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Paul Harrison

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Posts posted by Paul Harrison

  1. 1 hour ago, LX 88 said:


    Still trying to find out about any chorus vibrato improvement from HX3. I have the original module and chorus vibrato parameters drive me nuts! So many things to screw it up wheras my Viscount and even Numa 1 have luscious CV. Love the Viscount BC emulation also. More shallow CV....a welcome variation. Wish HX3 has something like it.


    My MAG C2 has the latest version of the HX3 engine (HX3.5) with the latest firmware (v5.7), and the sound and tweakability of the chorus vibrato (and things like percussion and keyclick) are among the many things that make it a winner for me. The chorus vibrato has that that classic purr and shimmer, and there are 16 adjustable parameters, some of which are fairly subtle and should only be tweaked if you know what you are doing, although if you mess it up, you can always restore the factory settings. The modulation depth and the wet/dry mix are the main parameters I have tweaked a bit.

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  2. Here's another one for you guys with sharp ears. In John Coltrane's classic recording of "Blue Train" with Lee Morgan on trumpet and Curtis Fuller on trombone, they play the head twice: first time sax and trombone in unison, second time sax, trumpet and trombone in three-part harmony. The harmony section is at 0:19 - 0:38 and 10:11-10:30.




    I found a few charts with the horn parts, but they weren't quite right, so I had a go at transcribing it myself ... the lines are a bit tricky to pin down in places, but I've attached my first draft below ... any corrections welcome. :cool:


    (Of course, actual sax and trumpet parts would normally be transposed up to F, but I've put all three parts in concert Eb to make it easier to work with here.)


  3. :thu:


    That looks fine, thanks. Are you able to replace the graphic on Wikipedia with this one? I just noticed the errors in the original while looking for a good diagram of the drawbars that I could link to (and I gather that several other sites also link to it), but I don't know how to update a file on Wikipedia and hoped someone here would be able to do this. :)

  4. Is there anyone here who can fix errors in a graphic on Wikipedia?


    This graphic contains some errors:



    - On all nine drawbars, the ' (inch) symbol should be ' (foot); e.g., 16" not 16'.

    - On the second drawbar (5 1/3"), 'Sub-3rd Harmonic' should be 'Sub-3rd harmonic' (lowercase "h").

    - On the sixth drawbar (2"), "4nd harmonic" should be "4th harmonic".

    - On the seventh drawbar (1 3/5"), "6th harmonic" should be "5th harmonic".

    - On the eighth drawbar (1 1/3"), "7th harmonic" should be "6th harmonic". (The original Hammond organ drawbars do not include a 7th harmonic, which would be labelled 1 1/7".)


    (This page has a similar image with the correct labels: https://electricdruid.net/technical-aspects-of-the-hammond-organ/#drawbars)


    I tried to contact the creator of the graphic to fix this but there was no response.

  5. I used to have a Hammond B3 and Leslie 122, then a Hammond XK3c and XK1c, then a Viscount Legend Solo. I now have a MAG C2 (with options including walnut side panels, light keyboard springs, and inbuilt Mini Vent). The MAG is hands down the best clonewheel I have played. The HX3 engine sounds very authentic and is very customizable, and Max's build quality and personal service are exemplary.
  6. ... Roy Phillips is great organist, who actually started out on guitar for Joe Meek's sessions. Anyway, here are a couple of vids, the first
    is interesting in that Roy's playing a Lowrey Berkshire, as used by Pete Townsend, and I think the wah effect is built in to that model. Second
    is on a Hammond (model?) but also hot as hell (love the drummer's stick-twirling).


    Very cool. Thanks. The first clip is lip synced so the organ was probably just a prop. Sure sounds like a Hammond/Leslie through a wah wah. Some pretty interesting rhythmic fills in the second clip....


    When I asked Roy himself, he confirmed that the first organ he owned was a Lowrey Heritage, which he used on The Peddlers' early recordings, but in 1967, Manfred Mann switched him on to the Hammond organ, and from the album "Freewheelers" (1967) onwards, he used a Hammond A100, which he had extensively customized including a wah pedal. For the live performance in the first video (1971)

    , he played a Lowrey Berkshire that was provided by the TV studio, but in the studio version on the album "Three For All" (1970)
    , he played the Hammond (you can hear the Hammond's percussion and chorus vibrato in his solo at 1:39-1:54).
  7. Recently I've been listening to Larry Goldings on a Micheal Brecker album called Time Is of the Essence. Larry kills it! It's an all star cast. Great album.


    +1 ... not only Michael Brecker on sax but also Pat Metheny on guitar, and the drum chair shared by Elvin Jones, Jeff "Tain" Watts, and Bill Stewart ... an all star cast indeed! Here's a concert clip of a track from that album, with Bill on drums, and a solo from Larry at 3:06 - 4:50.



  8. ... I'd love to know what those pistons fitted to his A-100 did...don't usually see switches mounted into the front rail but occasionally someone manages to stuff them in there...whoever did that to Roy's A-100 did a nice job, if you ask me....


    On edit ... I see in another clip at least one of them is his Leslie switch.


    Yes, in this video, you can see him press one of the buttons and hear the Leslie speed change at 1:02 and 1:53:

  9. Thanks for clueing me in to The Peddlers - I loved that Clear Day track from Breaking Bad, but didn't know who it was. Loved the arrangement. Great B3 playing and singing from Roy Phillips - I believe he's white (not positive), but he sounds black.


    The Peddlers were from England.



    See also this thread.



    Here's a live video from 1971.



  10. I discovered "The Peddlers" on an episode of Breaking Bad; check out "On a Clear Day"...


    The Peddlers' line-up is organ/bass/drums rather than the usual organ/guitar/drums, but Roy Phillips has a great sound and style on the Hammond. Check out his playing on this track, especially his solo at 3:30 - 5:40.




    My favourite organ trio has been billed variously on recordings as the Peter Bernstein Trio, the Larry Goldings Trio, or just Bernstein, Goldings & Stewart ... always funky, soulful, swinging and tasteful ... and Larry Goldings' sound and style on the Hammond are the gold standard for me.




    John Scofield, Larry Goldings and Greg Hutchinson are a formidable trio too.



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