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Posts posted by I-missRichardTee

  1. There are numerous rat/mouse traps on YouTube, some rather cruelly involving high voltage and done for the amusement of the Asian poster, I think. But the best involved no electricity, just a plastic bucket and about three spare bits of wood. They all seem to be using corm or maize as a bait.


    I've had mice between old lath & plaster walls before now. All you hear is the patter of tiny feet, and they are not easy to get rid of, but hours of amusement for a hungry cat!


    Given what I estimate to be the gravity of a rat infestation problem, cruelty, is only a secondary consideration. I am not happy about this... but in my opinion it is a matter of survival. I like smaller rats, and love mice; but a friend who dealt with these critters strongly warned me, urged me.. they can take over a home if not dealt with in a decisive manner. As I said before, I met two unrelated people, on the same day, whose experience, sincerity, confidence abour the method and fact they both spoke of the same method, convinced me.. bait rats that have a poison that creates insatiable thirst, will eliminate them.

    I am not happy about this...

    I saw the bucket of water... "walk the plant" method.. and they drown in that method, unless you use no water, in which case you have to carry a pail of live rats a great distance , ONLY to have them invade another persons home.

    I wish there was a painless way that is practical.

  2. I was simply helping you, by letting you know, the lineage of Letterman and Paully.

    I will bet you didn't know the duo started out as laurel and hardy, and when that well ran dry, they switched to Abbott and Costello, and so on, finally arriving at the beloved duo, you know as Letterman and Paully. Did you or did you not know this?


    youre not helping me at all. Id tell you that this is idiotic but first i need to know who you mean by they. who is this they that switched to A&C to finally arrive at the beloved duo Letterman and Paully? And who is Paully? Paul Shaffer? Lol. Ok, Paully it is.


    But that still leaves your studio audience baffled on why you call them a duo? Letterman was a late night talk show host, following in the line of Johnny. he had a sidekick band leader. They were not a duo, Paul was not co-host, he was the band leader. He didnt have a comedy duo act prior to his show. His shows lineage doesnt trace back to L&A nor A&C, neither duos had talk shows. If your want to find the origins of his format, skip past Johnny and go to the original, Steve Allen, or Johnnys forebearer - Jack Paar.


    This is getting a tad complicated. Perhaps you did not read my saying I FOUND A METHOD. Gherkin even provided the reason rats LEAVE THE HOME to die... THIRST.


    I did not construe your words as helpful towards eliminating rats... floating out to sea, etc. I thought you were clowning with me... so I clowned back.

    I distinctly recall Jack Paar Steve Allen etc. Not to mention Abbott Costello and my heroes Laurel and Hardy. I know them all.

    My rat problem is solved, or is in the process.


    For your entertainment


  3. Who are laurel and hardy? :)


    This is an OT from from subject of rats. This is a keyboard forum... i think you should stay on topic and keep off the grass.

    Ok but since you aksted.. Do you remember Paul Shaffer and Letterman his boss, right?

    Well a long time ago, they were these two guys



    This was a long time ago, bet you didn'y know they were that old, right? Well they had life extension protocols inserted, that's what I heard.

    But here is the unbelievable part, they first started out as these guys




    See, you can learn a lot here ... just like I did with the rat boy stuff.


    You sure those were rats and not squirrels? Focus, brother ... focus.


    I was simply helping you, by letting you know, the lineage of Letterman and Paully.

    I will bet you didn't know the duo started out as laurel and hardy, and when that well ran dry, they switched to Abbott and Costello, and so on, finally arriving at the beloved duo, you know as Letterman and Paully. Did you or did you not know this?

  4. Who are laurel and hardy? :)


    This is an OT from from subject of rats. This is a keyboard forum... i think you should stay on topic and keep off the grass.

    Ok but since you aksted.. Do you remember Paul Shaffer and Letterman his boss, right?

    Well a long time ago, they were these two guys



    This was a long time ago, bet you didn'y know they were that old, right? Well they had life extension protocols inserted, that's what I heard.

    But here is the unbelievable part, they first started out as these guys




    See, you can learn a lot here ... just like I did with the rat boy stuff.



  5. Bro? I thought we were buds. Now Im contradistincted? I maintain the ice-float method works flawlessly and you just never would give it a chance.


    I thought we were buds. Now Im contradistincted? I maintain the ice-float method works flawlessly and you just never would give it a chance.Quoted by one of the peas.//quote from Moti Dave


    We are like two P's in a Pot.





  6. When rats invaded the basement of my old house following massive excavation of the storm drains on our street and rat traps proved inadequate an exterminator set bait stations in the basement. They contained a substance that the rats ate that made them incredibly thirsty. They left the house in search of water and literally drank themselves to death. Nasty but necessary. Within a few days we were rid of rats. No dead ones in the walls or ceilings. No stink. No further infestation.


    I can't remember what the stuff was called but I do remember the antidote was supposedly vitamin K. Obviously you want to keep any pets away from this stuff. I would consult a professional exterminator and ask about this approach. Good luck.


    I do appreciate further confirmation of my two highly qualified individuals' ( and in sharp contradistinction to comedians like Moti Dave ) long experience.

    You have just provided the missing link to "the WHY", the poor animals exit the home. I am sad the poor things have this fate... but it makes perfect sense. BTW I am hearing almost no scurrying above my head now. We have killed at least 4 rats. We are using wide variety of methods, including glue, old fashioned traps that snap neck, bait traps.


    I wanted to be a chemist in my early life; so, your explanation is especially satisfying.

    Again, the both individuals spoke with such instantaneous confidence, making dealing with rats, for them ( a manager of a huge storage facility and a farmer ) a no brainer. This advice they gave was by far, the most conclusive of all the things I read about on line in the past month.

    Add to that, the ultrasonic sounds I have used. The sounds simply make being above my head in my bedroom, a less pleasant place to be, not kill them, but that is an additional factor in the poor rodents demise.


    Some solutions ( in Life ) are far superior to others, is the lesson.

    Thanks so much.

  7. I heard a sure-fire way. freeze your rat in a block of ice and then float him out to sea. A few hundred yards from shore, the ice will melt and he will drown in the dark deep abyss of the Carlsbad/Oceanside Reef. (I assumed the gender of IMRT's lead rat - apologiies)


    poisoned rats are dead rats that stink, they usually die where they live - if they live in your walls or attic, thats where they will die. The stink will go away in 4-9 months so just wait it out until all biological matter decomposes and fossilization sets in. Hopefully a new unwanted guest doesn't move in to host on the carcass.


    Otherwise - CookieMan has cookies, and RatMan shall have rats.



  8. I received highly creditable info on getting rid of rats (though this method requires periodic reapplication ) from two people who did not know one another, but agreed on same product. Believe it or not, I cannot recall the uncreative name of product. but anyone is interested I will check and leave it here.

    I think it is rat bait.. the idea is rats have to eat the whole amount.. and unlike what we would expect, a nasty odor of death, from dying in the house... ( I was not clear on this either , but both parties said similar things ) but somehow the rats do not die in the house!

    Apparently the measuring of precise amounts of bait/food, is important, they have to eat it all.

    One person was living at a farm

    the other worked at a storage place..

    I will report back on progress, but I actually hear much less from the rats that were in the ceiling.

  9. I suggest you adopt them, love them, embrace them and raise them into a huge rat army that you can direct to conquer the planet.


    Or put a big tent over your house and gas them.


    Either way is good.


    The first part: Feels like a marriage vow

    Alright already, I do I do I do.


    But as I was alive so close to the Hitler thing, I will pass on the gas thing.

    My parting words to you Sir, are these:



  10. embrace your vermin roommates, all resistance is futile. you are over-matched by their tenacity and guile. this is your destiny.


    I dub thee RatMan, king of the rats.


    I am honored, deeply touched by this. You have opened up a whole new world for me.

    But are you like English royalty though? I accept this destiny as RatMan in the same spirit as another nominee accepted Howard Sterns' fartman bequeathhood.

    I want to make a counter offer to this humbling offer that I deserve not. Lo, I dub thee Fartman Deux. lol

  11. No, the rats are the ones barking up wrong tree. Listen I have rats very near me as I type this, do you follow me? I do believe the sound makes them uncomfortable.. it will not eliminate them. But under the circumstances, which is in fact what we all deal with.. the circumstances unique to the moment; I would like to disuade them from being above me. Let them hang out in the garage, where I personally have seen 4 of them so far. Two dead so far.


    So what kind of speaker, and what kind of synth ( My G6 Roland fantom) could make these nasty-for-rats, type frequencies? Since compression ruins the effect!


  12. Thanks again for all the suggestions

    In meantime... this is a complicated living situation, I do not have full range of liberty to do as I might like. Don't ask... literally,, "it's complicated".

    So with that in mind

    The latest: I have been annoying rats with YT sourced high pitch sounds.

    One YT comment says for max effectiveness... You need speakers that can play these super high pitches loudly!!

    My Mac has worn speakers and even with these I believe the hapless rats do not like the sounds.


    What kind of device/ speaker configuration that favors ultrasonic pitches , can I hook up to the mac to really blast the house with high frequencies?


    I might do this in my car as well- I will have to figure out electricity for computer I guess off car battery, but is there another source of power for computer?


    I already downloaded these videos of super high pitches to my mac music player on loop.

    And also imported them to Transcribe app to boost the pitches above 8K.


    Would I want an eq that ranges up to 30000 hz?


    This sound deterrent actually has good effect or is it affect?



    edit too bad because I like mice and maybe smaller rats... but that is fantasy land.


    edit 2 Reading comments on YT about these videos.. one says an ad can come on in the middle of an 11 hours video.

    Another doubts the truth of the actual pitches or the extreme one, at 20,000 hz


    Creating my own combo of ultrasonic pitches in the realm of synthesis, not necessarily MY realm ! I own a Fantom G6, possibly it could create such a recording! Or if one of you is interested in this for your own pests, maybe we could share in the expense?


    I am wondering if there is research on ultrasonic pitches on rodents and humans. ?

  13. You could have made it on topic by asking it this way:


    "There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna do?"


    Edit. good luck with the situation BTW!


    "Now clean up them there shambles or I'll feed you piece meal to the rats in the cellar"!!

    My favorite pirate... but unfortunately eye neer learn pirate talk, but see you have matey.



  14. I lived in Valley Center CA just prior to the horrendous fires of around 2003 that had the whole of San Diego County in the grip of destruction, fear and omnipresent smoke for weeks.


    While living there, I put blue blocks of poison out to kill rats. I found the blocks of poison INSIDE my Nissan Sentra AIR CLEANER HOUSING! So I removed about 6 blocks, and lo, I found the Poison blocks BACK In the Air Cleaner area again!

    Also during this "fun period" I was driving at night from a gig, and a baby rat dropped from the glove compartment area on to where your feet go if you are a passenger! Yes, you read that correctly.

    I was creeped out, and found someone to remove the rat.


    I am not a fan of rural areas, you might accurately surmise; after the fires, I "got the hell out of Dodge". Reference to Dodge City back in the violent cowboy era.


  15. I am in S Calif, where it seldom drops to 32F. And Sprng is here. It is not 100% OT if they eat my keyboard!

    I live in a large house. In garage area I have actually seen 4 very large mice or perhaps smaller sized rats, so far... and I hear them in the ceiling above me, they don't sound like petite mice to me. I actually think mice are cute, but rats, are another matter, and both bring disease.


    The basics are, check all entrance points, and block them. Block them with?

    Poison, traps .suggestions based on experience?

    I am actualy using a youtube recording of high pitches the video claims rats dislike.

    I think those sounds disturb them, but will not get rid of them.


    I am looking for those with experience, and all manner of tips, such as your experience with most aromatic foods the critters find irresistible. Traps versus poisons, choice of poisons.. etc etc... just any tips.


    I am not concerned much about humanitarian issues... sorry, they gotta to go.


    Any experience with high pitch devices?


    Is there any pet like a cat that can handle a rat?


    This has been going on for at least two weeks.


    If they die in the walls, it is not going to be pleasant.



  16. Never mind all that stuff, you get the music to this too!




    Have you tried the Yamaha music soft site? I have Maxine, Nightfly, Black Cow, IGE, New Frontier, Aja, Deacon Blues, Ruby, and those Midi's sound really good as instrumentals without Fagans incredible voice . :D The other day someone about shocked me, requesting Deacon, and was she happy mouthing the words, an all.

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