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Everything posted by steadyb

  1. That, and the rest of your Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest photos are amazing. I want to go there now.
  2. I totally agree. Nothing more frustrating than after FINALLY having got yourself motivated to get healthy and really get into exercising (running, weights, hiking, swimming, ...whatever you choose), only to then be derailed by an injury. It's like, "Really?!?!? why couldn't that happen during all those months I was mostly just sitting on my ass, instead of now that I'm trying to do something about it!" Good luck in the marathon in November!
  3. We had a great reunion party Saturday night at Sportsman's Lodge. Right across the street from the old school. (now a dry cleaner)
  4. Keyboard program and Synth program '86 & '87 ...in the original building at Ventura and Coldwater. Two of the best years of my life...great times.
  5. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss..., Mr. Theodor Seuss Geisel.
  6. An older lady walks into a tattoo shop and tells the artist she wants a tattoo of her two favorite actors. She tells him she wants Paul Newman on the inside of her right thigh and Robert Redford on the inside of her left thigh. So the artist gets done with the tattoo, she looks at it and says, "that looks absolutely nothing like Paul Newman or Robert Redford!" Around this time, a drunk happens to be staggering by, so the guy goes out and grabs him, takes him inside, the lady gets back on the table, spreads her legs, and the artist asks the man who he sees. To which he replies, "I don't know who the hell two of those guys are, but the one in the middle looks like Willie Nelson!"
  7. I think I saw it with a squirrel who was on the way to a gig.
  8. Happy Birthday Dave Bryce, Old and wise, here's some advice smoke first, then drink Is the way to feel nice But if you drink to much and THEN you smoke The room may spin you around thrice Cleaning up vomit That's no way to celebrate The wife won't be happy And your birthday sex will have to wait As you hit big five - oh To Hawaii you should go But don't pull an entwistle Go easy on the blow When Monday arrives We'll be flying high Off to messe in Germany Racking up miles of the sky A long time friend And an all around great guy I know your hate for the Lakers Is just one big lie Go Kobe, go Odom, Go Pau, Fish, and Ron... You're the KC Godfather... But we'll call you "The Don" Happy Birthday, my friend. steadyb
  9. Dear Fortner, er ummm ...Steve You've got to believe I've done everything I can think of My wife won't concive I may be naive and wipe my mouth with my sleeve but maybe you can help Mr. Fortner, named Steve
  10. Dave's back. http://www.cynical-c.com/archives/bloggraphics/image.php.jpg
  11. MechanicalFuryX, From Miami I see... Well as long as you're not one of those blindly biased sports fans who thinks the Heat can do no wrong and goes on and on about how great Dwyane Wade and Shaq are. Just so you're clear, this forum is all about music, and when we do talk about sports, we do so in an objective and civilized way. Besides, it's mostly Laker fans around here anyway... Welcome aboard.
  12. I'd love to get a copy of that for my Apple iPod and iTunes... ...or maybe for my Apple iPod Mini. I could even lay down some cool overdubs in Logic Pro 7 (Mac only)
  13. (in the interest of full disclosure, I wonder if Dan and I should have stated that neither of us actually works for Dr. Seuss, we just like his books.)
  14. I like this one... http://www.musicplayer.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=010648
  15. I think this is one we should bring out every holiday season...
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