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Everything posted by bourniplus

  1. As others said, and if the seller is ready to sell only the Leslie, you might get only that. And start looking for an A100 so you'll have reverb. Yes they require some maintenance but I'd say it's not too bad. You could have the amps recapped by someone else. For playing at home for enjoyment, I'd choose the real tonewheel organ with dirty busbars and old keyboard felts over any clone. Just my 2c.
  2. Speakeasy's pedal preamp was supposedly modelled after the AO-28, however when I compared running through mine vs. the phono input of an AO-28 or even an AO-29, I could tell a difference and prefered the Hammonds. For some time I actually used an AO-29 housed in a wooden case for gigging, along with another pedal for speed switching -even though I owned the Speakeasy.
  3. Thanks for sharing! I had seen the Neo-Bechstein listed in Simon's Hall of Electric Pianos, but couldn't find much info last time I checked. It's interesting to see that it's single-strung in the bass and high treble, and double-strung in the rest.
  4. Dr88, this trick is very feasible on a clone. As long as it's a fast action. (I wouldn't be inspired to play those rhythmic chords on a weighted piano-type action.) Even better if it triggers high and not at the bottom of the key travel. It also sounds great on Clavinet or other simple, fast action keyboards. You could start by playing the same chord an octave apart. If it sounds too full in the left hand, just drop one of the notes. Bfields, regarding the order in which the harmonics trigger, on my four Hammonds no two notes are exactly the same although there are certain patterns. (As a side note, about a year ago in a thread on this topic, I threw around the idea that a clone with three -assignable-contacts per key would be enough to realistically emulate the nine contacts for the most usual drawbar settings. And now, lo and behold, the XK5 with its three virtual contacts. (Where's the tinfoil hat emoticon?!))
  5. As Funkkeystuff said, the key is the "3 against 4". That is, you play chords on sixteenth notes but in groups of 3: RIGHT-RIGHT-LEFT and keep this going... eventually the pattern will repeat every third bar! The "lowered chord" is a nice trick as well but it's not in the original video you posted. And as Sven said, the multi-contact thing will affect how this sounds, especially the left-hand slap.
  6. Well, I cleaned the contacts with isopropyl alcohol and the problem is gone. The longest part of the job was putting the strips back in place properly, this probably takes 20 times the amount of time it takes to remove them! Thanks again to all.
  7. I just checked with Master > Utils > MIDI and indeed, it looks like all the values are available, but it's hard to get anything precise between 1-50, as soon as I play harder than pianissimo it gets in the 50's.
  8. Hi everyone, the B right below middle C on my PC3 sounds noticeably louder than its neighbors. It seems to have the whole range of velocity available, however it sounds as if when I'm expecting a velocity of about 30, it sounds like it's about 90, as though it has a different velocity curve, no matter what the patch. Any thoughts, suggestions? thanks in advance, Martin
  9. Thanks for the answers. One more thing: while I thought the organ engine sounded good, my impression about the overdrive was that it was close to unusable. Can it be improved somehow?
  10. Thanks. I see you can change the leslie speed in many ways, but can you actually disable the leslie amp sim? Even in stop mode there must be a tube amp sim of some kind. When going to a real Leslie this should be bypassed. Also another question: in EP mode, can the drawbars's position be 'locked' so that you don't accidentally edit the envelope?
  11. Hey guys, I just tried this board for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. I have a few questions, sorry if they have been answered in this thread. Can you disable the Leslie sim completely? Not just stop the rotors, but disable the amp sim as well? Do I understand correctly that you have to go into a menu to select Perc 2nd/3rd, or V/C 1,2,3? thanks
  12. In the misheard lyrics category: the 8 year-old French-speaking kid that I was thought Stevie Wonder sang "À Jessica, to say I love you" (means "to Jessica"...) I figured he was trying to reach her on the phone and was leaving a message on her answering machine.
  13. Cool story, Chas! and, hum... welcome to the forum!?!
  14. After listening to the track once more, I think I've figured something about the drawbar registration; the organ part goes higher than you normally could with a setting like 888xxxxxx, which would indicate that he used the 8' drawbar as the lowest drawbar, and so the percussion sounds an octave lower than what we're used to...
  15. Hey guys, recently I watched the movie Colombiana and heard this great track in it. (Actually in the movie it was a remixed version). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWqc4ZZusPo I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this tune (or even heard the name Alan Hawkshaw) before, I might just be too young. I just don't see why it hasn't become a Hammond classic a la green onions. (Or maybe it is and I'm just late to the party...) Such a groove and what a Hammond tone! Any idea how he gets it? Stock C3/122 with Leslie at 10??
  16. I suggest you check out the Organ forum (Hammond section). A friendly forum just like this one with lots of Hammond/Leslie geeks including myself. You'll find some of the answers you're looking for, and threads about chops, DIY leslies, mods, repairs, etc.
  17. If you have the place for it, I'd say get yourself an M3 or M100, they can be had for close to nothing. Be aware that they can be quite addictive and soon you might want a leslie... and a full console...
  18. Thought I'd invite you guys to my Youtube channel, if you're interested in live looping, I add videos occasionally. There isn't always much keyboard besides some melodica, but usually you can see at least a Hammond or a Leslie in the background! http://www.youtube.com/user/CesarAuguste80
  19. Hey richsteen, great work! too bad you didn't keep the pedalboard, though... what are those two black switches for on the left cheekblock?
  20. How do you call someone who hangs around with musicians? a drummer
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