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Posts posted by BenWaB3

  1. Age: 75


    Mostly perform with just a Korg Nautilus 73, although I do have a Kawai MP6 I can take to the job if it's piano only. Amps are CPS for band jobs or MotionSound krp8s for solo or low volume jobs. In one band I go through the PA and just use in-ears but help with loading of the PA, which counts as hauling in my book. With the Nautilus I'm able to do a one keyboard rig, but before getting that I was hauling both the Kawai and an SKPro.

  2. 1 hour ago, Doerfler said:

    Doug Nestler was the Ensoniq rep, great guy. 

    I remember Doug from when he was at the now-closed Medley Music in Bryn Mawr, PA. I bought my DX-7 from him. He left Medley to go to Ensoniq and after his stint there he was a Korg rep for a while. Yes, he was a great guy. I've often wondered what happened to him and hope he's doing well.


    14 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Oh boy....this could get interesting real quick. I'll let brotha @Doerfler tell it.🤣


    As a loyal customer at Chuck's for almost 40 years, the late, great Len Halik was my 1st salesman.


    My brothas Dave Doerfler and Roger Hooper who also became my go-to guys after Len and a few more great cats were at Chuck's at the same time. The good ole days.😎

    The late great Len was also my first (and only, actually) salesman too. I had often wondered what had happened to him also. Since he was older than most of us, I had feared he might no longer be with us and am sad to hear that is the case.

  3. I'll have to join with the ranks of dissenters here. I had both the ESQ-1 and the Mirage rack. They were so unreliable I was happy to get rid of them. Don't remember exactly how I got rid of them but think they were used as trade-in on a Korg M1. When the first Gulf War broke out I called one of the local music stores and asked/told the guys I know there if the reason the US achieved air superiority so quickly and completely was that Ensoniq was supplying the Iraqi air defense systems with their chips. Yeah, probably poor taste back then & especially now but it did have the salesguys howling.

    • Haha 1
  4. I have their Pipe Organ and St Just in Roseland Organ apps and use the latter for my church gig. Would you recommend the Mellotronics Streetlytron Pre over the `63, although for free I could just get them both & sort it out later, with later being the operative word since I still haven't had time to sit down and work with the Yonac Hammond app we discussed on another thread.

  5. 1 hour ago, Baldwin Funster said:

    Yeah b3x doesn't have stop in front. Sometimes IK can make things too real. Fwiw obviously a real 122 doesn't either.  I guess the skill to get is to learn to nudge a leslie to get to a tone you like in situ.

    Yeah, it seems like with a real Leslie in a room it doesn’t matter what position they stop in - it still sounds good. With the emulations there can be a big difference in the frequency spectrum according to where the virtual rotors stop in relation to the virtual mics. Also when you go from stop to fast the sudden change in sound can be too radical. Also trying to nudge it when you’re trying to play left hand bass along with something in the right hand can be a pain. Mixing in some direct line can help - an advantage for the B3-X. I wish the VB3-II had that. The Yonac does so we’ll see how it plays out. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Baldwin Funster said:

    Yeah I got it too. And I have b3x. And I have vb3, vb3m, vb3.11 and blue3 and and and... 

    You could call me a collector or maybe an obsessive compulsive,  I'm way too far gone to care. The yonac has a lot more tweaks than the initial sound suggests. It's not b3x but if b3x didn't exist I'd probably think the yonac was a go to.

    Yeah, I don’t have all of those but the B3-X was my go-to for a long time. It could be I overtweaked it until it didn’t sound right. The thing that brought me over to the VB3-II was the ability to set the rotor and horn to a chosen position on stop, which is how I usually use the Leslie. I couldn’t find that on the B3-X but it could very well be that it has that ability and I was just too dumb to find it. Haven’t had time to see if the Yonac does that or not. 

  7. On 5/14/2024 at 10:27 AM, Baldwin Funster said:

    Needs more click.

    I just picked it up and have been fiddling around with it a little bit after our gig setup. If you go to the cabinets section and mess around with those options plus you can add in some of the direct line and it should have sufficient click. Overall it doesn’t seem like it will surpass the big 2 but I haven’t found time to tweak it. As far as the VB3, there’s something about that one that doesn’t quite cut it for me although my current app of choice is the VB3-II. Everyone is going to have different preferences though. 

  8. 51 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    How are you finding the new studio sounds? The bass sounds very realistic, and I am quite impressed with the new Studio Piano.

     I know this question wasn't directed to me, and I'm just in the complete beginner stages of learning this software, but I was pleasantly surprised at its Hammond emulation. A lot of the features on dedicated Hammond apps can be found here. Just at a quick listen the sound was pretty good too, probably not as good as our favorites though. I haven't had time to explore the session players but am disappointed they don't have Jazz or Latin Jazz players, unless they're hidden in there somewhere and I'm just too dumb to find them. It seems more geared to people who want to produce beats and I'm just too old to be a beats guy.

  9. 9 hours ago, Still VanDerGraaf said:

    Cubasis seems not to do tempo or time signature changes- making it utterly unsuitable in any pro sense. 


    Yes, this is my main gripe with them also. It has supposedly been requested by users but it seems like every review, when they come out with an update, mentions that they have ignored our wishes again.

  10. 1 hour ago, Reezekeys said:

    The hits keep coming!




    Everybody loves these Nords!





    Look, everybody is signing up with Facebook just to let us know how great this deal is!

    (That's right, every commenter in this thread is a brand new Facebook user!)




    Complete with attractive young female to hopefully make us disregard our reservations.

  11. 42 minutes ago, allan_evett said:

    I saw something similar to that appear on my FB feed for a few days last week.  Some 'lightly damaged' or 'overstock' Nord keyboards were being heavily discounted... :laugh:

    Yes, I have seen ads for keyboards at a stupid low price on FB also. Those are easy to stay away from. I think they scammers had tried to tie that to Sweetwater also, IIRC.

  12. Last night an ad appeared on my Facebook page, purportedly from Sweetwater, with some outrageous discounts on UAD software, their Rhodes software for $50 instead of the usual 300, for example. After the instantaneous ignition of the GAS effect, it occurred to me that anything that seems to be too good to be true usually is. I called Sweetwater and they confirmed that this is not a deal from them. Just wanted to put this out as an FYI in case this ad appears in any of your feeds.

  13. One YouTuber I have followed switched his channel to a service called Rumble. It looks a lot like YouTube but supposedly doesn't track users & posters as aggressively as YT. I can't verify this since I haven't really surfed the channel but it may be a possible alternative.

  14. 2 hours ago, Phil Aiken said:



    On the flip side - keyboards that have that capability should allow the USB audio access to any onboard effects. There are some that do, but nothing I own does.


    If I were producing the album, this is how things would be.





    The Korg Nautilus will do this. Probably a lot of other brands will as well but the Korg is the only one I have a working knowledge of.

  15. 1 hour ago, Tusker said:


    Agree that it's tough for keyboardists to be seen as heavy. As for Billy, it didn't work out so well in metal but I think he's laughing now. 😅










    I saw that group. This was during my Long Island phase of living locations. A Hammond through effects pedals into a straight amp, IIRC. They played a bar in Amityville (Yes, that Amityville) called The Daisy. I didn't think they were crazy loud, but the owner pulled the circuit breaker to the stage. A back room shouting match ensued and Billy eventually came back onstage, finished out and was supposedly promised a few more appearances there, although I don't think that actually came to fruition. From what I've heard in the past Billy supposedly really hates this part  of his history and has tried to keep this music suppressed but certainly don't know this for a fact. The drummer, Jon Small, was really good and had been in a previous band, The Hassles, with him. The album did get some play from the album-oriented rock FM stations in The City also.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Tusker said:

    The launching of Guitar World in 1980 and the apotheosis of the guitar to heights of fetishization, is both a symptom and a cause of anti-keyboard sentiment in Rock music. The guitar after all is an everyman's everyday instrument. It was hardly seen in the concert hall till the 20th century. But the anti-elitist elitism of rock music flips the script. Street cred is cred and who cares if we guitarists are secretly stealing techniques from every other "elite" instrumentalist, from Paganini to Miles?


    I work with guitar players who are often far better musicians. I learn profound things from them. The less they have drunk the kool-aid, the more they have invested in music and the more rewarding the interaction. 

     Anti-elitist elitism. I've never heard that before but think it's a great phrase.

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