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Everything posted by CyberGene

  1. I’ve read somewhere that we subconsciously enjoy imperfect (approximate) representations of something we know, because it makes our brain fill in what’s missing. Examples are: black and white photography, since the brain has to imagine color. Or, 24 fps cinema since the brain has to interpolate movement from what’s rather insufficient frame rate (compare the dreamy cinematic look of films versus the ultra smooth high fps of a modern broadcast that actually looks too boring and dull). I guess the same applies to analog synths that are never perfect waveforms and periods. Our brain needs to interpolate that to the ideal one. Or maybe my analogy is wrong, never mind 😀
  2. And to clarify, I don’t think AI is there yet to create any listenable jazz. But it can certainly do soon, taking in mind how much AI is becoming a reality. And provided there’s interest in programming it to play jazz at all. I’m not an atheist. However, I’m not religious either and I don’t buy the idea of how art and creativity is something coming from some metaphysical space, divine, etc. It’s all a product of great minds that happened to be optimized for that particular field and be at the highest possible peak level on a world scale. Can this be recreated through machinery? Most probably. Can we humans create that machinery/models? Not sure. Or maybe not soon.
  3. See, a car is faster than you can run. But we still run. Occasionally 😉 Fear of technology has been a thing since the Industrial Revolution. We’re still here and kicking. As someone else said above, there’s no money in jazz, so AI is moving on to more lucrative genres anyway 😀
  4. Everything can be turned into an algorithm 😀 Spontaneous behavior is either random or triggered by stimuli. Both are features that are available to computers. Being able to react to other musician playing at the same time is what? Paranormal activity? 😉 What’s preventing the computer from listening to the band in realtime and reacting the same way as a human?
  5. Self-driving car AI is a special case which involves safety and regulations and is thus severely limited in its scope of action. BTW, I can assure you, current self-driving AI will most probably drive better than most people, and will result in much less casualties, despite occasional weirdness. So, it’s not a divine driver but is nevertheless a great driver that is better than 99% of the drivers 😀
  6. P.S. Jazz is an improvisation skill that uses a particular music language. The latter is formalized and a lot of it is in books and courses. Whereas the skill to do it in real time is both a gift and a result of a lot of practice, good ear and quick instincts (which in turn is just brain power). Apart from arguments about what constitutes gift, the rest is just a bunch of almost mathematical calculations performed in real time. Great task for a computer (regardless of whether it’s AI-based or pre-programmed algorithms. The advantage of AI is just the ability for algorithms to adapt and transform into producing particular desired output, based on training with given input and evaluation weights/scores).
  7. Well, that’s what I said in the same post. AI can’t come up with a new Herbie. However, it can certainly generate jazz improvisations that will be more or less good enough for anything less than Herbie 😀 I don’t understand what’s bad in saying it loud though? I don’t underestimate jazz players. Instead, I believe AI is (or will soon be) good enough to be a great improviser. Yeah, because a lot of jazz is nothing like that 😉 I said “acceptable”. I find many human made improvisations even less worthy of the label “acceptable”. And even some by famous jazz players. Let’s not pretend that all famous jazz musicians have produced only stellar impros all the time. Yes. Again, only a few of the most famous classical composers and jazz musicians are in that category. Everything else is just a bit less divine 😉 IMO 😀 And once again, what I’m saying is, AI will be good enough to pass as “great”. Maybe just not divine. That’s what I said, just re-read it.
  8. One of democracy’s greatest achievements is being able to disagree with people without having to kill them 😀
  9. I hope this doesn’t get interpreted as disrespectful but IMO jazz is the easiest task for a proper generative model. Jazz is so formalized with all possible devices of improvisation, (re)harmonization, voicing and rhythm structures described and taught to death in any possible online or academia courses, that it’s actually a wonder to me why it hasn’t been done earlier. As to Bill Evans, I love the guy and his approach (maybe exactly because of what I’m going to say) but his playing is extremely predictable and formalized to the point of being the easiest to use for ML, not sure it even needs a lot of training. While being the next big genius such as Herbie, Chick, Bill Evans, Lyle Mays, etc. (or Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, etc. for that matter) is a difficult task for either a mortal or AI (because we’re still in the early stages of AI where the models can only learn and replicate/imitate but not innovate), making an acceptable jazz improvisation is a matter of practicing enough, it’s not a divine stroke. Perfect task for an automat.
  10. @GRollins I think I get it now why I’m not familiar with your posts. They’re just too long to read. But I read your last one and it comes as condescending and self-righteous. And actually kinda hateful. Kinda hating the haters in a justifiable way. But I’m OK with that. I get your point. And completely disagree. P.S. And I do think that you subconsciously created this thread to provoke. Not directly but in a passive-aggressive way. And you succeeded. Now you have all the good reasons to denounce the “haters” 😀
  11. Thanks, that’s why I also love forums and the familiarity, the little society with friendship groups but also some respect even among people who often disagree. Which is why I trust you, and apologize to GRollins if my comment came across as harsh. I have only occasionally stumbled upon his posts and didn’t know him well. On a more general note, I am OK with any thread and any opinion about this or that, positive or negative, extreme or mild. I’m just not OK in an implicit assumption that praising someone is positive, whereas criticizing is negative and a hate. And then proceeding with some conclusions about the forum and humanity, let alone throwing qualifications. After all, someone bashed a third-party, and you then respond by bashing him directly. How about just skipping those posts you don’t agree with, even when they bash someone you don’t like?
  12. Needless to say I’ve listened to every Grusin record hundreds of times, including his soundtracks 😀 He’s very versatile. I especially love that he’s no shy about making very light pop type of jazz. But he also has excellent straight away jazz records too, the Gershwin is great, as is the Mancini one. I used to wear out from repeated listening the soundtrack for Random Hearts. Can’t imagine better music for a Film Noir. Terrence Blanchard on the trumpet:
  13. I’ve been following him since the very beginning when he used to have just a hundred of views. Very humble and knowledgeable guy, it’s fantastic to be able to hear and see how he made the sounds for Michael Jackson’s Thrilller. He started recently collaborating with Dr. Mix.
  14. Wow, those guys behind YouTube must be the greatest people on earth to offer all that to us for free 😉
  15. I'm not really convinced about the chain of events here. You kind of assume appearing on CNN makes somebody mainstream, as though Beato was some obscure figure known only to a small community of musicians prior to that. He has 4 million subscribers on YouTube. YouTube is much more popular than CNN. If someone has 4 million subscribers, there's huge chance that anybody on YouTube has stumbled on Beato at least once. And there's even higher chance that once someone watched a full video of Beato and is interested in music (and YouTube is a lot about music), he's been already profiled and targeted by the YT bubble algorithms to see Beato forever. So, Beato has been mainstream long before CNN made that article. In a certain way, CNN rather caught up with the general trend set by modern social networks and the Internet, rather than being an indication of Beato finally breaking mainstream. I stand by my words, a lot of people (virtually the entire world, more or less) already knew about Beato.
  16. This very thread is a contradiction and a provocation. Don’t tell me that’s not the case. Because, as has become obvious, people are very passionate about Beato, they either like him or not. The latter have ignored his YT channel for particular reasons. I have ignored him. So, what’s the purpose of creating the 100th thread here about Beato? You think he needs more popularity? Nobody knows him? How can I ignore this thread and future threads about Beato’s newest content? And do you think creating yet another thread will change someone’s opinion on Beato? And those who follow him would certainly have seen his last content, YT makes sure you see it instantly. Again, what’s the purpose of this thread? To me, there’s a hidden purpose to annoy those people who don’t like him and make them bite the hook, so you can then bash them about how they are haters, how what they say speaks more about them, negativity of the world, this forum going downhill and blah-blah. Nope, you’re seeking confrontation. Believe me, the entire world knows about Beato going mainstream, either from his own video about himself, or through the article itself, or through the numerous reaction videos that follow. Threads like this thus serve no other purpose than to stir the crap. And when it hits you, don’t start acting surprised. Negativity is everywhere, think about it 😉
  17. The internet gave everyone a chance to speak, but it didn't give them the wisdom to know when to speak...or when to shut up Doesn’t that work both ways? You’re making it appear as though only people who are positive about something or someone are wise and allowed to speak, whereas “haters” are stupid and shouldn’t be allowed to say what they think. What makes you think that people who repeatedly praise Beato and share his videos are somehow smarter than the rest? I’d say statistically, the more popular a video on YouTube is, the higher the chance it’s not very good or sophisticated.
  18. I don’t get the logic here though. I only find irony. So, Internet gave tribune to everybody and that’s bad because… haters. In good old times it was good because… only good people. Rick Beato, an influencer. Product of the Internet. Would be nobody in the good old times.
  19. That’s what I ultimately did a year ago. The shame is, I like some of his videos and I am certainly missing good ones now, but 80% of his videos are a wasted time for me. But YouTube is wasted time 99.99% anyway. I’ve been trying to minimize my YT time this year. I’m glad I abandoned social networks last year. This year it would be a great success if I can stop using YouTube entirely but that would be tough.
  20. Matt doesn’t try to increase his YouTube views to make money from them. That’s why he also sells samples. That’s honest. Also, it works the natural way: if you like my videos and want to buy me a beer, I sell samples. Click baiting, on the other hand, is much different. It’s making you watch videos that you may not like but that will bring money to the author. And, it’s the opposite of paying if you like. It’s paying before you have ever seen the product. I don’t hate Beato as some other people but I also have been annoyed a lot seeing his frequent videos appearing in my feed and realizing I just lost time in a click bait. That’s so much different with Matt’s videos which BTW are uploaded like once a month, even less frequent, and always very helpful and honest.
  21. Now that you mentioned it, I agree it can be put that way too 😀
  22. I actually like the studio version from his album and I initially posted it in my reply above but edited it later to replace it with a live version that is however a bit boring indeed. Here’s the studio version with sheet music: If you still ask me what I love about it. Well, everything 😀 I love that it’s in odd meter, it’s kinda polyphonic, almost baroque-like, I like the (sometimes implied) harmonic progression, the left hand ostinati, his staccato accents. It just melts me and is so much different than anything else. I also experienced a jazz burnout 10 years ago and I couldn’t bear listening to jazz ever since. I occasionally enjoy analyzing chords and stuff but that’s rather an inertia. Jazz and jazz related music doesn’t bring me pleasure anymore. And that Mehldau composition is closer to classical music (classical music is my all time love, it’s the alpha and omega of my music tastes since it’s what hooked me to music as a kid and stronger as ever, as an adult). That’s why it still brings me an enormous musical satisfaction. But it’s OK if you don’t like it, we’re all different 😀 I see that we share almost the same fascination with harmony and music styles. Maybe the difference is I overate too much and seriously burnt out myself in the process😕 That’s funny. It was the other day that I argued with some other guy on my forum about how I never liked the Köln Concert since it always sounded to me like a non-jazz pianist trying to imitate jazz 😀 Here it is: https://pianoclack.com/forum/d/1322-brad-mehldau-interview/40
  23. I haven’t heard about AI girlfriends and not sure what your point is but if we assume they’re a thing, then it takes more imagination to construct an AI girlfriend than just look at pictures of selected girls 😀 Speaking of which, I’m an X-er who’s been grown on thinking only Playboy girls are real girls 🤦🏻‍♂️ As much as I wouldn’t want to admit it, younger people are much more inclusive and tolerant towards people who don’t have magazine-perfect looks.
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