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Everything posted by marczellm

  1. I see your two similar boards and raise you 8 identical [video:youtube]
  2. Most of the Jupiter and Fantom sounds are interchangeable between them, the RD-88 and the Zenology soft synth. In addition to that, each board does something unique: if I'm not mistaken, the Jupiter has more versatile synth stuff while the Fantom has gotten more SuperNatural acoustic sounds. I use the Nord Stage 2 weighted for my bread and butter, and the Roland JUNO-G 61-key workstation for rompler/workstation stuff, rehearsals and smaller gigs. Works pretty well and it is great to have two different manufacturers' soundsets in the rig.
  3. I wouldn't say top of the sound engine game as long it does not come with anything close to a clonewheel inside. The organs I've heard are basically the same samples as in my JUNO-G which was released 2006. And they go back even further than that. If we say top of the synth engine game, we can agree on that.
  4. As MPN uses the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS, passwords are transmitted across the wire in plaintext. That makes it relatively easy for bad guys to read them, so Don't Ever Reuse Your Password (A bad guy will not be interested in impersonating you on KC, but on other services.)
  5. This is so cool. I had originally found this track here on KC, but then the artist - forumite StickMan393 - took it off their Soundcloud page. I complained in a private message - 'cause I find the track terrific - and now they notified me of the new release! [video:youtube]
  6. Authorised Roland service centers can order parts from the factory.
  7. I don't have a clonewheel except for the one in my NS2. It would be great to hear audio samples of before vs after.
  8. For a moment there I thought the original thread is older than the Virus synth.
  9. Zenology could be something that starts me down the soft synth rabbit hole. See, I've been a hardware only guy so far. Soft synths had a sufficiently different UI and logic so that I deemed them not worthy to invest time in and I continued to do all my demos by sequencing and recording my hardware into my DAW. But Zenology has basically the same sound architecture as my Roland or the other one or two Rolands I have programmed. So my programming know-how transfers directly to its interface. Even a huge part of the built-in samples are the same. So if my JUNO-G starts breaking down I can replace it with either a Jupiter-X, or Zenology on a laptop. Might still do the former though. One thing that bothers me, is that only the Zenology Pro - the priciest version - does full editing. Coupled with the "Export to Hardware" option, that means the only software editor/librarian for the Zen instruments would be the paid Zenology plugin...
  10. Might be a completely custom made accessory.
  11. Yep the KB3 at least attempts to be an organ sim with drawbars, percussion and C/V. The JUNO organs are samples and that's it. The VK leslie sim is in the box though. For the earlier JUNO-G which I have, and the related Fantoms, you can download a sound pack from rolandclan.com called B4Real. What that guy did is create a patch for each drawbar, the percussion, the leakage and the click. Then he created a performance (multi) where he assigned those patches to the individual parts. That way you can get drawbar control and switch the percussion on/off. Then he made an effects chain with EQ, amp sim and the VK Leslie sim. When I'm not bringing the Nord to a show I'll use those Hammond sounds and they work fine. The limitation is you can't get polyphonic percussion and C/V. The Jupiter-80, Jupiter-50, FA, Integra have the Roland VK organ sim as well with proper percussion, but still no C/V AFAIK.
  12. Our church band is eyeing a Kurz SP6. Can the above mentioned customizations be loaded on that model? Does any of you have improved organ sounds for it and willing to share?
  13. I like the YouTube ad that pops up and a bald guy says "I'm a former Nashville pro, and I can teach you to play worship piano / guitar in 10 days" I'm parsing that as the "former" applies to the "Nashville pro". But that does not make sense. You can move out of Nashville but how can you be a former pro?
  14. Focusrite interfaces are popular in my circles. I'm happy with mine.
  15. I love this performance so much I've even transcribed it. Best version of this song that I know of. [video:youtube]
  16. Unfortunately the top iPads are USB-C, and while that's a more standard connector, no iPad specific accessories which could charge it and still provide multiple connections are out yet AFAIK.
  17. I am so disappointed when emotionally charged moments in films use the same piano arpeggios I noodled when I was about 13. Last one to do so was the climax of Murder on the Orient Express. I grew up watching Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. No comparison...
  18. Kurzweil has redesigned their website. I say it was time they did. https://kurzweil.com/
  19. The iPad Pro has no headphone jack. It has USB-C instead of the Lightning port, so I can plug it right into my Focusrite interface and that takes care of getting MIDI in and audio out. No charging though.
  20. And I thought that being asked to rehearse and play an online streamed worship service with a 5-6 piece band was a hard decision.
  21. Search for Jazz Ministry on YouTube for great videos with both Laboriels. I love this: [video:youtube]
  22. Older Roland romplers also have that feature called "Analog Feel". I don't know whether they improved on its realism.
  23. I still have the Roland FP-5 from my high school years. Even has the Roland organ sim (which hasn't improved much since then). I used to listen to how the same note sounds a little different each time and thought "how do they do that?"
  24. The FA does do step sequencing! [video:youtube] I checked just now and was appalled to learn it does not do step editing of arpeggios. I have the JUNO-G which is kind of the predecessor and it does that.
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