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Posts posted by KenElevenShadows

  1. 3247-2014-07-12-0253-280sf8iso200-antcarwithskull-kenlee_carforest-1000px.jpg


    And I may as well post another photo, this one again a long exposure light painting photo. And like all the others, all the color work, done with simple LED flashlights and gels, were done during the exposure, and was not created in post processing. This one is a 280 second long exposure photo, and you can see the result of the length of this in the star trails.

  2. Cool. And that's not even remotely off-topic. Night sky shots are, in some respects, a bit more challenging with film, although they also seem to be more forgiving in some respects, such as representing stars closer to their sizes relative to each other and not being as prone to noise in long exposures, such as dlgital cameras are with hot pixels.
  3. I have no idea.


    Are you serious? I could only do this during a weekend if I can at all. Hafta check later.


    I'm in town Tuesday-Friday, leaving Friday morning. ;-)


    Ah, crap.


    Well, some other time, I hope.


    While I've got yous guyses ears, I figured I'd share something else.


    I'm really proud and flattered to be included with these photographers in this ProtoMachines LED2 gallery.


    I purchased a ProtoMachines LED2 full color photography light, made specifically for light painting. Some of the best light painting photographers I've seen use this amazing light, and so when ProtoMachines asked to include me in their gallery, I was beyond flattered. The gallery includes photographers such as Troy Paiva, who largely pioneered much of this sort of light painting along with Lance Keimig, Ron Pinkerton (I met him a few months ago while out in the field photographing...really cool guy and very gifted photographer), Sandra Jungling, Timothy Little, and George Loo.



  4. Oh yeah, I hate it when that happens. :D






    This is a photo taken about an hour and twenty minute drive from my house in Los Angeles. This photo was near the top of Mt. Pinos, one of people's favorite stargazing areas in Los Angeles. Although in close proximity to the metropolis, you can see the Milky Way quite clearly, as you can see here.


    The bottom of the trees are illuminated by a night cyclist, riding slowly along a path from one of the camping sites to the parking lot.

  5. Well, that sounds cool. Since 500px is trying to start up licensing, they are looking for anything that they feel will sell. But the stuff that sells also has to be very good quality. So, yeah, congrats.


    Looks like I currently have 159 followers. Pretty good, particularly since I have almost zero interaction on there and am not very active. I just upload my favorite shots and otherwise just let it be.


    I have over 5900 followers on my Facebook photography page and almost 323,000 (!) people who have added me to their circle on Google+. On these I am considerably more active.


    And...well, this has nothing to do with our conversation, but here's another photo I took this weekend of the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) festivities.




  6. ^^^ I had quite a chuckle to myself as well :D .


    Ken , if your Dinosaur came to life , you would probably have a heart attack :D.


    Totally Awesome photo's of the Tribes People Ken!!!!!!

    (Congrats on your Win!!!!)




    Yeah, I read that and thought, "Hmmmmmm...."


    The dinosaurs would be terrifying if they came to life, as they are all monstrously life-sized. Wow, that would be something!!!!!!!




    Congrats Ken on your feature in the LA Times!


    The Day of the Dead photos are very cool. I like the processing giving them that wet plate style look!


    Oh cool, thanks! I really love doing those with that style. I used to get carried away and really really screw with them to make them look authentic, but I've got them a little sharper than they ordinarily would be if the paper were that antique now, just to give it a hint of modernity.


    Anyway, thank you very much!

  7. Thank you very much, Mike!


    I have a special love for the LA Times Travel section. As a kid, I used to look through the Sunday LA Times Travel section every week. I tried hard never to miss an issue. And that was difficult sometimes because my family did not receive the LA Times, so I used to look at my neighbor's copy. I'd look at all the mind-blowing, beautiful, fascinating photos of faraway lands and think, "Some day I am going to go to these places, and I will see these beautiful places with my own eyes."


    I am so lucky to have been to some of these places.


    So you can only imagine my excitement last year when my girlfriend ran in to the house, waving a section of the LA Times Travel section with my photo on the cover! I had won the LA Times Travel Editor's Choice for Summer Photos in 2013! Although I had won accolades from Smithsonian and National Geographic's and won a contest from Lonely Planet Guidebook, this LA Times appearance was extra special because of how how many years as a kid I dreamed of going to those places. And now, I had not only gone to those places and had a photo appear on the cover!!!


    So this latest appearance, like winning the Editor's Choice above, is truly beyond my wildest dreams.


    And yes...as an adult, I have had a subscription to the LA Times for years. I no longer have to borrow my neighbor's copy. :D :D





  8. I am one of the featured photographers in the LA Times. They interviewed me and are displaying some of my photos.


    The People Behind the Places: What inspires Ken Lee and his photography


    For the last several years, we've asked readers to share their best travel photos with us for our annual reader photo issue. We've received many stunning images, and we've gotten to know many budding photographers and travel enthusiasts.





  9. 5641kenlee_diadelosmuertos2014_d610-nikkor18200-womanveilabove-1000px.jpg


    Dia de los Muertos is about gathering families and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls and the favorite foods, beverages, and affects of the departed. This is one of my favorite holidays. I find it touching, sweet, beautiful, creepy, funny, and more, depending on the presentation and aesthetic and sense of humor the people have. The antique approach of the photos bring sense of timelessness, and often enhance the macabre quality of people in the portraits.


    Historians trace the origins to indigenous observances 2500-3000 years ago ago as well as to an Aztec festival dedicated to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl.


    All of these photos were taken 1 November 2014 in Los Angeles, CA USA by me. Thanks for looking.







  10. This is a photo of the glorious Milky Way arcing across the night sky over Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah, USA. I light painted this night sky photo to heighten the grandeur and drama of this most amazing rock formation. How it stays up, I'm not sure, but I for one am glad it's there. Really fantastic experience. This is a large high-res version of this photo. I hope you like it, KCers.



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