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Everything posted by davio

  1. DING! Also, I like that style of knobs. Sheldon Dingwall commonly uses a rubber/plastic-type material. He doesn't scrimp on anything.
  2. Or a cover band that plays Killer Tofu and Two Out of Three Ain't Bad? http://consequenceofsound.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/714184.jpg + http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51G7EN%2Bl5-L._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  3. Beatloaf...that sounds like a sweet name for a hiphop group.
  4. That was effing hilarious. Japanese absurdist humor. I loved the milk chug near the end. I wish I could play like that.
  5. As long as I got paid I wouldn't give a crap what choice I was.
  6. Nononononono...not that at all! You should send me the Millenium V.
  7. The compound they called an office building where I last worked had a little convenience store next to the cafeteria that sold Green Mountain coffee. It was quite good and ever since we got a Costco membership I've been buying a 3 lb. bag of their beans every trip. It also happens to be one of the least expensive coffees they have per lb. I used to be a pretty finicky coffee snob but I've settled for anything that doesn't require financing or taste like it was used to clean an ashtray. There is also a local icecream shop here that I'm in love with that has extraordinary coffee. Dunks 4 Life, beaches!
  8. Baristas? Why do they get a fancy name. It's basically a fast food joint. 6 basic items arranged in different ways. You wouldn't give the french fry guy at McDonald's a title of Fryilator Extraordinaire . These people need to get over themselves. Spell check doesn't recognize the title so I won't either. The first time I heard someone proudly call themselves a barista I spit my coffee out of my nose so far the custodial engineer had to wipe down the walls and floor. Oh wait, that was a barista that wasn't busy, sorry. And really sorry about that incident in the bathroom, you know guys don't quite have that "hover" thing down to a science yet but given the product they sell, they should be used to sudden inspirational moments in the lavatory. I'll take a good honest cup of coffee from a busy diner or breakfast spot any day. Nice. THanks for the laugh.
  9. That's more or less a universal truth.
  10. Well they closed the one nextdoor and he can't be bothered to cross the street to the other one.
  11. Oh yeah...the entire thing was totally reasonable and most of it seemed to be just common sense.
  12. I can't believe I just read all 18 pages of that. It's effing brilliant. If you don't want to read it all, at least read the first and last pages.
  13. One spatula...ah ah ahhhh...
  14. I'd play it if somebody gave it to me.
  15. If a band is to have my name, it must have at least 3 misspelled words in it. "davio ans teh destroyerz" would work but "the davio destroyers" just doesn't cuit teh mustaed.
  16. HAH! The vast majority of time I spent with the Dickens was in FL with my last band. I wouldn't call it an experiment...that thing was a work horse for me for a long time. I cut it in half and now I'm down to a Tri-112L. Similarly, Chester started with me in FL for over a year and hauled our frozen carcases up here in the dead of winter a few seasons ago pulling a loaded U-Haul trailer that was the same size as he was. He's been worth every penny I spent on him. Both served me exceedingly well but their time came and went. The Dickens became a hindrance because it was too big for living on the 3rd floor and I don't need it for any of the gigs I play up here. Chester apparently has an invisible target painted on him that only criminals can see. Funny tidbit: when I called the impound with my plate number they asked for a description of the vehicle including make, model and color. I replied "Chevy, Astro, mostly white...if you look where there's still paint." RIP Chester. You will be missed.
  17. I can't believe I forgot to post about this. Friday I got one of those cards from the post office saying I had a package to pick up so I grabbed my keys and started walking up the street to jump in Chester to run to the post office. Yes, my creepy child molester van is named Chester. It wasn't there. I walked around the block because sometimes I have to park over there because the street parking is filled up on my street. Nothing. I called the city impound to see if it had been towed or if it was stolen. They had it. But it had been towed for street cleaning. We don't have to move for street cleaning in my neighborhood. Turns out it had been stolen, driven to a sh***y part of town about 20-30 minutes south (Dorchester for anybody who knows Boston) and they stole both back seats (they cut one of the seatbelts because they couldn't figure out how to push the button to disconnect it). They also ripped off one of the back door panels to see if I had good speakers which doesn't make sense because the van doesn't have a stereo (that had been stolen when somebody broke one of the windows for it a few months ago...it still has the clear visqueen Gorilla Taped to the door). They jacked up the ignition and the back door lock because there's no inside handle to get the seats out. $135.22 later it's parked in front of my apartment with the battery disconnected and the Salvation Army is sending somebody out tomorrow morning to pick it up for donation and subsequent auction. It's become more of a liability than an asset in recent months and with Boston's decent (from a Floridian's standpoint) public transportation and my Zipcar (www.zipcar.com if you don't know what it is) membership I should be ok until I can afford a new vehicle further on down the road. As for Tom's veiled attempt at getting me to NY in the other thread...only if I can manage the Fung Wah bus or something and somebody feels like picking me up and dropping me off. But that's a lot to ask so I won't. If somebody were to offer, though...that would be different.
  18. Thanks for helping the situation, Bri-man.
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