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Posts posted by jimkost2002

  1. AnotherScott & Jeje Funkyman-


    Note the wording: “derived” does not necessarily connote a 1:1 relationship.

    I can absolutely say the SV APs -both 1 and 2 iterations are of a lower sample rate and fidelity in relationship to Kronos/Grandstage/Nautilus. Can’t speak to the Vox as I don’t have much hands-on experience with it.


    As to the general “quality” of the APs, as Elmer says, we all have an ideal…..

    But, I can say Kronos/Nautilus are VERY popular in the Gospel/R&B/HipHop/Rap genres and I myself practice everything from Bach and Chopin to Jazz and Church/Gospel with high end open back Focal and AKG cans and find them quite satisfying. And I have worked with and/or played almost every conceivable DP or AP, but I’ll work with whatever the gig gives me. 

  2. The Grandstage and SV DO NOT have the same AP’s. Grandstage pianos are from Kronos +the premium add-on “Austrian Piano“ pack . SV  acoustic pianos do not contain the multi-sample levels of the Grandstage/Konos/Nautilus pianos.

    Even though the Kronos/SV/Grandstage have the RH3 action, they all feel different because of the different housing and bracing in each machine.

    I’ve owned 2 Kronos (a 73 and an 88), currently own a Nautilus 88 and have played many different Grandstages and SV’s from backline companies and studios.

    The Grandstage is a GREAT keyboard (as are the SV/Kronos/Nautilus) but they ALL have different purposes and I definitely see a refreshed version having a place in Korg’s lineup, but time will tell……and maybe we will see something at NAMM(?)

    • Like 1
  3. What is their aversion to pitch bend or mod wheel controls?


    The assumption is piano players don"t want/need it on a board they are marketing for mobile piano paying.


    So what are we driving at here? It"s a TP-40 variant?



    Elmer, your supposition would be correct if NP5 DID NOT have an expanded sample synth sectionâ¦..especially the new monophonic lead soundsâ¦.. it seems ridiculous to have them without a PB â¦â¦

    However, when I had an NP 4, I MIDIed a nektar controller to the NP4 and got the PB/mod functionsâ¦. hopefully you can do the same with the NP5

  4. As a Kronos owner, I can attest to its best in class soundset, excellent action (I have the 88), and absolute under the hood power!


    I am mainly doing AP and EP these days, so it"s a bit much for me and I am looking at DPs (Grandstage-which should tell you how much I like the Pianos and action-or NG/NP5).


    As a side note, I used to be a harsh critic of the RH3 action, but I have done an absolute 180 after using this for over 2 years, every day, for hours a day. The RH 3 has held up admirably and I have no reason to doubt it will not continue to do so through its life cycle, which I expect to be at least another 6-8 years from now.


    As another aside, I have literally used (in every professional application) or extensively demoed EVERY available stage piano EXCEPT Kawai MP11SE.

  5. Adamcz, the difference to watch for is between active (preamp built inâlike the suitcase) and passive (no preamp-like a stage).


    The preamp gives you stereo outputs trem/vib and potentiality for a hotter, more overdriven sound.


    I have an Active Classic 73 with the Chick mod for action.


    Mine was about 2-ish months if I remember correctlyâ¦.


    Congrats, it will last you a lifetime with proper care.

  6. Believing Cuomo has gone off the deep end in targeting live music has nothing to do with being a COVID hoaxer. But I guess it makes me feel better to know that now, he is also targeting dancing, darts, "corn holing" (I don't even want to know what that is) and other things. The science is settled: Anything FUN spreads the virus :). Which explains why I've been safe the last few months, as I haven't had much fun.



    Yes, agreed, although if you really dig, you"ll start to smell bs, and you just have to be a critical thinker, not Mel in 'Conspiracy Theory'. But that"s on your own time, off the forum.

    Believe me, I"m in the trenches and you DON"T know until you see it for yourself!

  7. destroying whats left of our once great city in preparation for the great reset.

    what's "great reset'.


    Look up 'World Economic Forum'+'The Great Reset'


    Also, IF you want a firsthand picture of our NYC Dumpster Fire courtesy of Emperor Nipple Rings (Cuomo) and Blas, sign up for the Smalls Live News letter (www,smallslivenyc.com..... I believe, or just internet search it'


    Spike Willner is fighting the good fight!

  8. what tunaman and pinkfloydcramer said.


    emperor nipple rings (cuomo), blas and their minions and henchman are tyrants bent on destroying whats left of our once great city in preparation for the great reset.


    my buds who manage clubs are being hit left and right:


    No forgiveness on rents due to closings in addition to getting tax bills from their landlords.


    Even with those venues that do live streaming, they are having 1 set a night only, which mean the club STILL loses 66% of revenue PER NIGHT, not to mention food and drink sales.


    It"s time to French Revolution these tyrannical bastards and say NO

  9. The Montage 8 is an amazing choice - Yamaha puts their nicest actions on their $2000+ boards. I prefer how the CP-88 feels for piano, but the Montage also plays and sounds excellent - not to mention the enormous sound set.


    I second the vote for Montage 8. Best action, buttery smooth and responsive. In sone ways I prefer it to CP88.

  10. Dear Forum Brothers,


    I am going dark on this forum for the foreseeable future.


    For starters, I have to prepare for a late June 2020 album release and to shift a majority of collaborative efforts online.


    On a human front, I am helping seniors in my building shop for food and medicine, as well as for out reach services for those most vulnerable and in need.


    If anyone here wishes to get in touch with me, please pm me here for my email and cell and I will be happy to communicate through those media.


    Remember, fear and panic never solved anything, but true knowledge, action and PURPOSE do!


    Blessings to you all and your nearest and dearest!




    He defines the word "icon".



    And the word 'titan'


    I am lucky enough to have many colleagues who have played with him in his Big Band as well as small groups. The stories of his generosity and kindness among them are as paramount as those of his incalculable musical achievements.


    I"ve seen him more times than I can count, up to 2017, when he played in duo with Joe Lovano at the Bobby Hutcherson Memorial Concert at St Pete"s. His normally robust bearing had become more frail, but the life force was still strong! He"d been sick for a while recently and had turned a corner back in 2008-9, but bounced back for a bit.


    Truly, an era has ended. Not just with the last living connection to the 'Classic' John Coltrane Quartet, but with what he brought to the music!


    It"s up to all of us who aspire to be practitioners of this music incorrectly monikered as 'Jazz' to follow his example as a musician and man.

  12. Hi Mike,


    2 Quick questions:


    1)Are the actions identical on the 310 and 510?


    2) Is the difference between the 2 models the level of editing?


    Thanks for all you do!


    The keyboard action is identical. The GP-510 has more tones (35 vs 26) and the finish is different but you're correct the GP-510 has more under the hood that can be tweaked and adjusted. Specifically the GP-510 has control over Open String Resonance, Aliquot Resonance, Pedal Action noises and the ability to store these and numerous other settings as a "SCENE".


    Thank you, Mike!

  13. Thanks to everyone for this FANTASTIC information! I had always heard about the Taubman method for years, but never delved into it seriously.


    What I am seeing here is very similar to what Gyorgy Sandor taught at Julliard and described in his great book 'On Piano Playing'.


    He studied with Bartok and got this approach from him. I also studied briefly with Albert and Miyoko Lotto, who were pupils of the great Sascha Gorodnitski, who was a proponent of this technique.


    Thanks agan, all!



    Tried to click on and got a 'this video is private' notification.


    I agree with DF, she IS talented, but I find a similar feeling... these chopmeisters don"t let the music BREATHE.

    It gets tiring to listen to and keeps most non-practitioning folk away.....

    For all their transcendental chops, Art and Oscar ALWAYS knew how to make music breathe!

  15. The Minimoog is, for better or worse (and you know which of those I'd choose), a touchstone. Even people who may not want to own a Mini will have some idea of what one sounds like. In a case like this it provides a corrective lens that cuts through recording gear, YouTube, etc. so that you can say, "Well, if a D sounds like that, then the Matriarch must sound like this..." It allows you to calibrate your ears.




    Excellent summation, Grey. Couldn"t have said it better.


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