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Everything posted by davio

  1. Wow...no posts on the forum for 5 hours on a Friday night. Almost like you guys have a life. Here I am cracking jokes about people not having lives when I'm sitting at the computer on a Friday night with beautiful weather and a handful of local shows I'd rather be at.
  2. I got my hands on Photoshop several days ago and I've been trying to reacquaint myself with it since I haven't had it for a few years and the meager skills I had have faded quite a bit. Last night I was trying to come up with a costume for a "Rock Star Party" my room mates decided to throw in November where everybody will dress up as a rock/pop/rap/whatever star and play Rock Band (among other things). Here's what I came up with: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs261.snc1/8823_104712996206006_100000019186690_131976_6100074_n.jpg
  3. Speaking of smooooth jazz...I just saw a pic of my buddy from high school (Eric Darius) posing with Kenny G and Dave Koz at Dave's Hollywood star reception. http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs238.snc1/8527_1142710528159_1239348319_30428991_7146337_n.jpg Eric will have his own star one day. Google him if you enjoy smooooth jazz and don't know him yet.
  4. For the win! I'm going to try and talk one of my singers into doing a solo album under this pseudonym.
  5. Really?!? We almost made it 2 weeks!
  6. Yeah, but I was pointing out that it's a Mexi-JAZZ not STRAT...count the strings.
  7. You're working right there so wouldn't that make you remotely involved? Taint punch away!
  8. Strat??? Just because you live and die by your off-brand doesn't mean you shouldn't recognise a Jazz bass without an autograph on it!
  9. If you're not a tone whore who's willing to pay exponentially more $$ for the ability to eek sweeter tone out of a carved instrument, laminate is the way to go (like Flank's and mine). They don't usually require that much maintinence but there is some routine work that should be done from time to time (like replacing the sound post) that can avoid much greater problems later. Although, I went for 11 or 12 years without replacing my sound post. I could really tell the difference in tone when I did, though. I don't really trust myself with anything beyond changing the strings and cleaning the instrument because the slightest movement of the bridge (or numerous other things) can have a huge impact on tone and playability. But then, there are those who play jazz and rockabilly (among other things) who never have any work done at all and are perfectly happy with their instrument.
  10. This all stems from the sound post. I've been advised by the guy I found who does the maintinence on my URB up here (he also plays bass for the Boston Symphony) to have two sound posts made: one for Spring/Summer and one for Fall/Winter. They are made of unfinished wood and react to temperature and humidity changes. It's also one of the most important structural and tonal pieces in the instrument. The new tail cable (unless there's something wrong with yours) may be them trying to keep the dollars flowing. Many URB people have differing oppinions on the importance of tail cable materials, etc. Mine had a coat hanger wire for years after I got it. It's probably something you can do without (unless your current one is jacked up). But that's just a drop in the bucket. The crutch tip is also a preference thing. You can go buy a rock stop or your own crutch tip and look around for a better price. The fingerboard thing is probably needed (I had some pretty bad waves in mine before the first time I took it to my guy). Recutting the bridge is necessary after working on the fingerboard. Again, it's a preference thing. It's like the difference between finished and unfinished necks on bass guitars. Most URB players I've met prefer unfinished like your guy is suggesting but I've known a few who like it finished. I think finished necks feel sticky and are hard to get around on but that's me.
  11. Well, their definition #2: I'd say he's not an instrumentalist, but he was a musician. He was a vocalist (different from a singer) and (IMO) just because he relied on rhythms without notes doesn't make him any less a musician than the snare drummer in a marching band.
  12. Define music and you'll have your answer. It might differ from my answer, but you'll have your answer none the less.
  13. Nice...I see a custom bass in your future.
  14. Just be very clear from the getgo where their fingers can and cannot go.
  15. Island Of Squirting From Both Ends
  16. Credit for that one can actually go to the gf.
  17. Squirting From Both Ends' Revenge
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