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Franz Schiller

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Posts posted by Franz Schiller

  1. I really think that Peter Jackson made this series for us Beatles superfans. My girlfriend watched it with me, and for her, the first 2/3rds were pretty tiresome. But for ME, it was amazing to see this...even the boring bits. I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined being in the room like that with these talented people. Just getting a sense for what it was like to hang out with them was so cool. So much fun!


    But the end was absolutely spectacular. Even my girlfriend loved it. The Beatles playing live âin color, and just having a ball performing togetherâwas simply thrilling.

  2. I've been having similar experiences with eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace.


    I was selling my Nord C2, and started at $2300. That was the number I saw of the last sold C2 on eBay I think. I figured folks would haggle me down to around $2k. Fair `nuff.


    On Craigslist...several times...I got people who would just send a mesage saying "$1000"...nothing else. Not a "hello!" not a "I happened to see this same organ elsewhere for a thousand."


    On Facebook, I got one guy who's says, "I'll give you $1200" to which I responded, "Sorry, but I'll meet you in the middle at $1900." He said, "$1200 is all I can afford." Well, I guess this isn't the organ for you!


    What's super weird is I got like four or five people who ONLY said, "What's your best price?" And I would say "$2000" thinking they would come back with $1900 (which would have been okay with me). But nope. Nothing. They didn't respond.


    It's like people forgot how to negotiate.


    Also, everyone just wants to steal the thing from you.


    Eventually, when they asked "what's your best price?" I responded "Well, how about YOU make me a REASONABLE offer?" And that sort of worked...I got a few decent offers, though mostly people would randomly stop communicating with me while working out logistics ("So where should we meet up?")

  3. I have an actual Mom & Pop bookstore near me, that stocks an amazing selection of used books. Going there to browse is a really fun activity for me and my gal. We make sure to buy books from them on the regular to support them, and yes I even order books through them, even though I could get it quicker through Amazon.


    I also have a Barnes and Noble that I frequent, and similarly, I make sure to buy something from them frequently, because I enjoy the physical space, and I want them to continue to exist.


    I think it's important to be mindful that âeven with Barnes and Nobleâ if we don't spend some money there, they will just go away. I really really miss Borders Books and Music. Their selection was awesome, and I loved the music section.

  4. I had a Compact Duo for a while. LOVED IT. Inspired me to make some truly weird music.


    I got it for free in non-working shape from a random dude on Craigslist. Then I had to hunt down the massive power supply for several hundred bucks. Then I spent a small fortune having it fixed up. But within just a few weeks of regular use, I started losing footages left and right. Then some keys wouldn't work. It was heartbreaking. But I couldn't afford to spend huge amounts of cash on upkeep. Also, that organ was like 90 pounds, and super complicated to break down and set up, so I couldn't gig with it.


    Eventually I switched to a Nord C1, which checked all the boxes, and sounds about as close as you can get... But man that Compact Duo was the best.

  5. Hey bud. Firstly, why don't you calm down already?


    Second, if you read what I said, I did NOT say you were wrong. To repeat in another way, I didn't disagree with you about whether its tinny. In fact, for the sake of discussion, I will AGREE with you. The Behringer OB clone is tinny. There. Feel better?


    Here's what I DID say: just because there is an Xpander in this video, that doesn't mean that Behringer based their synth on it.

  6. As an owner of three vintage legacy Oberhims, that is the tinniest sounding clone I have ever heard. I spotted the beta tester's Xpander in the background, and no other Oberheims. The Xpander is a good sounding synth but is not an OBXa. If B****** wanted a beta tester for their clone, they should had picked an OBXa owner..


    In fairness, I'm not sure why you think this particular guy was chosen because he has an Xpander?


    Usually, Behringer DOES require the beta testers to have the original unit. Just because we can't see an OB-Xa in this particular angle of this particular video does not mean he doesn't own one.


    Regardless of whether the Behringer clone is tinny is a separate issue. But I don't think it's fair or logical to imply that just because you see an Xpander in this guy's video, that therefore the Behringer clone is modeled on the Xpander. Doesn't make sense.

  7. I think that we as artists certainly respond to the color and shape, in addition to the sound, that our instruments make. I mean, that's why I have the white Korg SV2, because not only does it sound great, but its so cool it makes me want to play it. The Grandstage might have the same sounds, but to me the SV2 is just cooler.


    So I can't begrudge anybody spending a little more for a different or more interesting color, shape, or whatever. I mean, guitarists do it all the time.

  8. I've had a WaveState since last September. It's fantastic...my gut feeling is that the WaveState is more versatile, but perhaps a bit tougher to program?


    Like, the ModWave seems to have 2 layers x 2 oscs with 1 filter per layer. But the WaveState has 4 layers (1 morphing osc per layer) with 1 filter per layer. I'm not sure what the Kaoss stuff brings to the ModWave's party, but is it something that can't be done with an endlessly flexible morphing wavetable?


    But programming the WaveState definitely takes more effort than the average 2 oscillator synth.

  9. Hey guys, how do you feel about Reverb vs eBay in 2021?


    Seems that Reverb doesn't allow using PayPal anymore. How is it with these "Reverb Payments?" I've read in some places that it delays payment...is that true?

  10. Hey guys, what do you think about the PC4's Virtual Analog oscillators and filter?


    As I've mentioned in other threads, I have a K2000 which I love for its dark character; I had a K2661, but it was too bright...I just didn't like the sound.


    Is the VA engine these days...is it beefy? Gritty? Soft? Sharp?


    I haven't really found a demo that clearly demonstrated the raw tones and the VA filters (if you know of any, I'd love to hear/see them).



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