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Everything posted by rumpelstiltskin.

  1. i had the fortune of meeting jeremy in berkeley many, many years ago. it seems the experience is universal among those who were equally lucky now i live in the bay area, but we had been out of touch. sadly it will remain so.
  2. i’ve looked at rehabbing a bass of that vintage, and if it were mine i’d move on. you’re spending on the novelty and the story, not on a usable bass.
  3. back amp tweaker made bass pedals i had a TON of fun playing swirl pool through a bass tight fuzz. i could have spaced out on that for days. i really like having access to distortion, even if it's just to give the chorus a little more snort. a lot of times the distorted tone doesn't sound great on its own, but it really adds to the mix.
  4. i like the black e-tape to cover the pole pieces. it's really nice having a beater that's also somewhere between decent and good. the hard part will be resisting putting money into upgrades that will raise it to level in the few places it's lacking, like (maybe) pickups, tuners and bridge, along with the pick guard.
  5. i'd suggest using the PJ, and since you'll be soldering you can temporarily bypass the J pickup and volume pot entirely. the only real difference then is the P pickup location. i believe PJ are a little further from the bridge. that's what i'd do, and i'd call it good enough, given the scope of the experiment.
  6. i'm sorry for your loss, and i'm sharing in your grief. that is awful.
  7. i would pick one up if i were in a music store. but i'm in the exact opposite end of scale with my 35" peavey.
  8. musicman sterling 4H ric G&L SB-2, JB-2, or L2000 fender aerodyne P dingwall afterburner have: peavey cirrus BXP lyon by washburn plywood P (with reverend pickup)
  9. my personal favorite myth: 15s have more low end than 10s. response: the frequency response of a speaker cabinet is a function of system engineering and not cone are. in the olden days people used to believe that because a 15 had a larger cone than a single 10 it had to have lower frequency response than 10s. in the world of real science we know that frequency response is a function of displacement, or the movement of air, which is dependent upon excursion, cone area, and cabinet design, and not simply cone area. this old trope neglected that a 4x10 cabinet has more cone area than a 1x15, and they are typically voiced with a mid scoop, which means more low end response. the cabinet market now prioritizes portability, and has expanded to 12s and 8s, both as woofers.
  10. i have started coming back. but it's hard for me since life has taken me away from playing music much due to family, entrepreneurship, and work.
  11. new song from carol clayton i used to play in a band with carol, but she moved to olympia, WA leaving the rest of the band in detroit, MI. but she wrote this song and we did the recording pretty much the same way we've done any recording, just a couple thousand miles away from each other. so we didn't hang out, but the process was otherwise the same.
  12. i never spent a lot of time with the police. the list of essential tracks (i.e. tracks that i know are by the police and whose melodies i could probably recite) includes only "roxanne", "message in a bottle", "don't stand so close to me", and "every breath you take". of course, they have a pretty recognizable sound, so i'd probably catch on with others.
  13. i can't get enough of this. i've been watching every few weeks for months. [video:youtube]
  14. sort of. but it was mostly the last time i went to amsterdam and i couldn't really make any sense of the weather forecast without a lot of thinking. the 24 hour thing happened even earlier than that. i was tired of setting my alarms to the right time, but the clock was 12-hours off, or vice-versa. any clock that can go 24 hour is set that way.
  15. that's only because you haven't grasped the quote function.
  16. 15.5°C. true fact about your oddball moderator: i've converted to metric for temperatures. and i operate on a 24-hour clock.
  17. that's cold. has your nose fallen off yet? we're sunny and 10°C (50°F) today. in detroit.
  18. i love both of these videos. i didn't play any bubble bobble when i was a kid, but that is a very fun, complex part. it's good to see you getting a lot of work out of your dingwall.
  19. he kinda took an early christmas vacation. we'll see if he comes back.
  20. you know, i meant to do that last year. not nearly as many good records this year as last. at least for what i listen to. but i will still do one this year. i know mutemath's odd soul will be near the top of my list: [video:youtube] and maybe malajube's la caverne: [video:youtube]
  21. this topic is now stickied. it will always be on the top of the forum. if you post your music in a separate thread, it will be moved/deleted. if that behavior is persistent, you will receive a very terse PM.
  22. i think my playing in the bridge wasn't very confident. (it doesn't sound very confident to me.) perhaps sticking with a more downbeat feel would have cleaned that up. thanks!
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