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Groove Mama

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Everything posted by Groove Mama

  1. Hey, I could maybe play in that band!
  2. I have to say: I have one very FUNKY left-hand position...and I don't mean in a good way. Check out my pinky: Curled up like a roly-poly. The rest of my fingers look like I'm playing the piano. Definitely have to work at flattening my fingers. Yikes. Either that or I'll have to change my handle to "Claw Hand Mama."
  3. Haha. I knew that was coming.
  4. I know; right? Believe it or not, this awas recommended by the gal at my local neighborhood independent hardware store. So essentially it was like the waitress at your favorite diner recommending that you buy your lumber from McDonalds. Yes! My mind was befuddled by hunger.
  5. I know; right? Believe it or not, this was recommended by the gal at my local neighborhood independent hardware store.
  6. Red Hot Sport Peppers (Had me a Chicago-dressed dog at Home Depot last Saturday. Never again down here. You wouldn't believe how they dress dogs in the Lou. Ugh.)
  7. Their first record would need to be named "My Private Summer" Boy, is that ever the truth.
  8. That's cuz we forget after a couple thousand entries or so.
  9. The Red Hot Flashes Mental Pause
  10. Gosh, I've been wondering when that would show up here!
  11. This was great, Eddie. Next time tell those drunk people to shut up!
  12. Really wonderful! Wish I could play like that.
  13. what? Say it three times really fast.
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