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Greg Mein

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Posts posted by Greg Mein

  1. 9 hours ago, Anderton said:


    • Trying to open a Bundle file that's been corrupted. There's no problem with the bundle file format itself, but it's like a Zip file - just one errant bit (e.g., blown flash RAM cell or CD-ROM pinhole), and you're screwed. 

    Bundle files were my primary method of saving backups on CDRs, it was the thing to do 20+ years ago, some of those CDRs would go back into the 90's. I can vaguely remember finding some of those discs to be corrupted quite some time ago but I thought I still had some around.


    I've done a fairly comprehensive search for them today but cannot find them even though I was rather certain I'd seen them since the move. I may not be able to get out of the starting gate.

  2. 2 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    This is why I also export my work as .wav files, one for each track and all start at zero. Cumbersome in terms of storage but you can drop them into any DAW and fire it up every time. 


    That's a great idea, however, the point for me would be to reclaim the MIDI data (keyboards, drums, etc.) so I could use some of the more modern software instruments/plugins on my "redo".


    If I could get them open my process would most likely be to export MIDI files from Cakewalk/PC and then import those into either Digital Performer or Logic on my Mac.


    Supposedly the new Cakewalk will open these files. The hardest part may be finding the disks and then hoping that some of them might still be readable.

  3. Anyone using one of these? In a world full of high falutin, overpriced, everything under the Sun emulating multi-FX pedals this looks like it might be just what I need. Simple, cheap and easy to work with.


    Since my main function has returned to guitar I've had a little bit of a dilemma; I have either my old stomp box pedals from the 80's (DOD overdrive, analog delay, chorus/flanger, Dunlop wah, Boss etc.) or the Digitech GSP1101, a rack mount processor with the huge tank like Control 2 remote foot controller. The latter is just too awkward and I've preferred to just leave it at home.


    I once had the Zoom 505 and although it was a minimal, plastic, low end little thing it did work. The pedal I most liked was the Digitech RP2000 and I kind of wish I'd never sold that one. This one certainly follows the 505 protocol; small, plastic and cheap but it checks the boxes on ease of use, function, size and portability. I especially like the fact it will run on batteries.


    I'd be interested to know what others might have discovered about using this thing, thanks!

  4. We just bought an EV Evolve 30M stick speaker to replace the JBL Eon One Pro stick speaker that has become intermittent. We've only tried it out briefly. Tomorrow the band will be over for practice and we'll see how that goes. There's no reason to think it won't work great. Fewer buttons than the JBL but on the upside there's an app that works well via bluetooth for adjusting.

    Our NYE gig will be the first performance use of it.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Anderton said:


    I don't know how versed you are in PWI (Perverse Ways of the iLok), but it could be that the license has been deposited in your account but hasn't been activated to your specific iLok. Or something like that. 


    good luck with Waves support. Haven't needed to try Slate's yet. Good luck!!

    It looks like the Waves issue is fixed after testing today, I was concerned because Waves Central still showed the plugins at V14 and although there was a check on authorized there was not one on installed. A good interactive walk through from the Waves website lead to the fix.


    As far as Slate, I suspect they've got my iLok user id wrong but I've yet to receive any assistance from either of those entities.


    ETA: I noticed something I thought was odd on my iLok account webpage. There are five authorizations associated with UAD plugins that coincide with the date I received my UAD Apollo Solo (Aug '22). I've never used UAD plugins without UAD hardware, you couldn't until recently as far as I know so, why would they be associated with my iLok account and why only five of them??


  6. Part of my problem is that I'm using three different MBPs for various different things and I don't want to do any OS updates because important programs would die. I got burned real bad a number of years ago when a Mac OS update killed my Logic Pro 9 along with Final Cut and it was a lesson I'll never forget. This leads to some confusion and frustration when ordering/updating plug-ins. Is it just me or do Mac OS updates come out fast and furious these days?


    For example I "renewed coverage" on all my waves plugins recently and updated to version 14 but now I have a little problem with my middle MBP (2017); for fear of losing Photoshop CS6 I will not update from Mojave (10.14.6) but it turns out that the waves plugins I want on there can be no higher than ver. 13. Supposedly I can fix that but it didn't appear to work for me yesterday.


    Another incident arose yesterday. I bought Steven Slate Drums 5 on sale last week. I had an older version years ago and liked it so I thought it would be fun to try it again, however, I couldn't have been more wrong. They still use iLok and I have an iLok account and dongle thing but none of this would let me run it even though the receipt read that I wouldn't need an authorization code. What a mess!





  7. On 11/21/2023 at 2:19 PM, Polychrest said:

    Inger Andersen, the United Nations Climate Programme executive director, said this recently: “There is no person or economy left on the planet untouched by climate change, so we need to stop setting unwanted records on emissions, temperature and extreme weather. We must instead lift the needle out of the same old groove of insufficient action, and start setting other records: on cutting emissions and on climate finance.”


    🦧 Fascinating! What a dream job this person has; jet setting around the world blaming the unwashed masses for something that humans have no control over. I wonder what the salary is and who pays it??

  8. The only reason that comes to mind for me is isolating instruments in order to help learn your parts for your cover band.


    A number of years ago there was a program called Jammit that actually got ahold of master tapes and could split out the different parts. It also included a player with notation and/or tab.


    It seemed like a program with a bright future but the song selections were limited. You would buy the songs individually. I liked the program but it didn't last and died off.

    A while later someone came along and picked it up; did some reprogramming, offered up all the songs, called it Crammit and sold it for a while. I can still run that version on my oldest MBP.

  9. 2 hours ago, Anderton said:


    You have a lot more faith in people than I do! 


    Also, imagine what would be possible during a messy divorce if someone wanted to ruin someone else's reputation via social media.


    I'm happy you have faith in people



    You gotta have faith, haha, well ok then, I will!


    The divorce part reminds me of the city I previously lived in for many years. Speed cameras had been installed on the interstate that went through downtown. In one instance I'd heard about a woman on the outs with her husband that drove his car at a high rate of speed numerous times along that section knowing that all those tickets would be mailed to him. A valiant effort but at the end of the day those tickets aren't worth the paper they're printed on.


    This is a topic i really shouldn't have stepped into on this particular forum. I only wish everyone here the best of success!

  10. 1 hour ago, Anderton said:


    It's so much more than that, like the video I mentioned of you assaulting the waitress. I saw it with my own two eyes :) 

    This will never happen, main reason being chain of evidence, without it a prosecutor is going to laugh at you and the judge will not allow it to be entered. This type of evidence has to be collected at the crime scene, documented and securely stored. Furthermore, If someone at my level is capable of making such a video than I'd also have access to the same tools and can create a video of the prosecutor having sex with the judge while flying with the president on Air Force One. My lawyer is going to have a field day!

  11. 19 hours ago, analogika said:

    I'm sure that social media companies, for example, give more than a small f*ck about what the world's most populous country does. Being the biggest upcoming market and all, you know. 


    And are you asking why "banning the platform in their country" (of 1.4 BILLION people) isn't actually a threat a business might consider? 


    In a normal world I might typically agree, however, I'm losing count of the major artists that have stepped onto a political stump to such a degree as to alienate large sections of their audience seemingly without a care in the world. They've apparently achieved a level of sustained wealth where it no longer matters. And what's worse, those people are small potatoes compared to the ones who own large internet based enterprises. People at that level don't just speak the language, they create and define it for the all too willing masses to absorb.


    Politicians, wealthy elitists and the establishment have always been a "deep fake" to me so I'll never be able to share in any outrage over this, it's just more of the same.

  12. Can someone share a link to or point out a "deep fake" that would cause the leaders/politicians/dictators or whatever they are of India to be so concerned that they feel they need to take some kind of action against an internet business based in a country where they have no jurisdiction?

    The whole thing seems absurd to me on the surface, perhaps someone can enlighten me.

  13. The most recent interface I bought was a little Apollo Solo with TB3. I didn't want to buy another expensive interface only to have the connector type quickly go out of style (FW400/800, TB2). For what I do the Solo works just fine. I opted for the UAD not only because of the sound quality but also I had some plug-ins I'd bought long ago when still using a UAD Solo Laptop express card thingie in an older MBP.


    UAD can be annoying however, when you do an update it causes the UAD Meter & Control Panel to automatically load at startup and the only way to stop that is too edit a plist file buried in the library directory. Another thing that annoys me is that updates load every last plugin that they have rather than just the ones you own. The obvious ploy is to get you to try them out but when you do and then not purchase you'll be hounded about the free trial period being expired.

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  14. So far just getting my files categorized is a huge task, roughly 200 gig of files recorded with several different cameras and iphones over the years. Part of it is getting video into a format that works equally well on PC or Mac. Right now it appears that MP4 is a good choice.


    A funny story, I was converting one at a time on a website called Freemake, very tedious. Later I went to the website from the PC and it had a downloadable "free" program. Well it worked a couple of times and then became unusable by just popping up ads. They advertised the program for $59. I didn't really want to do that, I went to un-install it but then it popped up an ad to buy it for $10. Well ok, I went ahead and did that hahaha.

  15. Small stages, empty venues, disinterested/rowdy/fighting patrons, flights of stairs, electrical blowouts and technical problems are such a cliche, I'd seen plenty of it. It's impossible to pick out a worst. At the same time there have been enthusiastic crowds at packed houses on all different sizes of stages as well. As a general rule I prefer outdoor gigs.


    Since "forming" five or six years ago my wife of seven years and I were a duo and I put a lot of work into creating backing tracks but I was ready for a change and now we're a four piece live band having added a drummer and bass player. Having moved to a low population area however, our gigs are further apart but the last couple have been really enjoyable.

    We got on the bill for an annual three day jam festival that's a pretty big deal around here, just across the border in AZ. We came to watch a lot of it and our band clearly got the best response. Around the same time we played an outdoor gig at a fair/festival put on by our little city. Then we crossed a new threshold the Friday before last when we played an outdoor gig in Washington UT put on by the city with sponsors. That made for state number five that my wife and I have performed in.


    Hands down my most unique gig was several years ago when I got tapped to play keys for a rock hits show with the symphony orchestra.

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