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Justin Havu

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Posts posted by Justin Havu

  1. As the worship leader of my church, I always try to make sure the songs I choose are singable by everyone in the congregation, not too high and not too low. I also like to mix older worship choruses with some newer material, as well as hymns, so there's something for everyone.

    I've recently been attracted to Keith Getty's material. He writes modern hymns--easy to sing, beautiful melodies, and they can easily be arranged for solo piano or with a full band.

  2. I was able to get in what could possibly be my last outdoor run of the season the day after Thanksgiving. Did 5 miles, took it nice and easy. It was very windy, but around 60 degrees up here. I have a hard time running in cold weather, especially with the amount of clothing I'd have to wear to stay comfortably warm, and still be able to move. I'm a shorts/singlet type, MAYBE a windbreaker jacket, but I can't handle long pants--I feel like my movement is a bit hindered.


    I've also started working in some Yoga, about twice a week, to maybe help with my range of motion and my flexibility. It's also helped with my anxiety a bit too.

  3. Haven't been out lately. Weather's getting a bit cooler, and I've been in a battle with agoraphobia since the end of July. I've actually been in a fight with social anxiety, and a lower level of agoraphobia all my life--basically to the point where I can't be in the middle of a crowd without fight-or-flight setting in, unless I'm with family or someone I know very well. I can't really go into a Walmart or grocery store without panicking as most of the time it's too crowded for me to handle--even when going earlier in the morning or later in the evening. And unfortunately it's gotten in the way of running outdoors, like if even one car passes me, I'll start getting anxious. There's not really any trails around my neighborhood either. It's pretty much been the dreadmill or the bike for me.
  4. Just finished this one. It has to do with a very personal matter to me. I have a couple of mental disorders (Asperger syndrome, panic disorder, and agoraphobia) and I wrote this after getting sick of all the negative attitude the general public has toward people with mental disorders. I view them as challenges that if not taken care of, can really impact someone's life in a negative way.



  5. I hate running in the rain. Period. Not comfortable for me at all.


    2nd 5K for the season finished this morning. Time was 28:56. If it hadn't rained earlier, I probably wouldn't have spent the whole race dodging puddles in the road and got a faster time.

  6. Did a total of 15 miles last week, ran three days last week--two 6 milers and a 3 miler. I have two 5K's in July a week apart from each other, one on the 11th and one on the 17th. Time to step it up!
  7. First real outdoor workout of the year complete--went for a 30-mile bike ride, followed by a 2.5 mile run. I took it kinda slow for the run, around a 12 min/mile pace, but I wanted very much to enjoy the first real warm and sunny day of the year here in New England.
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