the volume on around 7.5 (using the 11 dots, and counting the first dot on the left as 1). That will be the closest to volume and bass, although the CK88 will still have a little less bass ..... and more crispy highs. The sound of the CK88 speakers are decent enough for quick solo practice in a completely quiet environment. Kinda low volume/bass. Bluetooth audio sounds okay coming through it. PC audio sounds decent enough. You can get a quick jam in, but yeah, nothing like the P-125 speakers. I'm still concerned about the button lights, and may return it. I like to play at night, in low lighting, and knowing that I have to crank up my room lighting like a cafeteria,..... or use my portable music stand light every time is not something I enjoy. I keep thinking that maybe I'll memorize where everything is and not need to look very much? I assume we won't hear from Yamaha about possible lighting changes before my return window, so ...oh well.... And another thing I forgot to mention earlier on lighting is that you can't see what current category you are in, with heavy or low room lighting. Not a huge thing, but when you look down to see what category you're in, you ain't gonna see it. I think it's ironic that one of the purposes/advantages of this really cool UI is for quick sound creation/improv/etc.. on the fly, on stage and such, but the button lights will probably make that very difficult for those that aren't playing where lighting is hitting that interface. Seems like, at the moment, you need to setup your live sets ahead of time, and just have the effects/layers ready to turn off/on (which you could do with about any board).
  15. Do you know if there is a way to change the default colors? Seems as though, as of now, it has to be done per live set? (If so, that's really annoying).
  16. Great! Please let us know if you hear back from them.
  17. I meant to say.... does anyone have trouble seeing the printed text on the interface?
  18. Did anyone download the free Live Set Pack from Yamaha? I bought the CK88, and when I clicked the link in the email from Yamaha it went to "access denied". Just curious what it sounded like. And btw, anyone have trouble seeing the interface (buttons/knobs/etc..) in a darker setting? The button lights are kind of blaring, while hiding/over-contrasting the tiny text. I wish the lights could be dimmed (or can they?). Maybe it's just my eyes though. The screen itself is nice. I may give more of a review later. Sounds good so far though.
  19. Do we know yet if the CK88 is the exact same keybed/action of the P125? Is there a difference between GHSA vs GHS?
  20. I used to love my Korg MicroStation. Reface with 61 mini keys would be really cool!
  21. I'm looking those up now. Thanks. Like you said, might be helpful with the CK.
  22. Speaking of that, does anyone have a recommendation for a nice Android app with good presets of standard drum beats/patterns? Weeding through 1000's on the PlayStore is a daunting task....
  23. Yeah I watched that. It made the CK speakers sound horrible, so I'm hoping that was due to the lavalier mics or whatever.
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